Survivor: Okinawa
Episode #13a- Intensity
by Mario Lanza

Miyagi Tribe (red): Michelle Kin-Fraley, Mike Ruff, Isabella Smith, Amy Twieg

Day 37

The day seemed pleasant enough at first. After all, the weather was wonderful today. The sun was out, the air was warm, and that didn't happen too terribly often around here. But as the final four Miyagis moved about the island, starting their last day of full-on daily tasks, it was evident that the mood around camp was strangely subdued today. It was all so eerily quiet, and something seemed to be deathly wrong with this picture.

Because though it was natural for the mood to be somber the morning after Tribal Council, the strange quietness was especially jarring today because these players were the final four. These were the last four standing, these were the best four players in Okinawa, and the last stage of their drive towards a million dollars had already begun.

So in short, today should have been a celebration.

But the problem was that one person was upset about the events that had gone down at Tribal Council last night, and her mood was already affecting the rest of the tribe. Because when Michelle got upset, and Michelle had the blues, it was something that most definitely -everybody- knew about. When Michelle was having a bad day, you stayed out of her way, because she wasn't going to be very fun to be around at all.

As the rest of the tribe went about doing their usual tasks... Amy with her cooking, Mike with his traps and Isabella with her fruit gathering... Michelle had come down to the beach, all alone. And as out of character as it would seem, she had been crying. You see, Michelle had been in tears off and on ever since last night's vote. She had been nearly shattered by what had happened to her little sister Joni, and how Michelle had done nothing in her power to warn her or give her a heads up on the way out. Because just the look on Joni's face... just that sad and hurt final look of betrayal... well that was enough to drive anyone half-mad.

And Michelle didn't know if she was -ever- going to recover.

"Oh man," sighed Michelle, as she sat down in the wet sand on the beach, "I need to talk but I don't know where to start. I just don't even know where to begin."

Michelle's whole body slumped as she gave this confessional. And to the untrained observer, it would appear that she was just a woman having a bad day. But to the crew and producers who knew Michelle, the ones who saw her confident bluster and bravado in Okinawa each and every day, this was something -else-. Several of them had exchanged looks of concern about her all morning, because this was -not- the Michelle they knew. This didn't appear to even be the same person. The Michelle who sat on the beach now, giving a lonely and tearful confessional, was like some sad, hollow parody of the Michelle they had seen out here for more than a month.

Because right now, the game appeared to have broken her.

"Last night's vote," she explained sadly, "Was the hardest thing I've -ever- had to do this entire game. Because when I saw that look on Joni's face... when I saw what she must have thought of me..." Michelle paused to shake her head, slowly. "Well I just came back and sat where Mike's garden used to be and I cried. I couldn't help it!"

Michelle stared out at the ocean, not really even seeing the water. She just stared out over the horizon, as if completely oblivious to her current surroundings.

"The worst part of it all," she continued, "Was that I didn't even stand up and hug her. I couldn't even give her a hug, because I didn't want everybody to know how close we were. I just didn't want anybody to see us saying goodbye. And that, more than anything, is why it's bothering me so much today. Because I just never got a chance to say goodbye."

Michelle let out a sigh. She sounded very weary at the moment.

"And I know that it really didn't make much of a difference in the end. I know that Emma, Mike and Amy were going to vote her out anyway. Anything I did wouldn't have made a difference. But..." She paused. "... That's not really the point. The -point- is that I didn't warn my friend. She didn't know it was coming and I just sat there and watched her get taken out. And she went down -hard-."

Michelle started to choke up again, then decided to angrily berate herself instead. She never had been one to wallow much in her misery.

"There is -no- excuse for what I did! There was -no- justification for what I did to poor Joni. And I know I can try to fool myself all I want, but what it boils down to is that I was scared. I was confused and I was scared and I didn't know what to do."

She slammed her fist down angrily into the sand.

"My own alliance pushed me into a corner and I hated it. I hated it then and I still do now! I mean... you had Emma arguing with me on why we should push Joni right off the cliff. And then Mike chipped in and said he wanted to vote her off too. And to make it worse, you had Amy stirring up crap by telling Mike I had final two deals with everyone, as well as an all-female alliance!"

Michelle tossed a handful of rocks into the sea, now working herself up into one of her trademark rants.

"I had three people going full out on me and I wanted to deck each and every one of them! And you know what? I still do! Especially Emma..." Michelle's eyes now started to narrow, as she spoke aloud the name of the player she hated the absolute most of them all. "What Emma did, what Emma tried to make me do, was nothing but pure selfishness on her part. Because Emma -knew- I'd take Joni over her in the end and she hated it. Emma got catty, Emma got jealous, and Emma jumped at the chance to take out her competition." Michelle sighed. "And there was -nothing- I could do to stop it."

After a long moment of angry silence, Michelle leaned back and let out a low moan of despair and regret. Because she knew now what had to be done. She didn't like it, but there was really only one way she could make up for what she had done to her friend Joni. There was only one little thing that could now ease her pain.

"-Nothing- I do," she said, "Will -ever- make up for what I did to Joni. Because if Chris were here, he'd kill me. I know he would. He'd kill me and I'd deserve it. In fact I'm already dreading seeing him after the game, because I know how disappointed he'll be in me." Michelle shook her head again violently, as if trying to rid her mind of some awful nightmare. "You know, I have never hated -anything- I've done in this game up until now. Sure, I felt bad about Beth and Matt, but that was -nothing- compared to what I did to Chris and Joni. I betrayed a friend... I betrayed -two- friends, and that is inexcusable."

But she now knew what had to be done. Michelle had the exact plan in mind. Because in Michelle's mind, there was only one way to resolve her guilt and restore some of her lost honor...

... And it was what most people would call revenge.

"I will make a vow right now," she said coldly, her eyes glowing almost red with anger. "I promise right now that Emma will not make that final two. There is -no- way I will give her a chance to win this game after what she made me do to Joni. -No- way. And I know I took part in it, I know I did my fair share... but the bottom line is that Emma was behind the plan and there's no way I'll let that bitch get anywhere near the final vote."

She glared back towards camp, where Isabella and Amy were laughing together at some inside joke.

"When I make the final two," Michelle promised, "Joni is going to be one angry juror. She'll be furious with me, and she has every right to be. But all I can hope to do is somehow avenge her. All I can do is somehow stick up for my friend, even if it will be one day too late."

Michelle continued to glare at Isabella. It was the same glare Joni had given Michelle last night, notched up about three degrees of intensity. Because right now Michelle hated Isabella. She really and truly just -hated- her.

"Emma crossed the line last night," she finished. "She crossed the line and I will -never- let her get away with it. My friendship with her is through... and so is my alliance."

Suddenly, the old Michelle was back.

"We have -no- more pact to the end and there's no way I will -ever- let her get that far."

The broken, shattered Michelle was now gone. The last remaining Angel had returned. And this time, she carried with her a sword. A sword of vengeance.

"Emma picked the -wrong- bitch to mess with last night. And if it's the last thing I do in this game, even if it costs me a chance at a win... I will make sure she suffers for it."

Michelle grinned.

"It's now time for Emma to pay."


While Michelle was plotting the immediate death of Isabella, Mike Ruff was on the other side of the island, currently enjoying a reunion he never thought was going to happen. You see, while out retrieving one of his fish traps this morning... Mike had spotted something drifting along in the sea. It was green, it was red, and it definitely looked out of place in the ocean. And the big man had stared at it for a good ten minutes before he finally realized what it was. Why, from this angle it almost looked like...

"A gnome!" he laughed, excitedly. And sure enough, there it was. It was Mario the gnome, and Mario had returned. Mike splashed out happily into the sea, overjoyed that his little gnome buddy had not been completely decimated by the big storm. Because just like the rest of the Fallen Comrades garden, Mario had been blown out to sea by the winds a few days ago, supposedly gone forever.

And now he was back.

Mike couldn't help but laugh as he pulled the soggy little gnome out of the ocean. And while Mario was chipped, as well as covered by kelp and seaweed, he was more or less still in one piece. Somehow, by some strange twist of divine intervention, God had spared this poor gnome's life.

"And now he's going right back in front of camp," Mike snickered.

Mike walked back up the sand towards the firepit. He carried the fish trap (containing two carp) in his left hand and one battered little gnome in his right. And when Amy saw him walking along the beach, a big old grin on his face, she couldn't help but gasp at what he carried along with him. Because like the rest of the tribe, Amy had assumed (and hoped) that the gnome had been pulverized into oblivion.

"Oh Mike, you didn't!"

"I sure did!"

"Where did you find him??"

"He was just floating in the sea," Mike said, "Over by the reef. And I looked around for some of the other stuff too but I guess only the gnome made it. I guess he's supposed to make it all the way to the end of the game."

Amy laughed as Mike set the gnome down in his usual place... smack dab at the entrance to camp. Mario now stared out from his usual guard post, though the Play-Doh in his forehead had long since been dissolved.

"But Mario isn't the only one who came back today," Mike said slyly, as he eyed Amy with a look of amusement. "I mean, you survived the vote last night too. And I haven't had a chance to congratulate you."

Amy grinned, still tickled that the Kamiyans had somehow managed to come through for her. She still couldn't believe they had actually voted Joni off instead. How on earth had that happened??

"But I told you..." Mike said. "I told you I got them to spare you. And I bet you didn't believe me."

"Oh I did," Amy said, "Trust me, I did. But I -also- was worried it might fall apart. I just didn't trust Emma or Michelle to come through at all."

"That's why you should stick with me." Mike grinned. "Because I always do what I say I will."

Amy and Mike milled around the campsite for a while, just attending to the daily chores that needed to be done. Although a few minutes later Amy decided to take a chance. She knew it probably wasn't going to work, but... what the heck. This was the final four. If you didn't start making power moves now, why the hell were you playing a game like Survivor in the first place??

"Mike," she said, "I have a deal for you. And I'm just gonna spit it out right now, I'll just lay it all out on the table. And if you want to take it, that's your call."

Mike looked over at her, interested. He nodded his head.

"Well we're down to the final four," she started, "And obviously the key at this point is getting to the final three... along with two people who want to take you with them to the end."

Mike nodded again.

"Well right now," Amy smiled, "You're looking at one of those people who will take you to the end. So if you can do something... if you can do -anything-... to get somebody instead of me voted off next, well I think you'll just about wrap up a surefire spot in the final two."

Mike remained silent.

"Look," Amy added, "I know it doesn't mean much right now but just remember who you're dealing with. Right now you're relying on Emma and Michelle, and you're placing a lot of faith that they -don't- want to take each other to the final two. Plus you're assuming they have more loyalty to you than they do to me..."

But before Amy could continue, Mike started to shake his head. He simply wasn't going to give her a chance this time. He had to just cut her off.

"I can try," he explained, "But it's not going to do any good. The very -best- I could do is a tie, and I don't think I'm going to do that."

"But what about..."

"Look," Mike shushed her, "-You- are the biggest immunity threat here and the girls are scared to death of you. There's no way they won't vote together, especially when the target is you."

"So what on Earth can I do?" asked a frustrated Amy. "What the heck kind of chance do I have, short of going on an immunity run?"

"I don't think you have much, honestly," said Mike. "But... there is one thing I can do. And it might not be much, but at least it's something for now."


"If you can convince one of the girls to vote the other off," Mike said softly, "Then I'll go with you. But I'll only do it if you can guarantee they will split their votes."

"Oh man," Amy sighed, "How can I possibly do that?"

"Honestly? I don't think you can."

"But..." Now Amy was brainstorming. "But what if you win immunity? Will you be up for forcing a tie then?"

"I would consider it..." And Mike appeared to be thinking it over, at least until he explained one other minor detail, along with a forlorn sigh. "But the problem is that if I bring -you- to the finals, none of the Kamiyas will vote for me to win. That's a pact we've had for a long time."

"But I never said take me to the finals! Just get me to the top three! Just give me a chance!"

"But Amy," Mike said quickly, "You're missing the most important part of this whole argument. You're missing the fact of why nobody wants to take you to the final two."

"Why's that?"

"Because nobody can beat you! And I sure as hell know that -I- can't beat you! You are liked by -every- single member of the jury!"

"But that's not true!" Amy protested. "There's only three Sato votes on that jury..."

"You've played a great game," Mike explained, "Heck I'd love to see you win, and I'd vote for you in a heartbeat. And that's why I can't have you up against me. Any deal I make with you would be like cutting my own throat!"

"Well Mike," said an agitated Amy, "Then answer me this."


"Are you -guaranteed- a trip to the final two without me?" Amy looked him directly in the eye. "Can you say without a doubt that both Emma and Michelle want to take you all the way to the final two?"

"Yes," Mike nodded. "Or I'd like to think so."

"So that's a guarantee?"

"I'll just have to rely on hope."

