Henry Jenkins

Sato Tribe

Pre-Show Confessional

Is this thing on? Woah. Okay, hi. This is my first confessional. I’m Henry. I’m… a writer from Cambridge, Massachusetts. And tomorrow I leave on… a fantastic voyage. I’ll have nothing but the barest essentials. By which I do not include water, shelter or a great deal of food. I will have a level head. I’ll have a great deal of confidence. And an depth familiarity with uhh… with the program. With Survivor. Not that I, like, know anything about survival exactly. I spend half my time sitting in an air conditioned booth doing campus talk radio shows. I have a goal in life to see every single movie that comes out in mainstream theaters. I don’t always succeed (and sometimes I see the movies and wish I hadn’t.) But that just shows how much of my time I spend… safe. For like a decade sex was something I read about at the library. I’m really good in English class. I can be insightful and eloquent and sweet and even clever. But never a jock. I spend a lot of time on Survivor message boards. Survivor-Sucks represent’n! Hi Wezzie! Hi Anti! I’m on TV! But I mean, I’m not so lazy. Every Summer since I was... a little Martian in my momma’s belly… I’ve been going down to Lake Burton in the North Georgia Mountains – where they filmed Deliverence – and I’ve been swimming to the next island and back, fishing, trying to spear fish, taking the boat out, water skiing. Keeps cartons of kung pow chicken from like squeezing out of my belly button. It feels great to work out there. So peaceful. I go white water rafting once in a while. I’ve been bungee jumping. I’ve traveled all over Australia and New Zealand and like all of Western Europe maybe getting into the Eastern half a little bit. When I was in the fifth… no… f*ck. Like the sixth and seventh grades I was the best kickball player you could ever ask for. I’ve always had strong legs. Don’t ask me why. Sometimes I’ve had a beer belly. But legs like a soccer champ. But this game is a little out of my element. I expect it’s out of most people’s element.

Make no mistake about it. This isn’t gonna be easy. You’re gonna need your pasta. You’re gonna need your best running shoes. And you’re gonna need somebody playing Chariots of Fire in the background to win this marathon. It’s gonna be the kind of battle that tests every weapon in your arsenal. That comes down to the smallest of advantages. Most of the Sole Survivors they’ve had in the past have won by a single vote. That means if I win one of those challenges where you get to take someone along I better pick very carefully. I’ve gotta listen to what people say about themselves and remember it. I gotta do all the little things right. But it’s like if you’ve got a pitcher on the mound and he’s got great stuff but he’s a little nervous he might try to over-throw his slider. To put just a little too much doo dazz on it. So you’ve gotta watch out that you don’t micro-manage the game too. Everything in perspective. At a certain point I’m gonna need to trust myself enough to play a great game and just forget about it. Ignore the cameras, forget the words “I don’t feel like it” and “What if I can’t?”, don’t even take into consideration the million dollars that’s on the line and just make the move that feels right to you. Just grind it out. Cause this game’s half luck and on any given Tribal Council day anyone can go no matter – or I should say especially if they’ve been doing everything right up until that point. I’m actually feeling better getting this stuff off my chest. This confessional stuff is good. I like it.

Okay. I’m done. I think I’m gonna go back to bed and try to sleep. Maybe turn on one of those Japanese game shows…

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