March 5, 2013
Keanu Reeves, Laurence
Fishburne, and Carrie-Ann Moss
Yes, I will be the first to admit that calling a movie with
an 8.7 rating on the Internet Movie Database "underloved" is kind of
ridiculous. I mean, according to people who watch a lot of
movies on the internet, The Matrix has been named one of the 250 best
movies of all time. In fact I can almost guarantee that it
will be the most highly ranked IMDB movie I am going to write about on
this countdown. So yes, let's get that argument out of the
way right at the start. Yes, I know that a TON of people out
there love The Matrix. Yes, a ton of people out there love it
to death.
But here is the thing. I still don't think that it is
revered as it should be. 8.7 rating be damned.
The Matrix is one of the most awesome movie
theater experiences that has ever been made.
I already wrote about this in my Police Academy review, and I am sure I
will mention it again many times over during this countdown, but one of
the things that drives me absolutely crazy when people talk about
movies is this argument: "Well the sequels sucked, and that
makes the original suck too." This is the kind of logic that
drives me absolutely insane. In fact I would rank it right up
there along with this gem: "Well the movie version sucked so
that ruined the book."
Well The Matrix was never a book, so the second part of that paragraph
doesn't really apply to it. But it was definitely an awesome
movie. And it definitely had two lackluster sequels.
And because of that, to this day, when people talk about The
Matrix, this is almost always what they will say about it.
They will almost always say "Yeah the first one was cool but
then the sequels ruined it."
And I'm sorry, but no. That's not how it works.
The Matrix was awesome and innovative and fun and amazing in 1999.
And it continues to be awesome and innovative and fun and
amazing in 2013. As Stephen King once said when
people claimed that all the bad Stephen King movies have ruined his
books, "Really? The books that you love are still sitting up
there on your shelf, same as they've always been."
So anyway there is my defense of The Matrix. And why I feel
so strongly that it belongs on this list. The sequels did NOT
ruin the Matrix. It was absolutely the coolest movie I had
ever seen in my life when I saw it in a theater in 1999, and I just
watched it again recently for the first time in years, and it is STILL
awesome. This is one of those movies that I could
watch every week. In fact I just showed it to my
kids (who are 10 and 12), and I was thrilled to realize that they are
old enough now that they can actually sort of understand it.
My 12 year old daughter watched it and she said "That was a really neat
idea for a movie." My 10 year old son watched it and he said,
"Yay, fighting!"
Either way, this is one of those rare movies that has a little
something for everyone.

It also has spoons
Unfortunately, The Matrix is one of those movies that is almost
pointless to try to write about. Because anyone who grew up
in the 90's has already seen it. In fact I know a lot of
people who grew up in the 90's who remember not only who they were with
when they saw it, they also remember what theater they were in when
they saw it. Because it was honestly one of the most
memorable and life changing movies of the 90's. If you saw
this movie in a theater, and you loved it, then you REALLY loved it.
This was one of those movies like Star Wars that if you got
into it, it really sort of changed your life.

Bill, I totally blew those guys away! They're total
Now, if you haven't seen The Matrix before (or God forbid, if you have
never even heard of it before), well I don't really know what to tell
you. I mean, this is one of those movies that is
just sort of indescribable. It is mostly science fiction, but
it is also a philosophy movie. It is heavy on
action, but it is also heavy on exposition and ideas.
It is particularly creative when it comes to the concepts of
reality and free will.
Oh, and it also had what were widely considered the most incredible
special effects in Hollywood history up to that point. We
mustn't forget that.

Including the famous "bullet time" effect
The special effects in The Matrix were so amazing at the time that they
were practically ALL YOU EVER SAW IN MOVIE AND TV PARODIES for the next
twelve months. Seriously, watch anything that parodied pop
culture between the years 1999 and 2000. Odds are that at
least 50% of the stuff that you watch will have some sort of a Matrix
bullet time parody. It was all over the place. In
fact it got to a point that Matrix parodies were so popular and were in
so many places and were so pandemic that I actually wrote a comedy
sketch asking America to knock it off. That was one of the
last comedy sketches I ever wrote for a website called Saturday Night
You. I didn't even have a premise for the sketch. I
just knew it was 2000 and I was sick of every god damn thing in America
thinking it had to include a bullet time parody.