"Well what if I -guarantee- that you will win a jury vote," Amy sighed. "What if I tell you that I can guarantee..."

"Amy..." shrugged Mike, finally moving to walk away from her, "I know you're going to keep at this but I just have to say that I can't -do- anything. I'd love to help but I really can't! I don't want a tie and I don't want to face a tiebreaker. That's too risky a move for me."

"Well I hope -you- understand," Amy said, as Mike walked away, "That I'm just trying to save myself. And I'm trying to show how it would help -you- too. This would help you in the long run!"

But Mike wasn't listening. Mike was already gone.

And Amy knew she was toast.


With Amy's fate more or less hinging on her ability to win immunity today, the three Kamiyas met under a tree just before lunch. Because despite Michelle's new penchance for backstabbing Isabella... there was still the matter of getting rid of the last remaining Sato first. Isabella's demise would most definitely happen, but it would also have to wait. Because even through her anger, Michelle was still able to keep a clear head about things. And she was -not- going to let Amy get into that final three.

"I don't like Amy much," Michelle explained to Mike and Isabella, "But I can at least admire the fact that she's not going down without a fight. At least she can always say that."

"I agree," nodded Isabella. "She's basically trying every last thing she can today. She approached me just like she approached both of y'all."

Michelle snickered.

"She just told me," Isabella added, "That she was thankful we took her to the final four. And since she's not a threat we should take her to the final three. And she'd help us vote out whoever."

"Fat chance," Michelle laughed.

"Well she's been after me all morning," Mike said. "And she wants me to force a tie. She's almost daring me to try to have a showdown with you two.""

"God," moaned Michelle, "She doesn't think we're all that dumb. Does she? Good lord."

"Well I'm not gonna do it," Mike shook his head. "No tie. No Amy. No chance."

"Good," Michelle nodded, again taking charge, "Well I know it's kind of redundant to do it so often, but I just wanted to confirm that we're all still on the same page to be the final three. And I know I don't need to ask this every day but I just -know- Amy will be pulling out all the stops today."

"I'm solid," Isabella said quickly.

"So am I," nodded Mike. "This isn't going to be a problem."

"Good," sighed Michelle, relieved. "Because I know she's trying to put doubts in your head about me, and I just wanted to make sure you knew what she was up to."

"All she can do is beg me for a tie," Mike assured her. "Amy has no power whatsoever, and you know as well as I do how stupid I'd be to force a tie."

"Same here," nodded Isabella. "Besides, we all still have that pact. The non-Sato pact."

Michelle nodded. "I still believe in the pact with my whole heart," she agreed. "Mike, Emma... if I force a tie just to save a Sato, I wouldn't expect -either- of you to vote for me in the final two. And if you forced a tie, I wouldn't vote for -you- to win either."

"We're solid, Mich," promised Isabella. "This won't be a problem."

"Well... forgive me for being Muntz," Michelle grinned, still wary about Isabella's intentions, "But I'm going to mark my ballot with an X tonight. I'm going to write a big X on it so you will -know- I voted for Amy. And I hope you guys will mark your ballots too..."


Treemail came about an hour later. That meant it was just about time for the big challenge. And as Amy stayed back at camp, cleaning up after lunch, Isabella and Michelle took their final walk together of the game. This was because they were the two who usually went to check for treemail, and they came out here almost every day. And in a strangely nostalgic moment for them both... this was the last piece of treemail they would ever see in their lives.

"Okay," said Isabella, as she pulled the small piece of parchment out of its bamboo holder, "Let's see what they have in store for us today..."

"No Fallen Comrades..." Michelle said, saying a quick prayer, "No Fallen Comrades..."

But she was relieved when Isabella smiled happily. Isabella looked at the piece of parchment and then looked up at Michelle. And Michelle knew the news could only be good.

"Check it out," Isabella said. And then she read the message out loud.

"Water, water, everywhere
But not a single drop to drink.
This one will test both your brains and your brawn.
So just do your best not to sink...."

"Oh crap," moaned Michelle. "Swimming. I can't swim to save my life."

"... It's final four, and now it's time
To put all your fears to the side.
Because down below, your fate awaits.
So best not go run and hide..."

"What," asked Michelle, "Are we holding our breath??"

"... Just build as you go, lock it in place,
Build it straight up to the stars.
For the winner of this, amulet in place,
Well they just might go very far."

"Building!" Michelle shrieked. "We're building something? Underwater??"

"Looks like it."

"Amy can't build worth shit!" Michelle laughed. "She can barely even stack firewood without it falling over. Mike is going to crush her!"

"Well can Mike swim?"

"Not as good as Amy," Michelle said, "But he's no slouch. And frankly I think he's got this one pretty much wrapped up. He's the only builder we've ever had."

"Yeah," nodded Isabella.

"Well you and I might as well not even try," Michelle smiled. "I mean, Mike will destroy either of us. And as long as Amy can't beat him, who cares?"

And as Isabella looked over the treemail once again, she started to nod her head. For just as Michelle had hoped, Isabella was seeing that she didn't have much of a chance. Isabella realized it was pointless to even try to win this one. Mike was just going to be unstoppable.

"I'm not even going to try," Isabella said, "You're right. It's not even worth wasting the energy."

"Good," grinned Michelle. Then she laughed. "I think I need to go tell Mike. This treemail is going to -make- his day."


Sure enough, Michelle ran right to Mike with the good news. Although truth be told, Michelle was starting to mull over a backup plan today instead. With the announcement that Isabella wasn't going to try for immunity... Michelle was starting to consider a riskier plan instead...

And it might just involve blindsiding the Fallen Angel, now that they finally had the chance...

"So if we wanted to," Michelle explained, "This might be the perfect chance to send that little bitch Emma packing. Because I just want you to trust me that I hate her. I do -not- have a deal with her and I know she thinks I do. And frankly, Mike, I've wanted her gone for a -long- time now. Ever since she stabbed us in the back with Ryan."

"So you've never had a deal with her?" Mike asked.

"We had one up until the Ryan vote. But since then, she's always been dead to me."

"Well she and I have a deal," Mike said, trying to needle Michelle just a bit, "And I know she thinks she can beat me in the final two. I don't think she's ever planned to bring you there."

"Well, just make sure you know," Michelle smiled, "That she and I have -no- pact and I just don't want her in the final two. You're my final two partner and always have been. And if you wanted to take Emma out tonight... it would make me nervous... but I'd do it with a smile."

"Hey, I don't like her any more than you do," Mike shrugged, "But do you really want to keep Amy around instead? Wouldn't that be a bit risky?"

"Of -course- it would! But it depends on how bad we want Emma out of the game. And how many times she's lied to us..."

"It would be pretty funny," Mike chuckled. "I mean, she would -never- see it coming. Especially since she hasn't had a single vote against her all game."

"Well she -would- have!" Michelle exclaimed. "She would be -gone- but the little shit has been immune at every single freaking vote. She's not good, she's just lucky!"

"Hmmm...," Mike thought out loud, "Well, whether we take her out tonight... or do it tomorrow, I can assure you she'll get at least two. And they will be when it counts the most."

Michelle giggled.

"And I'll sign mine 'Love, Ryan.'" Mike grinned.

But Mike and Michelle left the discussion unfinished for now, with the choice of Amy or Isabella still very much up in the air. They both knew that Amy was the safe choice, but that Isabella was the more satisfying choice. But really, so long as Mike won immunity it wouldn't matter that much... because they would still hold -all- the power.

"You just have to win it," Michelle said before leaving. "Me, I'm just hoping not to drown. But this is -your- challenge, big guy. Neither of those two can be immune, that wouldn't be good for either of us. Especially since only Amy is even going to try."

And Mike looked on, happily, as Michelle went off to go prepare for the big challenge. Because deep down Mike was thrilled. Deep down he knew this was now -his- time. Finally. Because Mike's strategy of laying low, of acting like a klutz, of tanking -every- single challenge to this date... all of that was about to pay off. Mike had played possum for -far- too long, with almost inhuman patience, and nobody had even noticed. Not even Isabella, not even the master of observation, had caught on to what he had been doing since day one.

Because Mike had always been as good an athlete as just about anyone in this game. Yet he had bumbled and stumbled his way through challenge after challenge, earning a well-deserved reputation as a klutz that stuck with him even to this day.

And Mike was as smart as anyone in Okinawa. He always had been, and his near-win over Amy in the family reward challenge had almost given that fact away. That challenge had very nearly tipped his hand... though he could blame his desire to see Joe for that fact. Seeing Joe had actually made him abandon his strategy for a brief moment.

And Mike was as a good a player as anyone here. The simple fact that he had snowed Isabella... something which -never- happened by the way... would attest to that. Nobody knew the real Mike Ruff, nobody had any clue what he was up to, and -nobody- had really seen behind "the crazy guy with the gnome" that he had been showing them from the very start. The gnome strategy had worked almost flawlessly. They had forgotten about Mike almost since day one.

And now, as he walked over to get ready for the challenge, he was ready to start gloating.

"Do you know the reason why Joni had to go?" he asked casually, as he strolled effortlessly across the sand. "Do you realize why I wanted her to go so badly? Because it had -nothing- to do with us not getting along. That never even entered the equation at -all-."

He chuckled, silently. He knew this revelation was going to be a surprise to a lot of people.

"The only reason I got rid of Joni was because she was so terrible in the challenges. Because early on I suspected she was laying low. Early on I knew she was holding back her energy, and trying to make us forget about her. But... come on..." He winked. "Only -I- get to do that around here. I didn't want her stealing my strategy and getting in my way. Because another opossum -seriously- could have messed up my plans here at the end."

He smiled, then shrugged, innocently.

"And I don't know if she was really saving up will. I have no idea if she was a better athlete than she claimed. But just the chance that she -could- have been, well that was enough for me. The minute I saw her as my competition here at the end, it meant that it was time for her to go. Because she was the only one I felt who could stop me. I just didn't want the competition."

Mike smiled to himself as he walked back to camp. He passed the rest of the tribe on the way too, smiling and nodding to each of them as he passed. And he continued to speak, faintly under his breath, as he waved to each and every player that he still had yet to beat.

"Ever since day one," Mike admitted as he walked, "My game could not have gone any better. And I realize that as I get closer and closer to the end. Because -everything- has gone right for me in this game." He smiled as he nodded to Amy, then he continued. "And sure, some of it has been luck... but usually it's been me making the right decisions. Usually it's been me adapting to what the game has to offer. And it's been me saving my skill and energy for when I was going to need it... saving it for here at the end."

He nodded to Isabella, then kept walking.

"And don't think it's a coincidence that everybody in the jury loves me. Some may call it ass-kissing, some may call it sucking up... but if you look at it, all I've done is give them the truth as often as possible. All I've done is tell them what I know... or even sometimes tell them -too- much info, just to get their trust. Because that way when I have to tell a lie, they're going to believe me."

Mike smiled at Michelle, then walked past her towards his pack at the edge of the shelter.

"I still can't get over how close I am to pulling this off," Mike chuckled once he had reached his stuff. "I mean, I'm two challenges away from winning this game! Two challenges, that I very much expect to win. That's all I have left to do. Win two challenges... coast into the final two with Michelle... and tell the jurors -exactly- what they want to hear."

He laughed.

"I mean, I've already got my jury speech ready to go. It's been ready to go since day one!"


Mike was ready for the challenge, and thought that today's events would now be set in stone. After all, everything seemed pretty self-explanatory by this point. But he was not surprised to see Amy coming to him along the walk to the immunity challenge. Sure enough, here was Amy, and Amy was looking to cut another deal. And Mike had to laugh.

Because with the amount of deals she had tried to cut today, Amy Twieg would have done her friend Matt proud. With her back to the wall, with not a hope in the world, she was starting to turn into Jason Voorhees... as she simply -refused- to die. Amy was proving to be the most resilient and persistent player in the game, even if Mike knew it wasn't going to make any difference in the end.

"You're going to win immunity today," Amy said softly, "And everybody knows it. So what do you say to that tie? Are you still interested in forcing a tie tonight?"

Mike said nothing.

"This would help both of us in the end," Amy pleaded, "And I'd be happy to pick whatever target you wanted. Just give me a name and I'll write it down tonight..."

"Look, you know I'd -love- to help," whispered Mike, "But I can't. I already told you. It would be suicide!"

"So you are -absolutely- sure both women will take you to the final two then?"

"Of course not," Mike said. "But I am relying on hope." And then he saw the frustrated look on Amy's face. She clearly didn't like the answers she was hearing. "Look Amy, I like you better than them. This isn't about like. This is about me having a better shot against them."

"But Mike..."

"Look," Mike said firmly, "I did what I said I would do. I saved you at final five. But I never promised you a tie after that."

"That's right, but..."

"Final four is something to be proud of. And I just want to make sure we're still cool. I want to make sure you're seeing my side of all this."

