Lance McHale Sato Tribe |
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Pre-Show Confessional
(Walks into hotel room and puts on a pair of shades and rolls up one pant leg of jeans.)
My participation in this game is dedicated to all those who told me I'd never amount to nothing, to all the people
who lived in Okinawa and had to make sacrifices for us to film here, and to all those who didn't make the cut.
It was all a dream,
I used to hope they'd come out with a Survivor magazine.
Hoping one day I'd see Colleen and Liz driving around in the back of a limousine.
Hanging pictures on my wall,
Every Thursday night tuning into Survivors stand under a water fall.
I taped the shows all the time,
Until I had spent so much on tapes I had no nickels or dimes.
Way back when I watched Maaramu eat limes.
I never thought that Survivor would make it this far,
watching Jeff take Kelly Wigglesworth to a bar.
Now I'm in the limelight because I answered some questions right.
Time to start the game which will lead me to my fame.
I'm taking home the prize like you thought I would,
I'm doing anything I can, and collecting fire wood.
And it's all good.
If you don't know, now you know.
I know very well, who I am,
not going to let the other 15 hold me down, will reach for the stars.
I made the change from a common guy; tall, lean, and not a narc;
to up close and personal with Mark (Burnett).
Survivor fans used to diss me,
hopefully they will write fan mail when they meet me.
My whole tribe is lounging,
we are celebrating every day and keep on channel browsing.
Lance Mc to the H,
It's all good.
(Takes off shades, and unrolls rolled-up pant leg.)
(Quickly puts on a tie)
Good evening ladies and gentleman, and welcome to Survivor Theater.
I'd be much obliged if you'd make my acquaintance for the next hour,
as we discuss the happening on all seasons of Survivor.
I have the honor and privilege of being your host tonight.
I of course am Sir Lancelot the Fourth.
So if you'll give us a moment for pre-subscribed messages,
the show will begin momentarily.
(Unties tie, and sits normal.)
(Crosses arms and leans back in chair)
How's everyone doing?
I'm Lance, your average run-of-the-mill American male.
I'm really looking forward to the experience.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.
(Smiles directly into the camera)
One word as to why I have a great shot at winning this game: Adaptability. That entire rap, which I poorly threw
words into, was winged from the hip, with credit to Notorious B.I.G. Next, I simply put on an aristocratic front.
Finally, a normal average male. I can be who I need to be, for who I am having a conversation with. With young
people, it might be wise, to know some of the slang terms, which I think I know quite a bit. At the same time,
I'm old enough and mature enough to carry a conversation well with elder tribe members. I consider myself an ideal
age for this game. I can come up with the information that sounds best to who I'm saying it to, at the spur of
the moment. If you have seven people, and all of them are hearing what you want them to hear, you're doing a good
job. All of my bags are packed and I'm ready to go, I'm standing her inside the hotel room door. That is unless
of course, they pull a Pearl Islands on us, and I have to leave my gear here. Obviously, sixteen capable, and
strategic people have been selected for this game. In a process this large, the producers are going to pick the
sixteen people, who are the most strategic, so I know have some cards stacked against me. Because of this, my
motto for the next thirty-nine days, will be simple. Just three words: "Shock the world."
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