More bullet time fun. Whoa Bill, I'm spinning.
By the way, another thing I have to point out about The Matrix.
So many people love to refer to it as "a special effects movie."
That is practically all you ever hear when you talk about The
Matrix. "Yeah it was stuff blowing up and kung fu and then
all that bullet time shit." But that is such a cheap way to
describe this movie. I mean, yeah, the special effects in The
Matrix are amazing. They were amazing then and they are
amazing now. This movie is 14 years old by this point and
none of those amazing special effects from the 20th century even feel
remotely dated.

Especially this one, the very underrated glass explosion
But that is the thing. The Matrix is so much more than just a
special effects movie. Yeah, of course the effects are
awesome, but the philosophy in this movie is pretty awesome too.
In fact this movie is so deep on a philosophical level that I
think a lot of people tend to forget about that. They tend to
just remember the special effects. They tend to forget that
80% of the movie is Morpheus trying to explain that the world we think
we know is not actually the real world. And again, this is a
concept that has rarely ever been pulled off as successfully or as
creatively as the Wachowski Brothers pulled it off in The Matrix.

I know this isn't a real piece of steak. And I've decided
that I don't care.
In my opinion there are four different ways you can watch The Matrix.
There are four different ways you can interpret a movie as
creative as this one. And what is amazing is that all four
ways of viewing it are different, and all four ways are
The first way of looking at the Matrix is the superficial one.
You can just look at it as a special effects showcase.
Again, this isn't my favorite way to look at a movie like this, because
I feel it is incredibly superficial. But hey, the special
effects in The Matrix are famous for a reason. They
are awesome, and no one can deny that. So if you just like
people flying around in the air and doing weird fourth dimensional kung
fu and shooting and spinning shit then yes. If you like
special effects movies, The Matrix is practically the Citizen
Kane of those.

I love this shot
Okay that is the first way of looking at The Matrix.
The second way of looking at The Matrix, which is a little more
ambitious than the first, is to look at it as a straight science
fiction movie. Now, this isn't my favorite way of looking at
it either, because I am not the world's biggest fan of sci fi.
But many people out there DO love science fiction, and I have
heard many of them claim that The Matrix is the best science fiction
movie of the 90's. Again, I'm not really in a position to
argue for this or against this, because I don't really watch all that
much sci fi. But it is widely believed that The Matrix
redefined what science fiction was going into the 21st century.
And, well, if you like science fiction, I should point out that The
Matrix is already considered one of the Citizen Kanes of science
fiction movies.

Especially because of the bad guys
And then there is the third way of looking at The Matrix. You
can look at it as a philosophy movie. You can look at it as
an essay about reality and about the nature of free will.
This is a very ambitious way of looking at a movie like this, and I'm
sure that thousands of philosophy majors could sit here and write pages
about how amazing The Matrix is. And how it delves
into areas of philosophy that other movies are afraid to go.
In fact, if I was smart I would go get my friend Justin to
come and write this paragraph instead of me. Because he is a
philosophy guy, and I'm not. But hey, I do know enough about
philosophy to be able to tell you that philosophy students WORSHIP The
Matrix. In fact I would bet that they are more loyal to this
movie than special effects junkies are. And it is a very rare
movie that can inspire that kind of devotion from two different
segments of the audience.
Oh yeah. And of course The Matrix is considered one of the
Citizen Kanes of modern philosophy movies.

Truth? Or Happiness? Your choice.
And then there is the fourth way of watching The Matrix. My
The way I like to watch The Matrix is as a superhero origin story.
You know all those superhero movies that have come out between the
years 2000-2013? You know how practically every fourth or
fifth movie these days is some random superhero getting an origin
story? Or a reboot of a previously filmed origin story?
Or an origin story that is like everyone else's origin story?
Well try watching The Matrix as a superhero movie sometime.
Watch it that way and you will see that it is the single best superhero
origin story that has ever been filmed.

Eat shit, Batman. I got this.
You know, I guess there is a fifth way of watching the Matrix too.
If you want to really make me mad, you can watch it as "part
of a franchise." But whatever. Seriously, go to
hell if you do that. The Matrix sequels have nothing in
common with the original. Just watch The Matrix as a one-off
superhero origin story and you will be reminded how awesome it is.
You watch Neo fly off into the sunset at the end, and you hear that
techno music start up, and I have never seen a movie that ends with
that much promise and that much ambition. I remember seeing
The Matrix in a theater in 1999 and I remember thinking about it
afterwards, "I am never going to see a movie as good as this again.
This is it. This is the pinnacle. The
Wachowski Brothers have officially broken all movies for me."
In the end, there is only one way I can describe The Matrix, and that
is "awesome." You knew it when you saw it, and there was
a reason that it became as big a deal as it did.
Nearly every single frame of this movie is designed to make
you sit back and think "Wow, the way they did that was cool."
I honestly have never seen a movie that was even remotely
like it.