"We -are- cool, Mike," Amy said. "And I -am- proud to be here. I'm not trying to be ungrateful. I'm happy to be here and I know I have you to thank for it. You're the only reason I'm still here."

"Thanks," Mike smiled.

"But if you had to pick one of the two ladies to vote for tonight," Amy pressed on, "Which one would it be?"

"Amy!" Mike scolded. "Enough."

"You'd get rid of Michelle, wouldn't you? Because facing Emma in the finals would be a sure win. And you'd want to go up against her."

"Look," said Mike, "I never said that but yes, of course that's true. She's only made one move in this game by herself and nobody can stand her."

"So you'd get rid of Michelle tonight?" Amy asked, hopefully.

"I'm not going to choose!" Mike laughed. "Look I don't want this used against me. I didn't say a word to you."

"Well you can't blame a girl for trying," Amy grinned.

"And don't forget about the Kamiya pact!" Mike added. "Don't forget my hands are tied here. If I save you, the jury is gonna crucify me!"

Amy scowled.

"The three of us still have that pact," Mike continued. "And if -any- of us turn on each other just to save you, we're doomed. That's always been the plan. No Kamiya would ever vote for a traitor in the final two."

"Damnit," sighed Amy. "I hate that pact, by the way."

"So if I save you, I won't get their votes at the end."

"But you'll have -my- vote," Amy pleaded. "I've already told you that!"

"But I lose -theirs-!"

"One of them will be beside you!" Amy said, "It won't matter! You'll lose one vote and get my vote instead. So how is that bad for you??" She saw Mike shaking his head and added almost tearfully, "Mike I have -never- offered someone a guaranteed vote in this game. But I'm offering it to you right now. I will vote for you to win if you force this tie!"

"I'm sorry Amy," he said, reaching over to put his arm around her shoulder. "But all I have left for the jury is my honor. And if I betray my alliance tonight, then I lose that too."

"But they have no honor to start!" Amy said. "How is that honorable?"

"Well it matters to -me-," Mike said. "And that's the end of this discussion. Amy, I'm sorry."

Dejectedly, Amy had no choice but to concede defeat yet again.


Jeff greeted the four Miyagis as they walked into the clearing, ready to face off for the big immunity challenge. One by one they stepped out of the jungle and onto the beach in a single file line... first Isabella, then Michelle, then Mike, and then Amy.

Now they were all here, and it was just about ready to begin.

"I'll just take that from you, Emma," smiled Jeff, as she handed the sun amulet back to the host. He turned and hung it on a hook, then said the words the four players had all been waiting to hear.

"Immunity, back up for grabs."

And though everybody knew Mike was going to win today, suddenly a strange thing started to happen. Because as Jeff began to explain the rules of the challenge, a strange thing started to happen in Isabella's mind. And as Jeff's words flowed in and out of her ears, she suddenly started to get an idea. Well, not an idea, really... but almost like more of a challenge. Suddenly it was as if her mind was daring her to try something risky today.

"You can win this," the voice said.

Isabella almost laughed out loud.

"I'm serious," her inner monologue continued, "You can build just as well as Mike can! You're a better swimmer than he is. Plus he doesn't even think you're going to try. You already promised him. He's probably going to get complacent!"

Isabella suppressed a small smirk as she now glanced down the line at the rest of the players. First off, there was Michelle, who was next to useless in the water. She wasn't going to be a factor at all. Then there was Amy. And though Amy was a star in the water, there was no way she would be able to assemble anything faster than Mike or Isabella. So Amy was going to be a non-entity as well.

And that left just Isabella and Mike.

"You can do it!" her inner voice now promised, "Plus if you want any power at this vote, you'd better win immunity. You won't be able to do a thing if Mike has that amulet around his neck!"

Sure enough, Isabella had been brainstorming all afternoon about the safest way to get her and Michelle to the final two. And though most of the danger had been alleviated with the removal of Joni, Isabella was well aware that Mike and Michelle still shared a certain bond as well. And though Isabella did not yet know that Michelle wanted her out, she was certainly open to the possibility that it might happen. And so she had been mulling the idea over in her head all day...

"What if I win immunity?" she had asked gleefully in a morning confessional, "And I talk Michelle into voting Mike out instead? Would that even be possible? To win immunity -again-?"

And though she had initially thought it to be unlikely, with Mike so heavily favored in this particular challenge, Isabella's inner love of playing dangerously had grown more and more insistent in the past few hours. In fact by now it was almost shouting at her.


And though Isabella had once shushed this particular logic as suicidal, eventually her mind had started to embrace it. Because Mike really -did- expect to win today. He really did expect Michelle and Isabella to throw it, basically so he could keep immunity away from Amy.

But at this point, this is where Isabella's mind started to work differently than most people's. Because while Mike and Michelle were terrified of Amy, while they both saw her as final two kryptonite... Isabella saw something else. Isabella suddenly saw an advantage to keeping Amy around. And it was a side that most players wouldn't see. It was an observation that only the riskiest of players would make. Because in Isabella's mind, Amy was nearly unbeatable in the final two, that much was obvious.

But that just made Amy -more- valuable to keep around.

"Because if I somehow vote out Mike tonight," she had theorized earlier in a confessional, "Then that will lead to two things. Number one, Michelle will have no more Kamiyas to fall back on. It will be me or it will be nothing, and that's always the way I've wanted to have it. But number two..." And this was the observation of which Isabella had been particularly proud... "If it's down to me or Amy in the final three, it won't -matter- how much Michelle might hate me. She can hate my guts for all she cares, but there's no -way- she would willingly take Amy to the final two. So in that case, Amy would be the greatest final three insurance of them all. Michelle would take me over Amy, and Amy would take me over Michelle. It could possibly be the absolute, most surefire way of getting myself to the final two."

And though the strategist in most people would cringe at the idea of bringing Amy that much closer, Isabella had started to see it more and more as a challenge. Because in her mind, sure, Amy might be unbeatable. But that just meant it would make it -all- the more satisfying if Isabella revealed herself at the end and beat even Amy in the process.

"Because I -really- want to face Michelle," Isabella had said, "But if I somehow end up beating Amy instead... well that would certainly be a victory worth playing for, now wouldn't it?"

And then she had grinned.

"Because Amy might be Amy. But Amy is not -me-, and... worst case scenario... I'd love to be the one who finally stopped her. I'd love to be the one to say they beat the unbeatable..."

So with that logic in mind, along with a little dose of danger in her veins, Isabella finally decided that she wanted to win this challenge. She was going to go out there, she was going to give it her all, and she was going to snatch victory out of Mike's clumsy, oafish hands. And she -better- win too. Because if she gave it her all... win or lose... well, Michelle and Mike were going to be pissed. Mike and Michelle were going to be livid, and she knew things were likely to be ugly if she somehow didn't pull this off.

So a -lot- was riding on this challenge today. And Isabella had now decided to take the riskiest, most danger-laden route she could to the final two. The die had now officially been cast.

"Hey Mike," she said to the big man to her right, "Good luck. I don't think it will even be close. Congratulations on making the final three."

"Thanks," he smiled.

And with the mindgames having already begun... the challenge was now ready to start as well...


The challenge was called "Deep Sea Diver" and it was basically a race to break down, and then rebuild, a statue. Each player had a small bronze statue of a temple, weighted down at the bottom of the sea, under a flag. The players were expected to swim out, take one piece off their temple, and bring it back to shore.

"There are eight pieces in all," Jeff had explained, "And your job is to bring all eight pieces back to the beach, one at a time. Once you have all eight pieces, you will rebuild your statue here on the sand... -exactly- as it was under the water."

And that was it. The first one with a rebuilt statue on the sand was going to win immunity. And that person would then be advancing to the final three. And though Mike didn't yet know it, he was going to have some serious competition today...

"This is for immunity!" said Jeff, holding his right hand up in the air. "And a trip to the final three!"

The players poised on the edge of the beach.

The mood was tense.

"Survivors ready... GO!"

With a bang, all four players raced for the ocean and then dove in. And as expected, Amy was the one who shot out to the early lead. Amy was clearly the queen of the water, and it showed. The young mom swam expertly out to her flag... about ninety feet out from shore... and then dove down beneath the surface.

As Amy dove below, Mike and Isabella soon reached their flags as well. Now it was a three person race, as the three best swimmers in the bunch did their best to disassemble the first piece from their statue.

And sure enough, here came Mike... and here came Isabella. They both came to the surface at the same time, each holding a piece, with Amy still struggling down below.

"Mike and Emma!" announced Jeff, "Tied for the lead!"

Mike swam back to shore like a pro, with Isabella trailing him closely behind. And the annoyed look on his face was clearly evident from shore, as the small little blonde woman clung to him like a shadow. What the hell was she doing? She wasn't supposed to be trying!

Mike dumped his first piece on shore, then dove back into the ocean. He was followed in seconds by Isabella, who was right behind. She clearly wasn't going to go away.

Back and forth Mike and Isabella went... from the shore... to the statues... back to shore... then back to sea. And by now he was getting more and more annoyed with her. He even hissed at her at one point to "knock it off!" But she just smiled at him, and shook her head. -I don't think so-.

As they were racing back with their seventh piece, Isabella finally passed Mike for the first time. As Mike's arms were starting to tire, Isabella took the advantage and shot her lithe little body past his in the water. Suddenly Mike was in second place... and the ex-dancer in front of him didn't look like she was going to quit.

"Emma in the lead!" Jeff announced. "Emma has just one more piece to go!"

Isabella dropped her seventh piece on the beach, followed quickly by Mike. The two of them were nearly neck and neck as they dove back into the water. And though Amy was doing an admirable job, she was still only on her fifth piece. She was well behind the leaders... as was the hapless Michelle, who had only two. This was now Mike and Isabella's race... and it was going to be a sprint to the finish.

And whoever lost may very well be finishing this game in fourth place.

Isabella reached her final piece just seconds before Mike. She ducked her blonde hair under the surface. Mike's balding head ducked under a split-second later.

And then they both came up.

Each one held the final piece of their statue in their hand.

"Emma and Mike!" announced Jeff. "Neck and neck! It's now a sprint back to shore for immunity!"

Both players cut through the sea as fast as they could. And though both were visibly tired, they each still moved at a fairly quick pace. And remarkably, now it was -Mike- who was starting to pull ahead!

"Mike taking the lead! Mike almost back to shore! But Emma is right on his tail!"

Both players ran out of the water, both of them completely out of breath.

Mike fell to his knees, scrambling as fast as he could to arrange his pieces into the order he remembered from under the sea.

Isabella arranged her pieces with nimble hands, doing her best to remember the order she had once seen as well.

Jeff looked on in anticipation as the two players scrambled to reconstruct their temples. And they were very close. The two of them were neck and neck... one piece was done. Then two. Then three. Then four. And as Jeff raised his right arm in the air, he saw that -one- pair of hands was working just a bit faster than the other. One player was going to win this contest, and they were going to win by a nose.

And as the last piece snapped into place...

"Emma! Wins immunity!"

Isabella thrust her hands into the air, happily... and completely out of breath. She fell back to the sand, breathing heavily, as an angry Mike slammed his fist down to the sand in frustration. But Isabella had pulled it off. She had managed to deke Mike, then beat him, and somehow thrust herself into the final three. Although as she grinned from ear to ear, she had to admit that the look on his face had made it all worthwhile. Simply put... Mike was in -shock.-

"Congratulations," said Jeff, as he handed Isabella her sun amulet. "You earned it, and you've earned yourself a spot in the final three."

"Thank you," Isabella said, breathlessly, as she clutched it happily to her chest.

Soon the rest of the players had arrived, as Amy and Michelle came out of the water to congratulate her. But one by one, the rest of the Miyagis looked stunned. -None- of them had expected Mike to lose immunity today. None of them had thought it would even be possible. Emma? With immunity -again-?

Mike stood off to one side. And he had tried to look gracious, but deep down he was just furious. He could barely even bother to shake Isabella's hand in congratulations. Because he knew he had been duped. He knew he had been set up. And he also knew that something had gone terribly, -terribly- wrong today. He knew he was in very real danger of going home tonight.

And he also knew that -fireworks- were going to go off once they all got back to camp.


Mike's initial greeting to Isabella was perfectly pleasant, of course, as he gave her a big hug the minute the two of them had returned back to camp.

"Wow, Emma!" he said, admiringly, "That was amazing. Nice job!"

"Thanks, Mike!"

"I had no idea you were such a strong swimmer! I don't know how you managed to pull that off!"

"Well," grinned a clearly tickled Isabella, "I guess I just got lucky when it counted. I guess somebody was smiling down on me today." And then she giggled.

And that giggle made Mike -very- nervous.

