Matt Carter

Sato Tribe

Pre-Show Confessional

I woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head…

Okay, so my karaoke skills are nowhere near where they should be, but the Beatles are a definite classic and should not be ignored, even in the context of Survivor. Well, I'm sure I'd feel much worse if I weren't under such heavy sedation. They were very generous with the minibar I tell you what now… All right, once more I kid, I don’t touch liquor. Now, I may look at it and mock it every so often, but touch or ingest? No way in hell. I don’t do drugs or drink, it’d screw me up. I’d have to be, normal…


It’s all happening, I can’t believe it, but it is all happening. Craziness.

So, who am I you might ask, who is this freak in the overalls and the hockey mask? The name’s Carter, Matt Carter, and that “debonair” James Bond introduction is the closest I can manage to being cool at the moment. I’m doing the Survivor thing, most everyone said I was crazy for even trying it, and you know what? They’re probably right. But they’re skinny and I’m fat, starvation makes a hell of a lot more sense if you got the tissue to lose in the first place, so today I start the great Survivor diet. Or something like that. Or not, then I get voted out first and get pushed face first into a fire screaming, “Holy dear god make it stop! The pain! The pain! My face, my valuable face!!!”

Okay, that was random, but that’s who I am. That’s what you got. The hockey mask here isn’t a sign of my fledgling sanity, it’s more of something to make people think I’m crazy and underestimate me. That, and it’ll definitely freak out the other tribe during challenges methinks.

I’m betting that I’m abnormal enough to survive. Not positive, but there is a distinct chance of it. I’m probably poorly cut out for this game, seeing as how I like to be honest as much as I can, though honest people have won in the past. That, and honest people have been kicked out of their tribes because they didn’t like what they hear. The truth hurts, I’m just surprised that some people have yet to accept that. That’s me, what you see is what you get. I’m no lord of the flies, though I got the survival thing down. In this game, it’s going to be me and my hockey mask and with any luck a machete.

Trust? Trust is a four letter word in the game of Survivor, and that may be my one downfall. I live, I learn, and I trust. Much moreso than the living and the learning.

So, what you have sitting before you is a virgin, redhead, Irish, Cancer, Ox, which basically translates into me being sexually frustrated, hot-tempered, stubborn, emotional and eccentric. Yup, that about sums it up.

Okay, sleep is coming on, tomorrow I land on the island, hockey mask in hand. Any final words? Oh yeah, just a few.


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