Even minor effects like this were incredible
I have always said that 1999 was my favorite year for movies ever.
From top to bottom, nearly every single movie that came out
that year was interesting and fun. And of course, I wouldn't
be alone in saying that my favorite movie of 1999 was The Matrix.
There is no way to describe that feeling that you had the first time
you saw a movie like this on a big screen in a theater. I
mean, I wasn't old enough to see Star Wars when it originally came out,
but I have to imagine that the feeling of walking out of Star Wars in
1977 was a lot like the feeling of walking out of The Matrix in 1999.
I have to believe that people in 1977 and people in 1999 both
thought the exact same thing. They both thought that they
were never going to see a movie this awesome in their lives again.
And they were both excited to wonder where the story could
possibly go from here.

Swallow this
And so there you have it. My plea to the world to stop
looking at The Matrix as a part of a franchise, and to just go back and
watch it again for what it really is. It is a one-off
superhero origin story. Featuring the underrated Keanu
Reeves, the memorable Carrie-Ann Moss running around in PVC black
leather, Laurence Fishburne as Black Miyagi, Joey Pants as
Cypher, philosophy and science fiction allegories coming out the yin
yang, and Agent Smith, who is quite simply one of the greatest movie
villains in movie history.

Wax on wax off motherfucker

There are very few IMDB 8.7 movies that I am going to claim are
underloved, but The Matrix has earned that argument because it is
awesome. It was awesome in 1999, and it is awesome
today. And people forget that. This movie shouldn't
be an 8.7, it should be much closer to a 9.7.
Please. I must implore you. For the love of all
that is good and holy please stop thinking of The Matrix as a part of a
* My
favorite IMDB user reviews about The Matrix:
Ignore the sequels, this
is The One - 14 July 2007
Matrix" is the driving force behind a string of half-arsed
sci-fi/fantasy films (including 2 bloated and inferior Matrix sequels)
that have appeared (and sunk without trace) in its wake since 1999.
This film had a similar cultural impact to the original "Star Wars" and
its high rating is well deserved. Often imitated but seldom equaled,
"The Matrix" set so many new standards that it became sci-fi's
yardstick for the new millennium.
It has that potent blend of
action, adventure, philosophy and sex appeal that distinguishes a
classic blockbuster movie from all the summer season also-rans. Name me
one other big-hitting action movie from 1999. You're struggling, aren't
Of course you are. "The Matrix" was one of the first films
to use "Bullet Time" camera effects in its gravity-defying slow-motion
stunts. The bone-crunching fights and action sequences were
choreographed by a Chinese martial arts master. The soundtrack was
littered with catchy tunes. The dialogue was peppered with smart
one-liners. The female lead spent a lot of time dressed in
figure-hugging shiny black PVC costumes. The set design and CGI was
awe-inspiring in scale. Did I mention the figure-hugging shiny black
"The Matrix" is lightning in a bottle. The Wachowski
brothers tried to capture it in 2 subsequent attempts and failed.
Fortunately the formulaic sequels haven't dimmed the appeal of the
original film.
I watched this the other
week for the first time in years and i was still blown away by the it
visually. - 10 December 2012
watched this the other week for the first time in years and i was still
blown away by it visually. When The Matrix was released, it was
such a landmark in the world of sci-fi, with its imaginative,
creative, original and clever storyline, everything about it is just
unbelievably fantastic. The action scenes and special effects still
hold up just beautifully and will blow you away. The Matrix is one of
those films that had to be seen at the cinema. I would love to watch
this again on the big screen. Once you watch The Matrix you will never
ever forget it for a long time, as it just keeps playing on your mind.
The storyline is amazing and will blow your mind. The entire film is
oozing with style and atmosphere from start to finish and all the
characters who will take you on that journey you just don't want to
end. The film sends out a very good and philosophical message. Yes.
This film has it all. The Matrix is a true genre classic by the
A great epic that sets
the stage for the next level in sci-fi... - 27 April 2000
is to say what is real or not? We are defined by our view of reality,
no matter how twisted or demented it is in comparison to 'normal'
people. *evil eye* Yes, I see you all, looking in the mirror, trying to
decipher whether or not your view is the reality we all share.
Matrix not only supplies the world with a whole new level of special
effects mixed with style and substance, it also brings a whole new