"Well I just wanted to confirm that everything is still on target," Mike finally said, lowering his voice. "And all three of us are still together against Amy." He smiled, somewhat nervously. "You know, now that you have the power and all..."

And Isabella nodded. Of -course- the plan was still on. Well... if you considered the plan to be "Isabella takes out Mike tonight." Then of -course- it was still on for tonight.

"You bet!" she chirped.

But Mike was no dummy. He didn't trust Isabella for a minute, and he hadn't trusted her for a long, -long- time. So that meant it was time to take some evasive action. That meant it was time to go to Michelle.

"That bitch Emma set us up!" he spat, the minute he and Michelle had retreated down to the sea. "She totally screwed us over and I'm pissed!"

"I know," Michelle said, clearly concerned. "And I don't know what she's up to."

"I tell you what I think," Mike raged, "I think she has a deal with Amy. And I think the two of them have been working together for a long time now."

"Amy? Why?"

"Because first Emma saved Amy in favor of Joni. And now she won't let me win immunity. She's tried to save Amy twice now, and it's really starting to piss me off!"

"Look Mike," she said, trying to calm him down, "I don't think she has a deal with Amy. That would just be suicide. Why on earth would she want Amy there over me or you? Nobody can beat Amy!!"

"Well Emma could very easily force a tie tonight," Mike said. "Although that's really the -worst- she could do."

"Do you think she would?"

"I dunno..." Now Mike appeared to be calming down. "I hope I'm just being paranoid here. I -really- just hope I'm reading things into this."

"Well no matter what happens," Michelle said, reaching over to give Mike a hug, "There's something not right here and I don't know -how- she can explain why she did this. I just want to know what the hell she's trying to pull. Because I'll tell you what I think..."

Michelle glanced back at camp, where Amy appeared to be trying to cut some sort of deal with Isabella.

"I think Emma has played us both for a while," she said, turning back to Mike. "I think she hid behind me, you and Ryan until the merge. And then... BAM... she crept out from the shadows and started to make some noise. And I don't think we've -ever- really held much interest to her."

But Mike still looked upset. Because now he was worried. He didn't -quite- know what Isabella's intentions were, but he knew enough that he should be worried. Because Isabella just didn't make sense right now.

"Do you think she'll force a tie?" he asked softly.

"She better not."

"But do you think she will?" Mike suddenly looked terrified.

"Look, Mike," said Michelle, taking him by the arm, "It doesn't matter -what- the hell Emma does tonight. Because I know -I'm- voting for Amy tonight and I know -you're- voting for her too. This vote is -way- too personal for me and I've been waiting to avenge Chris for the longest time. I'm taking my revenge on Amy tonight and there's no way I'll be voting for you."

"Good," Mike sighed, relieved. "And I'll say the same for you. If the target is you tonight, I will -not- switch my vote either. I don't care what Emma... or Amy... try to pull. I will -never- switch my vote just to avoid a tie. You have my word on it."

"Mike," said Michelle, still looking angry, "I'm serious about this. I'm not voting for you tonight... and I won't vote for you tomorrow night. You are my -final two- partner and that bitch Emma can go to hell for all I care. And if she -dares- to force a tie tonight, she better know what she's in for... because I'll just go off on her, right there and then."

"You promise?" asked a shaky-looking Mike.

"I swear!" Michelle said. "Look, I will mark my ballot with an X. You'll know it was mine. I am -NOT- going to switch on you!!"

"And I'll mark mine with an O," Mike said. "You have my word too. We both vote for Amy... and if Emma flips, we both go down together."


And at that Mike and Michelle exchanged a nervous hug. Because they didn't feel right about this. They still didn't feel right about this... but at least now they knew they would be in it together. Whatever shit Isabella pulled tonight, they knew they at least stood a fighting chance.

"Because you know I'd rather get voted out than to screw you," Mike promised. Then he laughed, nervously. "... And you know I mean that both literally and figuratively!"


Luckily, Isabella allayed any fears Mike and Michelle might have had, and she did it quickly. Because despite the fact that she wanted Mike gone, she also knew that she wanted to keep her options open. Isabella was a big fan of having multiple options... and wearing immunity only made it -that- much easier to do.

"Oh I guess I just got lucky," she explained to the two of them, once they had cornered her down by the beach. "And I didn't mean to show you up, Mike. I guess I just really, really wanted to win!"

"Well it's not that big a deal," Michelle explained, "I was just so surprised when it happened. But as long as Amy doesn't have it..."

"Right," nodded Isabella. "The target is still Amy tonight. That's always been the plan."

"So no ties?" Michelle asked.

"No ties," said Isabella.

"Just be wary of Amy," Mike warned, "Because she'll be sniffing around you all day. She's going to try to get you to do something. Just don't listen to her!"

"I won't," smiled Isabella.

"I know I don't have to remind you," Mike said, smiling, "But just remember that we stuck by you before. So -please- stick by us tonight. I know you will though. You want a Kamiya to win this as much as we do."

"I do," confirmed Isabella.

"And I don't want any surprises tonight," Mike added.

"There won't be."

So for now the crisis was averted. The three Kamiyans shared a hug, all three of them vowed to stick together, and all three vowed to mark their ballots.

And the plan to oust Amy was once again back in effect.


Sure enough, Amy Twieg was scrambling. The minute she had returned from the challenge, the last remaining Sato had been bouncing around from one Kamiyan to the next... just looking for some sort of an opening. And so far, she wasn't having any luck. For the minute Mike lost immunity was the minute she lost any sort of bargaining power with him whatsoever. There just wasn't anything he could do for her now.

"Have you tried Emma yet?" Mike asked her just after dinner. "Did you try dealing with her yet?"

"Nah," Amy sighed. "I'm not sure I'd want to, anyway. I probably won't even talk to her tonight." She shrugged. "After all, I'd just end up begging her. And there's something to be said for going out with dignity."

"Well I wish I could help," he said.

"I know."

"This is where the game starts to suck," Mike sighed.

"Oh no," Amy grinned. "Sorry Mike, but it started to suck a long time ago."

"I just can't believe I lost immunity!" Mike said suddenly. "That wasn't supposed to happen, Amy. Emma told me she wasn't even going to try! She promised me!"

"It's okay," she said, rubbing his arm.

"But you've been the best player here," Mike said. "I just wanted to tell you that. I think you've been the best player in Okinawa and I'll be sorry if you end up leaving tonight."

"Well thanks," she said, leaning her head on his shoulder, "And you know I'd be pretty sorry too." She started to laugh.

"I fear you though," Mike said, "And I respect you. Because I know you're not just going down without a fight tonight. I know you very well could get -me- voted out instead, and that's why I'm a little worried." He looked down at her. "We all know that a cornered Amy is not a good thing."

"Well that's nice," she smirked. "Maybe they can run that soundbyte over the shot of Jeff snuffing out my torch."

Mike just chuckled.

"Well if I can't pull it off," Amy finally said. "I hope you do, Mike. I hope you end up beating those two evil stepsisters. Because I don't want either of them to win."

"So does that mean you'll vote for me in the final two?"

Amy smiled... and then just laughed out loud at the eagerness in Mike's voice. Because he just wasn't subtle at -all- sometimes.

"Awww, Mike. That's cute."

"Hey," he shrugged, "If it works..."

"Well..." sighed Amy, finally standing up. "I don't know if it will work or not, but I do have to congratulate you on making it to the final three." She reached out and shook his hand. "You've done well... and I'll be seeing you soon from the other side of the fire."

"Which side?" Mike smiled. "After all, you shouldn't assume anything in this game..."

"Oh you know what side I'll be on," Amy said, "I'll be on the side with lots of other people. And you'll be on the side with one other."

Mike laughed. And Amy smiled. And they ended with a big hug.

But despite the fact that she said she was resigned to leaving, deep down Amy wasn't about to sit here and just give up. Oh sure, maybe she wanted to... but something in her pride wasn't going to let her. Something in her pride told her to keep clawing and keep scratching and keep fighting. And then something in her pride told her to go talk to Isabella. It was a move she didn't want to make, a form of begging she didn't want to stoop to, but... what the heck.

After all, you would give up a little pride for a million dollars, wouldn't you?

"Congratulations on your immunity, Emma," Amy smiled, as she encountered the quiet young woman over by the fishing boats. Isabella was returning from a late afternoon fruit run, and she was alone. Perfect.

"Oh hi, Amy."

"I just wanted to say," Amy shrugged, "That I know I'm going home. Mike has already told me and Michelle has already told me. So I assume you'll go along with them and I'll be gone."

Isabella said nothing. She simply smiled and listened.

"...It doesn't seem logical for you to force a tie," Amy continued, "Because you've got an easy ride to the final three, immunity or not."

"Yeah, that's true."

"But here's my question, Emma." Amy paused for a moment to make sure this point got across. "What are you going to do -after- I leave... since I know you have a final two with both of them?"

"What do you mean?" Isabella asked, feigning ignorance.

"Well they both seem to think you have one with them. That's all..."

Isabella said nothing once again. She just stared at Amy with that blank look on her face, as if not understanding the concept. And as usual, Amy decided this was pointless. Emma just didn't "get" strategy, this just wasn't going to work.

"Ah, forget it..." Amy said, turning to walk away. She was just frustrated. "Forget I said anything. It won't make a difference."

"No, no, wait..." Isabella said, trying hard not to laugh. "Wait, I want to talk about this."

"Just tell me," Amy stopped, her back still to Isabella, "Please tell me if you plan to vote for me tonight. Just let me know if you're going to vote with them and write my name down on that card."

"Well... I'd rather not say right now."

"What?" Amy whirled around. "Emma, yes or no?"

"I just don't want to say."

Amy appeared to be shocked. "Well... uh... that's great I guess. Thanks for just confusing me now." She started to giggle, nervously.

"I'm not trying to confuse you," Isabella smiled, "It's just that I don't want to say for sure. I just don't know what Mike and Michelle are planning to do."

"But I should assume I'll be going home?"

"That might be a good assumption. But it might not too."

"Emma!" Amy almost shrieked her name out loud. Man, this was frustrating!

"Sorry," Isabella shrugged, helplessly.

"Okay," Amy said, deciding to be more assertive here. Because this passive crap clearly wasn't going to work. "I need to tell you though that it's in your best interest to force a tie and get Mike out. You really need to break those two apart, because they're a lot closer than you think."

"They are?"

"Yes! And if you force a tie tonight, you can't possibly be harmed. You're immune, you won't be going anywhere."

Isabella smiled, as if inspired. Wow, as if she hadn't been thinking of this all day! Wow, what a novel concept!

"I don't know," she appeared to think it over, "It does sound interesting... but I will have to think about it."

"Well will you at least tell me first?" Amy asked. "At least sometime before the vote? Because I'd at least like to know, either way."

"Alright," Isabella nodded. "I'll tell you before we leave."

"Thanks," Amy said, feigning gratitude. And then, just on the spur of the moment, she decided to throw out the same deal she had given to Mike. After all, not much else she could do at this point. "Oh, and by the way... if you help me get to the final three, I will -guarantee- that you will have my jury vote. You won't even have to answer my question. Just get me past this vote and I'll vote for you to win."


"And if I win the final immunity," Amy continued, "I'll take you to the final two. Which would be a miracle by the way, since I have no energy and no stamina whatsoever." Then she shrugged. "But either way, thanks for listening. Good luck with your choice."

"Thanks," Isabella smiled, "And good luck to you too."


And as Amy walked away, she honestly had no idea what the hell had just happened. All she knew was that... like usual... talking strategy with Isabella was like banging your head against a tree. Some things never seemed to change.


It was one hour before the Miyagis left for the big vote. And for three members of the tribe, all things appeared to be going on a perfectly obvious line as to who the final three would be. And there was very little suspense in this at all.

Amy knew that Mike and Michelle were gunning for her, and knew that Isabella had no interest whatsoever in saving her tonight. And while Amy still felt like her only chance was Mike... right now she pretty much felt like just lying down and taking a nap somewhere. Because this scrambling around to find yourself a second vote just wasn't worth it. Quite frankly, it sucked.

Michelle had been waffling off and on all day about taking Isabella out at the knees... but Isabella's immunity win had pretty much ended those plans. So that meant Michelle's target tonight was going to be Amy. And there were no ifs, ands or buts involved in this choice either. Amy was going to go and Amy was going to go because she had voted out Christopher. And that was just the way things were meant to be.

Mike had thought about keeping Amy around. He had considered her pleas for... oh... maybe about five minutes, or just long enough to humor her anyway. Mainly he had just humored her long enough to ensure he had her jury vote, which he now knew was in the bag. But still, Mike -was- still a little wary walking into tonight's Tribal Council. He knew not to trust Isabella. He knew she had been acting weird today. And he still hated how she had managed to fool him and snatch immunity out of his hands. Every time he thought back to that challenge, a small little shiver ran down his spine. Because it just hadn't ended like it was supposed to.

