Danielle Wheelis Kamiya Tribe |
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Name: Danielle
Age: 19
Hometown: Pensacola, Florida
Occupation: Computer Engineering Student
Luxury Item: Pea Flute
A Navy brat born to Desman and Shari Wheelis in Norfolk,
Virginia, Danielle Wheelis spent the first few years
of her life traveling to various locales around the world such as
Italy, Germany, and North Carolina. Eventually,
Danielle and the Wheelis family with her new brother Scott Wheelis,
settled in Pensacola, Florida where Danielle
grew up in one of the best public school systems in the state. Although
she had an athletic tendency as a youth
when she was interested in baseball and soccer, Danielle eventually
learned that she just wasn't that good at sports
and became much more interested in books and computers.
Although her parents amicably divorced in 2001, they worked hard to
make the separation as painless as possible
for her and her brother. There was no custody battle, property battle,
or long arguments, but Danielle still has
guilty memories of times when she had to choose between her Mom or her
on certain days. Her life was exceptionally average as she graduated
from high school and, using the Florida Bright
Futures scholarship, enrolled in the University of North Florida.
She's currently a Freshman in college attempting to earn a degree in
Computer Engineering. She lives in an on-campus
dormitory with her roommate, Shawna Marks, and is ecstatic about the
chance to get out of Florida and push herself
to her limits.
Application Essay
A little bit about myself and why I’m the Ultimate Survivor…
My parents are both Filipino, although I was born and raised in
suburban northwest Florida. Although for most of
my life I’ve been a technophile and book lover, in the past few years
I’ve grown a love of hiking, especially during
the beautiful, crisp fall months. We don’t get colorful fall foliage
and light frosts in Florida: instead, the
pine trees fill the air with a fresh scent, the sun stays bright in the
sky, and the temperature always hovers
around the low 70s. I don’t usually consider myself close to nature,
and I’m a horrible camper, but for a few months
in the year, I can’t help but fall in love with the scenery. Besides
helping me to get in tune with myself, hiking
often helps me build endurance and willpower.
Probably my most difficult moments in life came during my last few
years of high school, when I was deciding who
I am. What career path I should take, what college I want to join,
coming to terms with my sexuality, explaining
it all to my friends and family, and trying to tie it all together into
one single person and into one single future,
all of it was stressful and difficult to coalesce. Eventually, I
managed to work it all out and have become a better
person for it. I entered my first choice University under a state
scholarship and have a promising contract with
technological firm in California upon my graduation. Spirituality and
religion aren’t my cup of tea, but I do now
understand the importance of finding who you are in the world and
coming to terms with your choice. I like to believe
I’m a very tolerant person.
In the real world, I’m skilled with computers and am very handy at
picking up new techniques and applications.
I tend to procrastinate a bit which sometimes gets me in trouble with
professors and administrators, but it isn’t
usually a problem. I’m quiet but attentive so I can catch important
tidbits and understand what’s going on around
camp, even when others assume I don’t listen or don’t care. I don’t get
extremely close to others, and people usually
don’t expect a lot from me, so they’re often surprised when I offer a
wise quip of advice or am able and willing
to help them with something difficult. In game, I’m sure that this
ability could translate well: I’m the quiet,
shy person in the background that comes up with the strategy to take
down the largest threat in the game. Keen
perception. That’s what makes me a threat in this game, and what I hope
will earn me the title of the Ultimate
Survivor. Strength helps, and openness can earn you friends, but anyone
can be taken down by the right combination
of strategy, foresight, and perceptiveness.
Finalist Essay
Why I stand out... I suppose my race is the most obvious, as well as my
play style and personality. And how many
Filipinos are you going to find with a Southern accent? Besides having
a couple unique talents, such as music playing
and orgami that could be interesting on the island, I also feel that
I'll be a fun player for the strategically-minded
viewers to watch as I tinker and toy with alliances from the background.
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