meaning to the word 'paranoria'. This is one of those great epics that
becomes a milestone in our present day world, a mark for which just
about everybody can appreciate. Not since the original Star Wars
has a science fiction film reached across almost the entire population
and gripped it with awesome special effects, great sound, and a overall
feel of ground breaking movie making magic. It also serves up a good
dose of paranoid delusions we all need in our lives every now and then.
that, I leave you with the fact that I've seen more different types of
people liking this one film than most other film to date. Move over
George Lucas, you may have just met your match... :)
What is the Matrix? Well,
one of the best films ever, for one thing... - 3 March 2001
Matrix...when I first heard about it, I expected just another sci-fi
action thriller. Good and filled with insane stunts, but not terribly
Boy, was I wrong. Oh, the stunts are there in
spades, all right, and yes, they are awesome. And the special effects
are absolutely amazing (even if similar ones have been used in other
movies as a result- and not explained as well).
But the movie
has plot as well. It has characters that I cared about. From Keanu
Reeves' excellent portrayal of Neo, the man trying to come to grips
with his own identity, to Lawrence Fishburne's mysterious Morpheus, and
even the creepy Agents, everyone does a stellar job of making their
characters more than just the usual action "hero that kicks butt" and
"cannon fodder" roles. I cared about each and every one of the heroes,
and hated the villains with a passion. It has a plot, and it has a
meaning...and lo and behold, a plot does help the fight scenes! Just
try it, if you haven't seen the movie before. Watch one of the fight
scenes. Then watch the whole movie. There's a big difference in the
feeling and excitement of the scenes- sure, they're great as
standalones, but the whole thing put together is an experience unlike
just about everything else that's come to the theaters. Think about it
next time you're watching one of the more brainless action
flicks...think how much better it COULD be.
All I can say is
WATCH THIS MOVIE. If you haven't, you're missing out on one of the best
films of all time. It isn't just special effects, folks.
The more you watch it,
the better it gets - 23 April 2002
Wachowski brothers really did excel themselves with this movie. It's a
brilliant movie on a number of different levels - the directing is
excellent, the camera work is great, the visuals are stunning, the
kung-fu is A+, acting is executed with style and conviction, and the
plot is truly inspired. It's really hard to use enough superlatives on
this movie!
It'd be a 10/10, except for the ending. Having Neo
do what he does at the end really lets it down, in my opinion. However,
there's a couple of sequels on the way, so let's see what the
Wachowskis can do to make up for it.
Other than that, (and like
I said above) the movie is operating on so many different levels that
each time you watch it, you pick up something new... this isn't by
accident, either. The Wachowski brothers had the actors read a number
of definitive works (Simulation & Simulcra was one I believe)
modern literature and psychology, and applied liberal dashings of
aspects of the major religions to provide the best sci-fi movie of the
decade, if not ever.
I'm yet to meet somebody who hasn't enjoyed it. It's my favourite movie
to watch on a good cinema system, too.
True Cinematic
Achievement - 30 January 2005
the year 1999, "The Matrix" and "Fight Club" were undoubtedly the best
films of the year. The Matrix was truly revolutionary in special
effects, specifically in CGI (Computer-Generated-Imaging) technology.
The still cameras that were used to capture multiple angles of a single
shot, in bullet-time technology, was a creative new approach. The film
is initially suspenseful with people not knowing quite what was
happening until Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne) reveals that Neo's (Keanu
Reeves) reality was actually a fabricated world that is an elaborate
simulation created by machines. Neo and the majority of the world's
inhabitants have been stuck in simply a mental simulation prison.
magnitude of philosophy in sync with special effects make "The Matrix"
a one-of-a-kind movie masterpiece. College classes show this movie in
their philosophy class, and at the same time can prove to be one of the
best special effects movies ever. Supplementally, "The Matrix" also
provides endless action and a pretty solid storyline that influences
the philosophical ideas in the movie.
There are so many great things in this movie, it is just crazy.
color palette along with the time and effort put into stunts also
accelerates this movie on all filming levels. "The Matrix" leaves the
viewer a sense of pride in the world he/she can live in to just know
that people are capable of creating at this level. Unfortunately,