But as the rest of the tribe prepared for a vote they all thought would be obvious, one member of Miyagi had gone for a walk. One member of the tribe had gone for a last minute walk to clear her head. Because Isabella still had a last minute decision to make. She still had a very big choice in mind. And as always, she liked to think things through up until the -very- last minute before she had to decide...

"Mike or Amy?" she perused, as she calmly strolled across the sand, "Mike or Amy? Hmmm... what to do, what to do..."

Isabella smiled to herself as she walked over the wet sand. Her hands in her pockets, her dark hair tied back with her buff, she appeared to be the very picture of calm. And just looking at her, you wouldn't know that she was in the midst of a life or death decision at the moment. Because Isabella very rarely gave away the fact that she was thinking... even if she almost always was. She had played this game for so very long now that hiding her thought processes from the cameras was almost second nature. It wasn't even much of a challenge anymore. And that's why, at first glance, she appeared to be nothing more than a girl just going for a walk on the beach.

"You know, I like Mike a lot," she explained as she strolled, "He's always been a deeper person than he appears, and he's always had a big heart. He's always been one of the few I've felt was genuinely appreciative of the experience here, and it's the reason I made a vow to watch his back very early in the game."

She kept walking, thinking this decision over and over as she tried to stroll the perimeter of the small sandy island.

"But that being said," she continued, "Mike's newfound sense of "honor" and "honesty" is a load of crap and everybody knows it. He has as little honor as anybody here. He's done horrible things, he's tormented people as badly as anyone else... yet he thinks that if he feels bad about it afterwards, he'll be absolved. And that's always been Mike's M.O." She smirked. "You can do anything you want, you can hurt anybody you can... but so long as you feel bad later, it's okay. And that's Mike in a nutshell. Just another rationalization from the biggest hypocrite in the game."

Isabella snickered now.

"But you know what? The thing is that -I- know all this about Mike, but I don't know if everybody else does. I mean, what to me seems like blatant and obvious ass-kissing could come off as genuine niceness to the jurors, and that's the kind of thing that makes you wary of keeping him around. That's the kind of variable you don't want to have to predict, especially when he's got a chance to win."

She shrugged as she walked on.

"At one time," she started carefully, "I wanted Mike in the final two. At one time I felt like his hypocrisy would be so stunning and so offensive that -nobody- would ever vote for him." She scowled somewhat. "But Mike's somehow managed to fool people since then that he's actually a nice guy. And I don't know if he's a hypnotist or else people all just have amnesia, but to see it working on people from time to time is something that definitely makes you take note."

Isabella looked up towards camp, where Michelle and Mike were busy discussing something.

"I decided long ago that I didn't want Mike in the final two anymore. I decided that, number one, I didn't think he deserved it. Number two, I knew he was closer to Michelle than he let on. And number three..." She grinned slightly. "Number three, I don't want to face a kiss-ass in the final two. I'd much rather face Michelle, and watch her PMS her way through all the jury questions. I'd -much- rather face a walking time bomb like her than a self-described "born again" like Mike."

She paused by the ocean now, staring out to sea. Then she sighed.

"And that's the dilemma I face. Do I want to take Mike out tonight... just because I can? Do I want to put my immunity to good use? Because it wouldn't be much work to get Michelle to change her vote. All I have to do is walk down there, explain my side, and watch as she turns to jelly and starts whining and crying like before. Because Michelle will do whatever it takes to get herself to the end, and I know she wouldn't sacrifice herself over trying to save someone like Mike. She would switch her vote in a second."

Isabella turned back to look at Amy, who was already down by shore, backpack in hand. Amy was all set to go to Tribal Council.

"Let me get this clear," Isabella now added, "I do -not- fear Amy the way that the rest of the players do. Because while she may be a good player... well, I'm a good player too. And I have faith that if something went wrong, and I ended up facing Amy at the end, I would just trust and have faith that they would see that I've played the best game here. And..." Here her little smirk resurfaced. "... Come on. Who wouldn't love to say they beat the unbeatable in the final two? Who wouldn't like to be the one who faced Amy in the end, and ended up beating her? It's not like she'd pick Michelle over me..."

But Isabella simply shook her head, smiling. No, that was fun to talk about... and fun to fantasize about... but the plan was still to face Michelle in the end. Whether she took Mike out tonight, or took Amy out instead... the plan was still to face Michelle at the end. That part was never going to change.

"Ah well," Isabella sighed, once again looking out to sea.

Then she started to walk.

"I suppose what it will come down to," she finished, "Is what is the safest way to get me to the final two. And really, if you look at it... the choice is a lot easier than it might appear. Because if Amy and Michelle were in the final three with me... well I wouldn't even have to show up for that final challenge. I don't plan on winning it anyway, but those two can't stand each other. No matter which one ended up winning, that person would take me to the final two..."

Isabella paused.

"...But I've never been able to say the same thing about Mike and Michelle. True, they probably think they have a better shot against me. But you have to remember they are both Kamiyans, and I've never been able to guarantee they wouldn't vote me out, just out of spite. Because Michelle could -easily- pick Mike over me, just as he could do to pick her. And while both of them are pretty easy opponents in the final two... well that's an obstacle that could be tough to overcome..."

Isabella had been debating this decision in her head from the moment she woke up today. It had been the sole reason why she had wanted to win immunity so badly. It had driven everything she had said and everything she had done in the past twenty-four hours. Amy or Mike? Amy or Mike? Which one of the two was it going to be?

"And while taking Amy along is risky..."

She paused again.

"... I have to say, it's pretty obvious that Mike and Michelle are too hard to predict..."

And with that, she had made up her mind. Like all decisions she ever made in her life, Isabella had worked it down to its simplest form. She had worked it down to one key variable. And with a decision being made, that meant she just had one more step she had to take. Just one more thing that had to be done before the vote.

"I need to get Michelle to switch her vote to Mike."

Isabella thought about this for a second. Then she laughed, enjoying the irony of it all.

"Remember what happened to Joni? Well I hoped you enjoyed it... and I hope Michelle enjoyed it... because you're about to see an encore performance, courtesy of me."


Isabella found Michelle sitting down next to the campfire. With less than an hour to go, Michelle was up here all alone. Mike was off checking the fish traps and Amy was somewhere down by the shore. That meant Michelle was going to be very easy to sway.

Just like always.

"Michelle," Isabella said quietly, "We need to talk."

"Oh hey Emma." Michelle hadn't heard Isabella approach. Damn that girl had quiet feet. "What's up?"

"Well I've been thinking about the challenge..." Isabella put on her best worried look. "And something's been bothering me."


"Mike couldn't have put in his full effort!" Isabella blurted out. "There's no way he was trying to win that challenge, Michelle!"

Michelle started to laugh. "That was crazy, wasn't it?"

"I'm -not- a good swimmer," Isabella admitted, "I'm not good at building, I'm not much faster than you in the water and Mike is a -lot- stronger than me. There's no -way- he could have lost that challenge normally." She looked around, then lowered her voice. "I really think he threw it."

"Why on earth would he throw it?" Michelle asked.

"I think he has a deal with Amy."

"That's ridiculous!"

"But you don't know what happened this afternoon," Isabella said. "Look, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. But something weird happened."

Michelle sighed.

"Amy, me and Mike were chatting," Isabella said, "And I had to go down and re-tie one of the boats. So I was gone for like 45 minutes..."

Michelle just stared.

"... And when I came back," Isabella continued, "Those two were still talking. And Mike looked -awfully- guilty. And when Amy left I asked him why. And do you know what he said?"

Michelle shook her head.

"... He said that Amy wanted him to force a tie if he won immunity. And he actually admitted to me that he said he would do it! He was going to force a tie if he was immune. That's why I tried so hard to beat him! Even though... when he saw what I was doing, I think that's when he decided to throw it..."

"This is stupid," Michelle said, standing up. "Mike wouldn't take the chance of Amy going to the final three. It's too big of a risk." She sneered. 'Hell, -I- don't want the risk of Amy going to the final three."

"But I really believe Mike has a side deal with Amy," Isabella said. "Look, Michelle. Look at it this way. He promised her he would force a tie if he won immunity. And that's what he was trying to do." Isabella started to talk a little faster. "But when he saw he could lose to me and save face, that's what he did. He ended up saving a ton of energy, he looked good for Amy, we all feel bad for him, he won her jury vote... but he had a deal in place at the time! He was plotting with Amy behind our backs!"

"Emma," now Michelle was angry. "Just shut up. I'm -not- taking Amy to the final three. I didn't even want her in the final four!"

"Look, I know you think Mike will take you to the final two," Isabella said, shifting gears, "But you have to realize he'd probably pick me instead. He's said before he thinks I'm an easier win than you are. Do you really want to let him choose between me and you in the final two?"

"Emma, just shut up..."

But Isabella could see this argument had worked a little bit. Suddenly there was a little less conviction behind Michelle's words. The old Jedi mind trick was starting to work again.

"There hasn't been a strength challenge since the final nine!" Isabella added. "And I'm getting a bad feeling that one might be coming up. What if the final three isn't endurance based at all? What if it is strength? And what if Mike manages to tear the two of us apart before the end?"

"Emma," Michelle started to shake her head again, "Amy's time is up. I don't care about Mike. Amy needs to go home..."

"All I want... is for it to be me and you in the end!" Isabella pleaded. "I don't want it to be you and Mike or me and Mike. I just want it to be me and you in the end!"

And this was the argument that was going to work. This was the argument that had always worked. Michelle was your classic bully and Isabella knew it. You stand up to her and she would fold like a house of cards. It was the same thing she had been doing to Michelle almost since day one. This was a tactic that worked -every- single time...

...Except, of course, for this time.

"No," Michelle said, now firmly shaking her head, "I'm sorry but I'm standing firm on this one. And I know you have immunity and I know -you- are safe... but I'm not letting Amy get any further."

And from the tone in her voice, Isabella knew Michelle was serious. Michelle was actually going to take a stand on this one. Michelle still held a grudge over the Joni vote. She just wasn't going to give in to Isabella ever again.

"You and I are still going to be final two," Michelle explained, trying to loom over her smaller teammate, "And that's the way it's always been. I don't care what Mike tries, or how much energy he thinks he's saved up, one of us is going to beat him and nothing will change. He's just not going to be able to stop us."


"There will -not- be a strength challenge at final three," Michelle said. "That's a load of shit and you know it."

"But how did I beat him in the challenge?" Isabella tried. "Tell me how I managed to beat him if he didn't throw it. You can't tell me he isn't saving up his strength and laying low..."

But Michelle had made up her mind. Isabella may have swayed her once with the Joni vote, but that sort of thing -just- wasn't going to happen again. Michelle still owed Joni a bit of justice, and this was the best she would be able to do.

This time Isabella had simply pushed too hard.

"This is fucking insane," Michelle spat, "Do you realize what you're trying to make me do?? You want me to put -another- person on that jury who will hate my guts! Mike would be furious with me if I turned on him. And, like Joni, he would hate -me- a lot more than he'd hate -you-!"

"I think Mike would actually hate me more..."

But Isabella didn't have a chance. Michelle simply talked right over her.

"Damnit Emma! Do you and Amy have some sort of pact? Why do you keep trying to protect her?? What the hell is going on??"

"No!" said Isabella. "Of course not. Michelle, I swear to God..."

"Why are you trying to protect her??!"

"I'm not!" Isabella started to backpedal now. "My only goal here is to make sure you win that final immunity. That's -all- I'm trying to do. And Mike is harder to beat than Amy!"

"Mike can't win the final challenge! Amy can!"

"Amy is exhausted," Isabella said. "She hasn't had any energy, or any strength, for a long time. She gave up on this game a long time ago. All she's wanted lately is to go home and see her kids."

"Well then let's -send- her home!" Michelle said. "Give her her wish tonight. Kick her out of here."

"Michelle..." Isabella sighed, clearly having a more difficult time with this than she expected. "Look, there's something I wanted to tell you, but I haven't had the chance yet. But now's as good a time as any."

Michelle just stared at her, still suspicious of anything Isabella was about to say.

"I won a protein bar," Isabella said softly, "Back in the food auction. It was the first thing I won but I never ate it. I've been hiding it ever since then..."


"So I want you to have it." Isabella looked at her with eager eyes. "I want you to keep it and then eat it just before the final three challenge. That will probably be the boost you'll need to win that final immunity. And I want you to have it."

Michelle paused for a moment. And she was -almost- touched. Well, at least until she remembered who was giving it to her. That quickly snapped her back into reality.

"I can't win the challenge if it is mental," Michelle said. "And a protein bar won't make a difference. I just happen to freeze up on tests. Happens every time."

"It won't be mental," Isabella said. "It will be will, or it will be strength. It has to be one of those two. And Amy doesn't have much of either one left..."

