Murtz Jaffer Kamiya Tribe |
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Pre-Show Confessional
When you think of the word Survivor, there is only one word that follows it. It isn’t Outwit, or Outplay, or
even Outlast. Thanks to Richard Hatch, the word that is synonymous with the hit CBS reality show is “alliance”.
You cannot win the game without aligning with somebody. The alliance does not have to be permanent. The alliance
does not have to be temporary. You just need people to step on in your ascent to the top.
When I was told that I would be participating in Survivor Okinawa, I decided to think about an alliance early on.
Who would make the best alliance partner? Who would I use and then betray? Who could I count on no matter what?
As I attempted to answer these questions, I kept saying the forbidden word over and over again. Alliance. Alliance.
Alliance. What is it? A creation of allies. But what is an ally? I will tell you what it is.
A lie.
There are no friends in this game. Anyone who plays this game to makes friends is not equipped to win. That’s fact.
There is only one way to play this game, and it is to lie. To do whatever you can to get past each vote. And that
is my strategy. To do whatever it takes to get to the next round.
Whether I go out first as many of you will want me to, or if I end up winning… I guarantee that I will be the most
entertaining to watch in this game and if I am not, I will tip my hat to whoever is. With all of the experience
I have in running Survivor-Central and talking to former Survivors on a daily basis, I have had a strategy of my
own that I would never have had a chance to use until now. I have a theory that says that you can build ten years
of loyalty from a person, if you can get them to be sympathetic toward you. That my friends, is what I plan to
I will pretend to have a sick mother. I will pretend that she is dying. I will pretend that no one needs this win
more than I do.
If I go out first, I will sugarcoat it by saying that I had the ballsiest strategy out there. If I win, I will
say that I was the best player. I will be satisfied no matter what the outcome.
Too often people say that they go on Survivor for one of three reasons. They want the money. They want the adventure.
Or they want to experience a mini-society of strangers. I want none of these things. My only motivation is to get
to the final two, because to me that is the goal that everyone should be striving for. I have long believed that
the Final 2 is the only thing that you can control in this game (assuming luck smiles on you). After that, it is
out of your hands completely. So I will do whatever it takes to get there. And the best part is, if and when I
do get to the end… I will spit in their faces by saying that not only was I lying, but that I was using Brian Heidik’s
porn name as my cover. Sort of like the cherry on top if you will.
They call this my pre-show confessional. If it is the first of all the confessionals that I will be making to the
camera-priest, then you might as well send me to hell right now because otherwise I may never get out of that confessional
room for all the sins I will openly admit to. From my luxury item to my last line at Tribal Council… everything
will be a manipulation.
Alliance? Allies? All lies.
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