monetary and timing motives offset the potential quality of the
sequels. "The Matrix Reloaded" and "The Matrix Revolutions" were just a
waste of time and weren't carefully thought out, unlike the first
Even 10 years later, a
classic that retains its relevance. - 11 March 2009
know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same
thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh
why didn't I take the blue pill?" - Cypher
If there was one
sci-fi movie that defined the 90's, it would have to "The Matrix,"
arriving late in the game in the year of 1999. With school-shootings
and "Y2K" bugs baring down on the masses, it was only appropriate that
a sleeper-hit such as this one came along to truly capture and define
the end of the century. Whether it was fate or chance, the brothers
Wachowski managed to create a film that not only captured the
imaginations of its audience as well as played off its fears, but a
film that -- ten years later -- holds up and marks a high point in
American film-making. Simultaneously matching and surpassing the
groundbreaking special effects and outlandish action-sequences of
1991's "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," "The Matrix" set a precedent that
no modern film has yet to live up to, despite the mixed feelings that
stem from its two sequels.
Imagine everything you know is not
real. A fabrication, as a matter of fact. Your whole life, you've been
asleep, dreaming that you're living out your rote, uneventful
existence. You constantly search for answers, for the meaning of your
own existence, to no avail. That is, until somebody opens your eyes,
waking you to a new reality, a new world. A world where you are an
unknowing slave to technology (subtle social commentary, eh?) and the
world you thought you knew is nothing more than a computer program fed
to you while you sleep. Such is the premise of "The Matrix." Keanu
Reeves plays Thomas Andersen, a computer hacker who lives at his
computer and could care less to socialize, let alone get up and go to
work each day. He lives in cyberspace under the codename "Neo," not
realizing that he himself is being pursued. Soon, he is extracted from
the fabricated world – The Matrix – and faces a harsh reality through
the assistance of a philosophical leader by the name of "Morpheus"
(Laurence Fishburne) and a fellow hacker, "Trinity" (Carrie-Anne Moss),
where he comes to learn his purpose is astronomical, Christ-like, even.
He does battle against the agents – led by the sinister Agent Smith
(Hugo Weaving) -- who keep The Matrix in check, all in an effort to
salvage what remains of the free-thinking human race.
for its mind-bending special effects as much as it is for its
philosophical and religious undertones, "The Matrix" is a film that, as
it nears its tenth anniversary, remains relevant today. With repeated
viewings, the film still looks fresh and feels brand new. Despite the
fact that the "Man vs. Machine" theme present has been done to death in
other films, it is tackled by the script in a way that is both
unconventional and definitive. Its impact was immediately felt on
pop-culture, and still resonates today. It's more than just loud,
shoot-em-up fun with stunning visuals. It's also a timeless portrait of
where society currently sits and where its unknown future is heading.
Social commentary aside, though, it's still incredible entertainment. A
well-rounded, well-made film that will stretch the imagination for
years and whose impact should hold up as a benchmark for future
classics to live up to.
* My
favorite trivia about The Matrix:
* In the combat training program before Keanu Reeves starts his
furious attacks on Morpheus, he rubs his nose with his thumb and
finger, a similar mannerism of Bruce Lee before he attacks on his
opponents. The move was improvised by Reeves.
* Nicolas Cage
turned down the part of Neo because of family commitments. Other actors
considered for the role included Tom Cruise and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Will Smith was approached to play Neo, but turned down the offer in
order to star in Wild Wild West. He later admitted that, at the time,
he was "not mature enough as an actor" and that, if given the role, he
"would have messed it up".
* According to Don Davis, Johnny
Depp was Larry and Andy's first choice for Neo, but Warner Bros. wanted
Brad Pitt or Val Kilmer. After Kilmer and Brad Pitt said no, Warner
Bros. was willing to consider Johnny Depp, and then it came between
Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves, who Warner Bros. was pushing. Keanu was
always really tuned in to the concept and made a big difference in the
* For the cell phone conversation scene between Neo
and Morpheus in the Meta Cortechs office Keanu Reeves actually climbed
up the window without a stuntman, which was 34 floors up.
The Wachowski Bros. simply described Trinity as "a woman in black