Michelle just stood there, hands on her hips. She was well aware that Isabella wasn't going to back down on this... but she also knew that -she- wasn't going to back down either. This was going to come down to a stalemate, just like it was supposed to happen. Because after the Joni vote, no -way- would she let Isabella push her into another voting choice she didn't want to make. That would never happen again in her life. Not after what happened to Joni.

"Why do I get the feeling..." Michelle asked, suspiciously, "That if I don't do this, you will go to Mike and offer him the same sort of deal? Why do I get the feeling I don't have much of a choice here?"

"I'm not bullying you," Isabella said, "I'm just trying to give us the safest path to the final two." And she was, too, in her mind anyway. But she wasn't sure if Michelle saw that or not. "We're working towards the same goal here, Michelle. We always have been."

"Amy will beat both of us in a final vote..." Michelle said, but Isabella just cut her off.

"Mike probably will too," Isabella said. "That's why it needs to be me against you."

And then, finally, Michelle's whole body just sagged. She shook her head, sadly. She didn't want to do this. She knew it was wrong, she knew it was suicide and she knew she was handing Amy the win in this game. If she voted Mike out tonight, the final two was going to be Amy against Isabella... and she just couldn't live with that at all.

So Michelle looked up.

And Michelle smiled.

And though she just wanted to punch Isabella in the mouth, Michelle did the only other thing she could under the circumstances. She did the only other thing that she knew would restore her sense of pride. She did the only other thing she could to avenge the loss of her friend Joni.

Michelle lied.

"Okay," she sighed, looking forlorn, "I'll vote for Mike. You're right, Emma, he has to go. I guess you're right..."

"Good," smiled Isabella. "You made the right choice. This is what we have to do."

And though they smiled and hugged, Michelle could only grin inwardly to herself. Because she -definitely- had other plans in mind.

She may have said yes, but Michelle was going to make this a lot more difficult than Isabella had expected...


"Emma is a bitch!" Michelle confessed, as she took a moment to give an impromptu confessional. "She's a sneaky bitch who, once again, has managed to back me into a corner. And I hate her. I just freaking hate her!"

Michelle was standing under a tree, watching as the minutes ticked down to Miyagi's trip to the fateful Tribal Council. And she knew tonight was going to be big. Tonight was going to be a showdown of all showdowns, and most of the tribe didn't even realize it yet.

"Do you know what Emma just tried to do?" Michelle asked, rhetorically, "She basically just tried to blackmail me. She basically said... you vote for Mike, or I'll go to Mike and have him vote for you. And she would have, too. If I hadn't played along and said yes, she would be talking to Mike right now. I mean, my God... saying no to Emma is like putting a loaded gun to your head and pulling the trigger. She's tried to do it to me twice now!"

Michelle shook her head, angrily.

"But this time..." she grinned, "This time it's not going to work. This time I'll let the bitch think whatever she wants, and then I'll smack her upside the head. Because it's not -Mike- she should be scared of. The one she should be scared of is -me-!"

Michelle now saw Mike off in the distance. Poor, worried Mike, who was wary of the vote but had no idea yet that he was about to be a pawn in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. He had no idea yet that he was to be the flag in a deadly game of tug of war between the last remaining members of the Angels.

"I'm going to force a tie tonight," Michelle vowed. "I'm going to vote for Amy. And I know Emma and Amy will vote for Mike, so that means we're going to have ourselves a little tie. We're gonna have a tie vote and we may face a tiebreaker, but I don't really care. Because if it means giving into Emma or facing the purple rock, hell, I'll take my chances with random choice every time."

Michelle smiled as she started to walk towards Mike. Because it was just about time to inform the big man of what was about to happen. Of what Emma was trying to plan behind his back.

"I need Mike in the final three more than Emma needs him out," Michelle continued. "Because if I vote him out, I don't have a chance. With a pissed off Mike and Joni on the jury, I don't stand a snowball's chance in hell to win, and Emma's about to find that out."

She smiled.

"Plus," she added, "If I don't win, I want Mike to. And Emma and Amy can just rot in hell. Especially once we vote both their asses out."

Michelle laughed one last time, loving the absurdity of how this was all going to go down. Because if nothing else, she loved the drama. This was why she loved Survivor. This was going to be a night to remember.

"I always said that when I applied for the show, I would be a memorable character. And I always said if I went out, it better be with a bang. Well here we go, America, hold on to your seats!"

And with that, she finally reached Mike.

And she spilled her guts.

And promised she would never, ever, turn on him tonight.

"... And if Emma so much as votes for you twice," Michelle promised, "I swear to God I will kill her. I think she'll do it once, but if she goes through with it twice and forces that tiebreaker..."

Michelle laid her hand on Mike's shoulder, trying to calm his trembling nerves.

"... Then she won't -begin- to know the meaning of the word pain."


The boats were here, and it was time to leave for the vote. One by one the Miyagis lined up on the shore, ready to take their places aboard their transports. And one by one, Amy made sure to say her goodbyes to the people who were all going to vote her off.

"I really respect you, Amy," Michelle smiled, as she leaned over to give her a hug, "And I wish you the best after all this. Hopefully we can talk on the outside."

"I'd like that," Amy smiled.

"And just so you know it's not personal," Michelle added, "I totally respect you as a person and a player, I just hope you realize that. This is just what I need to do to win."

"Oh I understand." Amy laughed. "Believe me, I understand."

And after Michelle had come Mike. Mike came over and gave her a big hug. She didn't even notice that he was almost white as a sheet. She didn't notice that Mike was terrified.

"I'm okay," said Amy, hugging Mike hard. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."


"And I hope you win!" Amy whispered in his ear, then smiled at him one last time. "Win it all for me!"

And then, finally, it was time for her goodbye with Isabella.

Amy smiled sheepishly at the small little blonde woman on the beach. Then she walked over, her head down, not knowing exactly what to say. Because truth be told, Isabella had always been the hardest one for her to talk to. She just didn't know how this moment was going to go.

"I'm going to vote for Mike," Isabella said quickly.

And Amy just stopped. Her body froze immediately in place as these six words came tumbling out of Isabella's mouth. It was as if she was unable to move.

"What did you just say?" she whispered.

"Well I told you I would give you a heads up," Isabella smiled, "And here it is. Nothing like waiting for the last minute, huh?" She started to giggle. "But yes, you were right. I trust what you say and I'm going to vote for Mike tonight. You got me to change my mind." She smiled again. "I just wanted to make sure you knew."

Amy wanted to say something. Amy wanted to say thanks. Amy wanted to scream out in joy. But the problem was that Amy couldn't. Because it is -awfully- hard to reply when your jaw is down to the ground. Amy couldn't have said a word even if she wanted to.

"But I do have to warn you," Isabella added, ominously, "That if you say -anything- about this at Tribal Council, I'll probably change my mind. So please keep this between you and me... and I promise I'll be voting for Mike."

Then she waved.

And stepped into her boat.

"Good luck!"


Four boats sailed across the sea towards the island of Okinawa. And they were just four boats dotted against the larger sea, but to Amy Twieg her boat seemed enormous. Suddenly her boat seemed much larger than usual... probably because she was still in shock. Sometimes shock could actually cloud your perception of things like that.

"Oh my God," she kept repeating to herself, over and over again. "Oh my -God-."

Amy had been in this boat for nearly thirty minutes, and she -still- didn't really know what to say. Because Isabella's last minute tip-off had been so unexpected, so surprising and -so- incomprehensible that Amy didn't have a clue how to react. She just didn't really know what to say.

"I was all but resigned that I was going home tonight," she finally said, speaking so softly that the cameras could barely pick her up. "I mean, I said my goodbyes and I made a special effort to leave on good terms with -everybody-, just so I could say I left with class. I mean... that's -all- I wanted an hour ago, I just wanted people to say that when I left, I left with class."

Amy shook her head now, in astonishment.

"Well, I guess it's true what they say. I guess class really -does- pay off."

She laughed, softly.

"I had long ago given up hope that Emma or Mike were going to do anything to save me. I had written them off completely, just because I didn't feel like being a masochist." She grinned. "I mean, I was just tired of always being let down, so what was the point of getting my hopes up yet again?"

Amy shook her head again.

"But Emma did it! For whatever reason, for whatever logic that goes through that girl's head, Emma is going to force a tie! And she wants to blindside Mike and Michelle in the process!"

Amy laughed again, still very much in shock.

"And I know the "Oh my God!" reaction hasn't worn off, but I'm trying very hard here not to be skeptical. I'm trying very hard here not to think she's going to do to me what Ryan did to Beth. And that is... offer false hope and then yank it away just to win special favor. Because if Emma plans to do that, I won't vote for her to win. And I think she knows that..."

Amy sighed happily, still trying very hard not to get too excited.

"I promised Emma my jury vote if she gets me to the final three, and that's exactly what I think she's trying to do. So no -way- would she be toying with me here. At least... that's what I tell myself."

She giggled, nervously.

"But I think the girl is playing for jury votes and that's why I think she's being legit. She's playing for the win and she's making a good move. But she has to know that if I -don't- get to the final three, then my vow to vote for her is off. This has to work out or my deal with her will be void..."

And now Amy could do nothing more than sit back in her boat and exhale. Because she was well aware that she had not an iota of control over anything that was about to happen. She didn't have a say, she couldn't affect a thing, and she had no power whatsoever. All she could do was sit back, shut up, and enjoy the ride. And she was planning on it.

"This is gonna be an -interesting- Tribal Council," she grinned, "I don't know what's gonna happen, but things should be very interesting. Who knows what the heck is gonna happen!"

She smiled, nervously.

"Until then... I'll just be sitting here, trying hard not to get my hopes up."

She paused.

"I'll be trying -very- hard."


The four Miyagis were soon seated in their regular spots at Tribal Council. Amy sat on the far left, followed by Mike. Michelle sat next to him and then Isabella sat on the end, as usual. Most of these seating positions had been the same ever since the merge. Some things just never changed.

"So what's been going on around camp lately?" Jeff asked innocently. "Any news around camp? Any changes the rest of the tribe should be aware of?"

He looked at Mike.

"Well aside from the huge storm..." Mike shrugged, "And the surprise Joni vote, I guess things are pretty much the same as they've always been." He paused, then added with a smile. "Oh, and Mario the gnome came back, so that was good for some morale."

"What about you, Michelle?" said Jeff. "Anything noteworthy in the past twenty four hours?"

"What, aside from me having an alliance with everybody here?" Michelle laughed. "That's been the latest rumor, even if it was a blatant lie. But even though it's damaging, I just sit and laugh at it. Because the whole idea behind it is ridiculous!"

In the jury box Lance scowled. Joni also shot Michelle an angry look. Michelle didn't seem to notice.

"Jeff," Isabella piped up, "There is -always- something happening around Miyagi. That's a loaded question."

A few players smiled and nodded their heads. Michelle resisted an urge to smack Isabella in the mouth.

"Well Emma," Jeff turned to face her, "Let's talk about you here for a minute. Because you've won immunity after immunity in this game. You haven't been vulnerable for a -single- vote since Ryan left. So tell me..." He nodded at her. "Does that ever worry you? Don't you worry about being seen as a threat here at the end?"

"I can't be worried about it," Isabella shook her head, "Because I'm just trying my best to get as far as possible in this game. So if people start to worry about me... then maybe I'm just doing a good job." She smiled, then added, "But a lot of good players have fallen in this game, Jeff, I don't think this makes me the biggest threat here. All I can do is keep working and keep moving forward."

"Her winning streak worries me!" Mike said with a laugh. "Because she came out of the blue today. I thought I had that one in the bag, but she beat me!"

"I think Emma has worked hard," Amy added, "And she deserves everything she's earned."

"So do you think she's unstoppable?" asked Jeff.

"Of course not," Amy said. "Nobody is 100% unstoppable."

"What about you, Michelle?" Jeff turned to face the sullen looking woman. "Does Emma's winning streak start to worry you."


"Do you think she's unstoppable?"


"Is -anyone- here unstoppable?"


Michelle answered each question abruptly, not elaborating a single time. And suddenly Isabella knew what she was up to. Suddenly Isabella had a very strong vibe about Michelle... and it wasn't good. Michelle was trying to send her a message.

"So how do you guys base your vote tonight?" asked Jeff. He seemed intrigued by the bluntness of the answers tonight. Something was up, and he could feel it. Jeff could always tell when some hostility was in the air. "Amy, how do you decide who to vote for?"

"I'm voting for who I think should go," shrugged Amy.

"My vote," Mike answered, "Is based on my previous loyalties. But I -do- feel bad about having to vote this person out."

"I'm voting out a big threat," Emma answered.

And finally Jeff came to Michelle. He asked her the same question. And he was surprised when Michelle glared directly at Isabella as she answered.

"I'm voting to keep a promise to a friend," Michelle said slowly. "I'm voting to stick up for my friend Chris, who was once voted out by Amy. Because tonight I'm voting for Amy, just like he would want me to."

Isabella locked eyes with Michelle... and started to shake her head, slowly. -Don't do this.- But Michelle apparently had her mind made up. She just turned away from Isabella and stared at the fire. Tonight was going to be a tie. Michelle just wasn't going to back down.

"So before we vote," Jeff finished, "I just want to ask all of you one question. And I know you guys are anxious to cast your ballots, so this will be quick."

He leaned up against his podium.

"What do you say to the group to convince them to keep you around? What do you say to the people who might want to vote you out tonight?" He turned to Michelle. "Michelle, what if you were the target tonight. What would you say to that?"

"I would say..." she said, "That I've been with Emma and Mike ever since day one. They know me, they know how I am, and they know how I've played the game." She turned to once again stare at Isabella. "And if you don't know me well enough to keep me, then nothing I can say tonight would change your mind. My last thirty-seven days speak for themselves."

"And what about you, Emma," Jeff said. "What would you say if you were the target?"

"Well, I'd say that y'all might have it in for me," Isabella smiled, lapsing into her Southern drawl, "But as far as I know... tonight I aint goin' nowhere. And I'm just real glad for that."

"Amy?" Jeff asked, "Same question."

"If anyone wanted to vote for me," Amy said, turning to direct her comments at Michelle and Mike, "I would just remind them that I am -not- an immunity threat anymore. I'm tired, I'm weak, I can barely -walk- some days. I don't have a first line of defense against -anyone-. I have -no- allies, I'm not a threat at all, and there are far bigger threats to get rid of over me tonight." She nodded, then added, "I would be the easiest final three opponent you've ever seen, I can't beat any of you in anything."

And finally Jeff turned to Mike.

"I have played the game as best as I can," Mike said, glancing down at Isabella. "I've played well, I've been as fair as possible, and I've been a hard worker." He licked his lips, nervously. "I've also been a good provider and -nobody- else can say they've done more around camp than I have. And... and I've also come to care about each and every one of you enough to call you true friends."

Isabella almost laughed out loud at this statement, but she silenced herself with her left hand. Same old Mike.

"Well Emma," Jeff said, "Before we vote, I gotta ask you. You have immunity, but you can give it up to someone else if you wish. Are you going to give it up tonight?"

"No thank you," she smiled.

"Well then with that..." Jeff said, "It -is- time to vote. Amy, you're up first."


Amy Twieg walked up to the podium, a nervous little grin on her face. Because truth be told, she -still- expected to go home tonight. She just wasn't optimistic about this at all. But that being said... she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. If Isabella wanted her to vote for Mike, she'd vote for Mike. No questions asked.

"Mike," she said, holding up her ballot. Then she paused. "I -didn't- want to do this and it makes me feel even worse to blindside you. But Emma came to be at the -very- last minute and said she'd be voting for you. So I felt like I had to force the tie... or else I'd just be laying down to quit. And you know that I won't quit."

She placed the ballot in the box.

"It's either you or me tonight," she added. "If it's me, then I hope you win. And if it's you... well I just hope you understand."

Next up was Mike Ruff, who wrote down the name of the last remaining Sato. Because even though he was expecting a tie, he still held out hope that maybe Isabella would come to her senses. Maybe it had all been a big bluff, maybe actually -being- here at Tribal Council would knock some sense back into the girl.

"A cornered Amy is a dangerous thing," he said, holding up her ballot. "Love you girl, wish you could stay longer." And then just for good measure, he marked his ballot with an "O". He and Michelle had agreed to mark their ballots tonight, and both of them intended to keep that promise.

Third up was Michelle Kin-Fraley. And Michelle looked annoyed as she scrawled Amy's name down on the card. Next to it she wrote a large black "X".

"Amy," she said, holding up the ballot, "I respect you. I really do. But I made a promise and I intend to keep it. Because I already broke my word to Joni and that felt horrible. I -don't- intend to do the same thing to Mike. I'm sorry, but I just have to vote for you."

And finally, with the fate of the Miyagi tribe hanging in the balance, Isabella Smith walked up to the podium. And like so many times before, her vote was going to be the crucial one. Though... in an unusual twist... she actually had nice things to say about her target tonight. Because deep down, she had always had kind of a soft spot for the guy.

"Mike," she said, holding up a ballot with his name on it, "I've only known you for a short time compared to the rest of our lives, and I like you." She paused. "Sometimes you stand in the light, sometimes you stand in the shadows and sometimes you stand in the darkness, but don't we all?

She shrugged slightly, then started to fold up her ballot.

"I think knowing where we stand at any given moment is important, and with that I wish you the best. Underneath it all, you are a good man."

She placed the ballot in the box.



Back in their seats, the final four sat in uneasy silence, just waiting for Jeff to return with the votes. Because all four of them knew this was going to be a tie. All four of them knew, unlike Jeff, and unlike the jury... who were about to be in for the shock of their lives.

"Hey Amy..." whispered Mike. He leaned over and placed something into her hand.

She looked down, and saw that it was a pair of hand-carved wooden gnome heads. Just like the one Matt had once carved to wear around his neck.

"I remembered how much your boys liked my gnome," he whispered, "So I made these for them. No matter which one of us goes home tonight, I want your sons to have them."

"Well thank you, Mike!" she whispered. Then she patted him on the knee. "Good luck!"

"Good luck to you too."

But Jeff was back now, and Jeff held the voting urn in both hands. He stared at them, solemnly.

"When I read the votes," he said, "The decision is final. And the player voted out must leave the Tribal Council area immediately."

The players nodded, so Jeff looked down and opened the urn. He reached in and pulled out a piece of parchment.

"First vote..."

He looked at it for a second, then revealed.


The ballot was written in large black letters, Michelle's handwriting, and was marked with a clear, black X. Amy just stared, silently. After all, the mood was too tense to do much but stare.

"Second vote," said Jeff.

He opened it... turned it around... and revealed.


There was Mike's ballot, and this one was marked with an O. But Amy hoped that would be it. She -hoped- that Isabella was going to be true to her word tonight. Two votes... that was going to be it...

"Third vote," said Jeff.

He reached into the ballot box.

He removed the ballot.

He paused, and then turned it around.


Mike bit his lip, somewhat angry, somewhat nervous. But like Amy, he just stared. He could do little more than just stare.

"Two votes Amy," said Jeff, "One vote Mike."

He nodded.

"Last vote."

The jury looked on in bored stupor as Jeff pulled out the final ballot. Because they all knew it was going to be Amy. They all knew this was an open and shut vote tonight, and Jeff was drawing out the suspense just for TV. They all knew the ballot would be for Amy. It certainly wouldn't be for...


Suddenly the jurors perked up. Joni in the front row let out a gasp. A tie? A -tie-?? How on earth had that happened? A freaking -tie-??

Mike shot Isabella a glare of pure fury. But she didn't look back. Isabella simply stared at the ground, wondering how Michelle had managed to grow a pair of balls in the past twenty-four hours. Because she hadn't expected a tie tonight. Well... maybe she had suspected it a little... but she knew Michelle wasn't brave enough to do it twice. So Isabella wasn't too particularly worried. She would just have to get Mike out in the tiebreaker. This wasn't going to be a problem.

"Looks like we have ourselves a tie," smiled Jeff. And he had a mirthful little gleam in his eye.

The players looked on in uneasy anticipation as Jeff reached under his podium and pulled out a small burlap sack. It was the same sack he had produced during the Beth vote. Only this time... he reached into it.

Jeff pulled out a rectangular, golden object.

Then he pulled out another.

Then he pulled out a third.

The three golden objects gleamed on the table, fascinating the players with an odd sense of foreboding. And if you squinted just right, they kind of looked like daggers... well, daggers without a blade anyway. Because that's what they were. These were tanto daggers. These were ritualistic samurai daggers.

And these daggers would be used in the case of a tiebreaker.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do," explained Jeff. "Mike and Amy, you're gonna get one minute each to speak. One minute to plead your case... and tell Emma and Michelle why you think you deserve to stay."

He looked at Mike, then he glanced at Amy. Both of them looked very, very nervous.

"After the two of you speak," Jeff finished, "Then fate will no longer be in your hands. It will then be in -their- hands..." he pointed to Isabella and Michelle. "Those two are the only two who will revote, and they will then go up and do so."

Jeff paused, then grinned.

"But I do have to warn you... that if we have a -SECOND- tie, then the tribe will thereby leave it all up to random chance. Because the three of you -NOT- immune will be taking a hold of one of these daggers..."

He gripped one of the golden handles.

"...And bringing it up to your abdomen..."

He mimed pushing the dagger into his stomach.

"... And one of you will be chosen to leave."

He nodded towards Isabella.

"So that's it. If you do -not- break this tie tonight, -everybody- but Emma will be putting themselves at risk. And I think you'll agree with me that after thirty-seven days in Okinawa, that's a pretty crappy way to go home."

The players nodded.

"So anyway," Jeff finished, "Mike, you'll be speaking first. Stand up now and plead your case to the women. And tell them why -you- should be the one to stay."

Jeff sat down.

And a very flustered looking Mike stood up.

He didn't appear to be happy about this at -all-.

"Emma, this is for you." he said slowly, then he turned to glare at her. Isabella just stared down at the ground. She refused to meet his gaze. "Emma, I just have to ask... why? Why on earth would you turn on me tonight? I mean, we've been through so -much- together, so why do you have to do this?"

He sounded incredibly hurt as he spoke, which was good because he -was-. Mike was torn up that Isabella had tried to pull this on him tonight. And he wanted to make sure she knew that.

"I have made sure you were a part of everything," Mike pleaded. "I've looked after you, I've protected you, I've kept you safe... and I've been your friend. I even forgave you when you turned on us and voted out Ryan!"

Isabella kept her gaze directed down at the ground. She hadn't looked up yet once.

"If you turn on me tonight," Mike added, "And break our deal, then it will show -everybody- on the jury how you treat your friends, and the way you go about keeping your word."

He started to get mad that she wasn't responding. So now he amped up his argument a bit.

"Emma, you can -not- beat Amy in the final two. She has too many friends on the jury and she's too likeable. You know that, I know that, and Amy knows that. And that's why she's grinning from ear to ear tonight. Because she knows how much she's tricked you."

Isabella still hadn't looked up at him. So now Mike had to wrap it up. And he had to wrap it up with a bang.

"Emma, if you switch your vote back, all will be as it was. Kamiya will still be together and we'll all go back to the deals we originally had." He paused. "But if you don't... and I somehow stick around and win immunity... then I will -not- choose you for the final two. If you don't switch your vote back, you'll be on your own."

He nodded to Jeff.

"I'm done, Jeff, And thank you, Michelle, for doing the right thing. I know I can count on you to stay strong. Nice job to you too, Amy."

Mike sat down.

And Isabella still hadn't met his gaze.

"Okay Amy," motioned Jeff, "Your turn to take the floor. Just say anything you need to say before we cast this second vote."

Amy stood up now, dusting her hands off nervously against her shorts. And as she started to speak, her eyes darted back and forth between Isabella and Michelle. Because she was really trying to speak to them both.

"Michelle," she said, "I recognize that you're strong in your loyalties, and that's something I respect about you very much." She saw Michelle nodding, so she continued. "I know you want to protect Mike and -you- know that I want you to switch. So more than likely we're at a stalemate here."

Michelle simply smirked, but said nothing.

"But what I'd like you to consider," Amy added, "Is what this next vote is going to be worth to you. Because if we have a second tie... you'll be in danger at a Tribal Council where a vote for you was never cast. Your name -never- came up, and you could be going home. And I just want you think about that." She looked Michelle directly in the eyes for this next part. "Your game shouldn't end the same way as Paschal. Because you know and I know that you've worked too hard for that."

Amy saw Isabella nodding, trying to encourage her on. So Amy continued.

"Michelle, I know you think I'm unbeatable in front of a jury. But I'd like to remind you that I have to -get- there first. And I don't see any way I would, since you and Emma have promised to take one another to the final two. I'm clearly out in the cold and keeping me around won't make much of a difference."

Amy paused for a moment, then tried to finish strong.

"All I want right now... is to participate in the final immunity challenge. And you can call it drive... you can call it obsession... but you know I don't have much of a chance to win. But that's all I want. I just want a chance to be here for the final challenge and then you two can vote me off with glee." She paused. "And I'm -no- threat to you at all, no matter how much you believe otherwise."

Amy nodded one time, then sat down.

"Emma," she added quickly, "Congratulations on making a smart move. And Mike, you know I've got nothing but respect."

Amy sat in silence, exhaling slowly, as Isabella now took her turn to speak. And the small blonde woman stood up slowly, carefully, as if weighing the words cautiously in her head. Then once she was set, she turned to direct her words towards Mike.