leather" in the script, but it was interpreted tremendously by costume
designer Kym Barrett.
* Some personal information can be seen
on Thomas Anderson's "criminal record" that Agent Smith glances at when
he interrogates Neo: The last update to the file was July 22, 1998
Neo's date of birth is "March 11, 1962" Neo's place of birth is "Lower
Downtown, Capitol City" Neo's mother's maiden name is "Michelle
McCahey" Neo's father's name is "John Anderson" Neo attended "Central
West Junior High" and "Owen Paterson High" (named after the film's
production designer). Seconds later a photocopy of his passport can be
seen. There the place of his birth is CAPITAL CITY USA, his date of
birth is the 13th of September 1971, the passport was issued on the
12th of September 1991 and will expire on the 11th of September 2001.
* "Know thyself", the phrase in the kitchen of the "oracle", was the
inscription above the entrance of the Delphic Oracle.
The name of the company Neo works for is Metacortex. The roots of this
word are meta-, which according to Webster's means "going beyond or
higher, transcending," and -cortex, which is "the outer layer
(boundary) of gray matter surrounding the brain." Thus, Metacortex is
"transcending the boundaries of the brain," which is precisely what Neo
proceeds to do.
* By the middle of 2002, the famous "Bullet Time" sequence had been
spoofed in over 20 different movies.
* Before his character's final speech at the end, Keanu Reeves never
has more than five sentences in a row to speak.
Numerous sets of identical twins were cast as extras in the "Woman in
Red" scene - in which Morpheus takes Neo through a computer simulation
of The Matrix - to create the illusion of a repeating program. Example:
the tall man with slicked-back hair and sunglasses in the opening shot
is seen seconds later as a police officer writing a parking ticket.
The spring-loaded cell phones used in the film were Nokia Stilleto's or
8110's. These phones were produced in limited quantities and were only
available in Europe and in Australia.
* The Wachowski Brothers
approached Warner with the idea of the Matrix and Warner balked at the
budget they had submitted, which was over $80 million. Warner instead
agreed to give them ten million. The Wachowski Brothers took the money
and filmed the first ten minutes of the movie (the opening scene with
Carrie-Anne Moss) using the entire ten million. They then showed the
executives at Warner the opening scene. They were impressed, they green
lighted the entire asking budget.
* All scenes that take place
within the Matrix have a green tint, as if watching them through a
computer monitor, while scenes in the real world have normal coloring.
The fight scene between Morpheus and Neo, which is neither in the real
world nor in the Matrix, is tinted yellow.
* By filming in
Australia, the film-makers kept the final budget at $60 million. The
movie would not have been green-lit by Warner Bros. otherwise because
it would have cost a then-record $180 million for a U.S.-based
* The studio insisted on a great deal of
explanatory dialog as they described the screenplay as "the script that
nobody understands".
* All the color blue was sucked out of the exterior shots to convey how
grim the world of the Matrix actually is.
When Larry and Andy Wachowski's screenplay for Assassins was being made
for producer Joel Silver, the brothers brought Silver the script to
"The Matrix". The producer was bowled over by their screenplay but not
by the brothers' insistence that they direct the film themselves. He
told them to cut their teeth by directing something else instead, hence
the reason why they made Bound. The success of that lesbian crime
thriller proved to be the calling card that the Wachowskis needed to
earn the trust from Warner Brothers to direct "The Matrix" themselves.
For Keanu Reeves's scenes set in the real world at the start of the
film, his costumes were deliberately shabby and ill-fitting to suggest
Thomas Anderson's feeling of not quite fitting into the world.
In Greek Mythology Morpheus is the god of dreams. Somewhat ironic
considering Morpheus' role here is to awaken people from their dream
states to reality.
* Gillian Anderson turned down the role of Trinity.
The hotel and room number where Neo has to pick up the phone to get out
of the Matrix (at the end) are the same where Trinity awaits the police
in the beginning of the movie.
* My
favorite scene in The Matrix:
There are at least 25 great moments in The Matrix that still hold up
well amazingly today, but one that I have always thought was underrated
(and I pointed it out in my review above) was the shot of the
helicopter crashing into the side of the glass building with Trinity
swinging to safety in the foreground. I defy you to find many
cooler looking effects in a movie than that one.
The Matrix
at the IMDB
at Wikipedia
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