"Mike," she said carefully, "I respect you very much, but tonight I'm going to have to stand firm. And it's all because you're both a great person and a great player. Those two factors alone are all the more reason why I need to cast this vote for you tonight."

Mike started to respond but Jeff shushed him. Isabella was going to get a chance to finish.

"In the end," Isabella said, "No matter how loyal we say we are... all we can do is be loyal to one person. And Michelle..." She turned to face Michelle. "... For me that person is you. Because you're my final two partner, just like you've always been. And though you may view this as a betrayal, in reality it's nothing of the kind." She locked eyes with Michelle. "Because you gave me your word today that you would vote for Mike. And all I'm trying to do right now is ensure that the two of us get there. And if you switch your vote to Mike... well then you and me in the final two is all but guaranteed."

Isabella paused for a long moment, then turned back to Mike.

"Mike, you told me you wanted to take me to the final two. And you told Michelle the same thing. So obviously you're lying to one of us." She turned back to Michelle. "But Michelle, if he survives tonight, he's probably going to win the final challenge. And do you really trust him to choose?"

Mike just glared at Isabella. Michelle wore a glare of her own. It appeared that Isabella's words clearly weren't having much of an effect.

"I worked real hard to win this immunity," Isabella said, clutching her golden amulet, "And tonight all I want to do is put it to good use. Because Michelle..." she turned to face her, "... I do -not- have a deal in place with Amy. She had nothing to do with this, it was all my choice, and I'm doing it so you and I can get to the final two. And I'm doing it because this is our best shot."

Isabella was ready to wrap up, so she added this last little piece just for insurance.

"Amy and Mike can't re-vote," she told Michelle, "And I have immunity. So that means the outcome of this vote... the outcome of this entire -game-... is now in your hands." She paused. "If you vote for Mike... you are all but guaranteed a spot in the final two with the person you swore you wanted there all along." She smiled. "But if you vote Amy... you are leaving your fate, and the fate of the entire game, up to random chance."

She paused... smiled... then sat down.

"Good luck."

With that, Isabella was done. And that left just one more person to stand up and say her piece.

"Michelle," Jeff said softly, "When you're ready..."

The jurors looked on in silence as Michelle scowled somewhat and stood up from her seat. And it was hard to read Michelle's emotion from this far away. She sort of looked angry, while at the same time almost looking relaxed. It was an odd combination. But it was not long before Michelle's opinion on this matter came to be known by all. Because, like usual, she was as blunt and direct as possible, right off the bat.

"I am not changing my vote," she said to Isabella. "And I'll tell you why too." She paused to collect herself. "I am -not- changing my vote because of what happened to Joni. I am -not- changing my vote because I already blindsided a dear friend in this game... and I'm not really up for blindsiding another one."

She turned to face Joni in the jury box. And she could see that Joni was starting to choke up. That was exactly what Joni had been waiting to hear. Then Michelle turned to look back at Isabella.

"Emma," Michelle added, "You can go ahead and hate me. You can call me the stupidest player to ever live, but you and I just have a difference of opinion of what's best." She glared down at Isabella, as angrily as she could. "I went along with your plan to vote out Joni, and I -hated- it. I've regretted it every minute of every day since then. And I am -not- going to do the same thing to Mike."

Alarmed, Isabella started to shake her head.

"I'm voting for Amy," Michelle vowed, "And I will force a tie if I have to. And if I end up going because of random chance, then so be it. But this is it." She glared one last time at Isabella. "I am taking a stand against you, and I'm saying I'm tired of all your crap. Because this is something I -should- have done for Joni, and you know it."

Michelle turned to look at Mike.

"Mike, I am standing strong, and you can count on me. I will -not- vote for you tonight."

Mike looked relieved.

"And Emma..."

Michelle turned to face her one last time.

"Emma, you can just kiss my ass if you think I'm gonna let you run this show. Because I'm calling your bluff, I'm forcing this tie, and I'm taking my chances with the daggers."

She sat down.

And stared at the ground.

"Let's vote, Jeff," she growled. "Let's just get this over with."


There was a long pause after Michelle's speech, as the jurors looked around in awkward silence. But nobody seemed to know what to say. The final four players just sat there in their seats, most of them staring down at the ground. Isabella was shaking her head from side to side, as if trying to tell Michelle not to be stupid. Amy had her eyes closed, and was saying some sort of prayer under her breath. Mike looked white as a sheet, though he was trying his best to keep some sort of composure. And Michelle just glared. At the ground. And she looked furious.

"Okay," said Jeff, "As I've said before, we're going to do a second vote. And Mike... since you can only vote for Amy, you'll stay here. And Amy, since you can only vote for Mike, you'll stay seated as well."

Amy and Mike nodded. They both understood.

"So Michelle," nodded Jeff, "You're up. Time to go revote. And you can only vote for Amy or Mike."

"I'm voting for Amy," Michelle announced loudly, as she stomped up to the podium. And as promised, she wasn't about to turn on her friend Mike. Not now, not like this, and -especially- not to please Isabella. Because the Joni vote had been enough. Tonight it was time to draw the line.

"Amy," she said, holding up a ballot marked with an "X".

Then she placed the ballot down in the box.

"Honor is sacred," was all she added. And then she returned to her seat. She patted Mike once on the knee. "Here we go," she whispered to him. "Get ready for the dagger."

Now that Michelle had voted, it was time for Isabella to cast her second vote as well. And as Isabella reached the podium, she looked strangely nervous about this vote. For the first time all game, something wasn't going exactly as she had planned, and it appeared to have rattled her a little bit. Because for the first time since day one, Isabella was starting to looked spooked.

Because Michelle was supposed to have switched.

Players like Michelle -always- switched.

So why wasn't she going along with the plan?

"Mike," she said, holding up her ballot. And for the first time ever, she didn't have a whole lot to say. She hadn't prepared for this, and she didn't really want to slam the guy... so she decided to just make up a poem on the spot instead. After all, it was really the least she could do.

So she leaned forward, speaking to the camera in her lilting southern accent.

"I am safe.
Y'all are not.
Whoever gets lucky...
I -still- call the shots."

She stuffed the ballot in the box.

Isabella returned to her seat, softly chewing at the inside of her lip as she looked at the three golden daggers. Because something was going wrong tonight. Something was going -terribly- wrong. After all, this was the exact same thing that she had pulled off in Tonga. A final four tie, and Isabella had set it up since the start. So why wasn't Michelle switching? Didn't she realize Isabella was doing this for -her-? Couldn't she see that at -all-?

Jeff returned with the ballot box in hand, and the four players looked on in morbid curiosity. But this was going to be a second tie, and they all knew it. Michelle was too stubborn to switch. Isabella was too stubborn to switch. And that meant it would be going to daggers. That meant it would be going to random chance.

"... And we have ourselves a second tie," Jeff confirmed, just minutes later.

He exhaled slowly, as he now pushed the voting urn aside to reveal the three daggers.

Apparently they were going to do this the hard way tonight.

"Well," said Jeff. "It appears we've now reached a deadlock. And we can stay here and revote all night, but I don't think it's really gonna make much of a difference..."

Michelle shook her head, angrily.

"So Amy..." Jeff said, "Michelle... and Mike. You three come up here."

The three players at risk all walked up to stand before him. All three of them but Isabella. And Isabella had to sit back and watch, barely registering what was happening, as Amy closed her eyes, Mike looked like he was going to pass out, and Michelle glared defiantly at the ground.

"Each one of you select one of the daggers," said Jeff.

And they did. Now each one held a tanto dagger in their hand. Although to be fair, these were really little more than hilts. They were ivory and brass handles, with a small black slit in the middle where the blade was supposed to go.

And the air was as tense as was humanly possible... as Jeff began to speak.

"One of the most famous tenets of the samurai," he said, "Was the code of honor. And this was something that encompassed -every- aspect of a warrior's life. Because if a samurai ever lost his honor... if he ever shamed himself or his family in any way... well, there was just one thing left for him to do."

Jeff now held up a dagger of his own. And unlike the players' tantos, this one had a blade. And it looked lethal.

"Ritualistic suicide," Jeff explained. "Or, as they call it... seppuku. Because if shamed, a samurai would bring a tanto to his midsection and... in one quick motion... slash himself open." Jeff motioned with his hand. "This way he could bring himself honor through death, and avenge his legacy throughout history."

Jeff nodded at the three players, who now all looked incredibly nervous.

"On the count of three," Jeff said, "You will bring these handles to your abdomen and make a quick slash, from side to side." He looked at each one of them in turn. "-One- of the handles has ink on its tip, and will leave a bright red mark across your shirt." He nodded, slowly. "The ones who leave no mark have been spared. But the player with a red mark on his or her clothing... will be eliminated."

The three players stared at him, numbly.

The jury looked on in awe.

Isabella simply closed her eyes and frowned.

"So please turn to face the jury..." Jeff said.

The three of them did.

"...And we're drawing daggers on the count of three..."

Amy brought her tanto up to her stomach. She held it tightly, her hand gripping the handle as tightly as she possibly could. Even from the jury box, you could tell she was shaking.


Mike held his tanto with both hands... aiming it directly at his stomach. And though he looked petrified, he also stared straight ahead, almost as if in shock. He just looked directly into the fire, his face almost ashen due to a combination of both fear and anger.


Michelle stared angrily at the ground. Then she stared angrily at Isabella. Then she stared angrily at Jeff. And all the while she held her tanto directly at abdomen level. She held it as tightly as she could.

And after one final pause, Jeff finally gave the dreaded count of three. Just like that... it was time for one of these samurai to go home.


Isabella and the jury looked on silently as all three players draw a quick line across the abdomens. They drew their hands across, they closed their eyes, and it was all over very quickly. Especially when a gasp from the jury confirmed what many of them had -expected- was going to happen.

Because Michelle stood off to the far right...

...And Michelle had a bright red splash of ink across her shirt.

Michelle had been eliminated.

The players looked on in shock as Michelle scowled for a moment, then reached back for her torch. She stepped past Amy, she reached around Isabella, then she grabbed her now-useless torch from the back.

"I'm sorry..." Isabella whispered softly.

"-Fuck- you," Michelle shot back. And that was it. Michelle walked over to hug Mike, watching as the big man braced himself against the jury bench. Mike appeared to have almost passed out, and Michelle did her best to help brace him up with a hug.

"I told you I would stand by you," she whispered into his ear, "And I did. Now go win this game. And beat Emma for me too."

She smiled up at Mike, then smacked him once on the butt. She then handed him her luxury box of UNO Cards, nodded once to Amy, and then walked up to stand in front of Jeff. Now it was time for the moment of truth.

"Michelle," said the host. "The tribe... and the dagger... have spoken."

And just like that, she was gone. And though most expected some sort of spectacle from Michelle, though most expected some sort of outburst, she simply wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. All she gave was a quick wave, a terse little "Good luck, guys," and then she exited the set. Michelle walked down the path, out of the game, and soon disappeared.

And the game was down to three.

"Well," said Jeff, after a quick exhale of relief, "I guess we don't have much to talk about after tonight. I think most of you have a pretty good idea where you stand..."

Jeff had more to say, but he suddenly noticed that Mike was losing his footing. Mike appeared to be passing out from the stress. The tension around the dagger draw had apparently hit him pretty hard.

"You okay, Mike?" Jeff asked, concerned. But Mike nodded his head and said that he was. Mike had managed to stay conscious and on his feet, well with a little support from Amy and Isabella at least. Otherwise he would have crashed right down to the ground.

"Anyway..." Jeff smiled, "As I was saying, tomorrow you guys are gonna be involved in a fight to the finish. Tomorrow is our -final- immunity challenge, and we need to get started early. So I'll see the three of you around dawn." He smiled. "Because there's a lot we need to do."

He nodded and, just like that, it was time for this night to end.

One by one, the final three Okinawans packed up and filed out of the Tribal Council area. One by one they walked off to their destiny, aware that tomorrow was the final stand for all three of them in this game. Tomorrow they would be playing for all the marbles:

Isabella Smith, the brash young psychology student from New York City.

Mike Ruff, the big gruff cameraman from Rochester, New York.

And Amy Twieg, the plucky stay-at-home mom from Madison, Wisconsin.

Tomorrow was their destiny.

Tomorrow was what they had been playing for.

And tomorrow... after what would likely be a restless hour or two of sleep tonight... they were -finally- going to determine the final two.

Visit the Okinawa Official Homepage for Michelle's final words and all the cast bios. Also check out the Official Okinawa Message Board for behind-the-scenes info, trivia, cast interaction, and to submit questions for Michelle's Early Show interview. Her post-game interview will be up in a few days, so submit those questions quickly!

Episode 13b ("The Three Samurai") will be posted in a few days.