Survivor: Okinawa
Episode #13c- Showdown
by Mario Lanza

Miyagi Tribe (red): Mike Ruff, Isabella Smith

DAY 39

The morning broke early on the final day of the game.

After thirty-eight days of scheming, thirty-eight days of betrayal, and countless numbers of shattered dreams, hopes and wishes... the two best players in Okinawa awoke to find that Mother Nature was going to be very nice to them today. The sun was shining, the air was clear, and the only sound on the horizon was the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore.

And as Isabella went down to engage in her last morning of yoga stretching, she looked up and gave a silent prayer of thanks. Because somebody appeared to be smiling down on them today. After all the weather they'd had to deal with, after all the crap they'd had to live in out here... their last day was turning out to be beautiful. And that just had to make her smile.

"Because while the jury may hate us tonight," she joked, "At least -somebody- is happy for us. And that means it was probably just meant to be."

Isabella actually had a special mission in mind today. Well, other than to win a million dollars, of course. No, her extra special mission for the final day was the same one she had -always- had in mind. She was going to go over to the mainland, she was going to retrieve her hidden bottle of wine, she was going to bring back her secret stash of fruit... and she and Mike were going to have a feast. The way it had always meant to happen. Kind of.

"Because in reality it should have been Michelle and me sharing this wine," Isabella explained, as she set off on her morning boat ride. "That had always been the plan, for the two of us to share our feast on the last day. We were just going to sit there, and laugh, and have a great time until we walked into the jury, held hands, and kissed right in front of them." She laughed, "It was going to be hilarious!"

Then Isabella shook her head, sadly.

"But Michelle..." She made a face. "Agh. Why on earth Michelle would throw her game away at the last minute is beyond me. I mean, she was in -no- danger of leaving, nobody would have ever voted her out, and if I want you in the final two with me... it usually means you're going to end up there." Isabella shook her head again. "I always knew that was the danger with allying with somebody like Michelle. Because when you first meet her you can tell she's just this big, loud runaway train. She's barreling down the tracks full speed ahead... with no brakes... no driver... and not a whole lot of common sense at times. And you just -know- she'll end in some spectacular crash at some point. She'll end up barreling into a wall, through some fault of her own, and you know it's just going to be entertaining as hell to watch."

Isabella chuckled, still shaking her head.

"And it -was- fun, even if she was an idiot. She left for her own selfish reasons. It had nothing to do with saving Mike. Hell she didn't even -like- Mike. The only reason she left was because she wanted to stick it to me one last time. And while it was entertaining and a fiery crash to watch... the fact is that it also may have hurt my game. Because now she's pushed me into a final two with someone who actually has some friends on the jury, and someone who has shamelessly kissed ass since the moment our tribes merged together."

Isabella paused, thinking it over.

"Mike can still be beaten, of course. He obviously hasn't played a flawless game... and I have faith that things will work out as they should. All I have to do is hope and pray that things will find a way for me to win..."

Then she laughed.

"But -damnit- Michelle, why did you have to crash your train two days earlier than you were supposed to! You weren't supposed to crash and burn until tonight, you twit. Not after you had lost to me in the final vote!"

So Isabella paddled herself over to the mainland and she gathered up her final cache of contraband supplies. This was the food pile she had been amassing since almost the first day of the game. She brought back oranges... she brought back sugarcane... she brought back sweet potatoes... and she brought back pineapple. And -most- importantly, she then dug up the coup de grace. She reached into a hole behind a rock and dug out her cherished and prized bottle of wine, the leftover one from the big drunken merge ceremony two weeks ago. It had been hidden here all along, neatly arranged with Michelle and Isabella's names written on it.

It was supposed to be their prize for a job well done. And now she would be sharing it with Mike instead.

"Oh well," she sighed.

Isabella loaded all the food onto her boat, then she paddled silently back to Yamako. And being that it was still quite early, Mike was still asleep. He was usually one of the later ones to get up each morning, and today was no exception. The big man was still dead to the world, sleeping peacefully in the knowledge that he had reached the final two. Secure in the knowledge that he would be winning a million dollars tonight.

And though she had really -hoped- this would be with Michelle, Isabella still had plans for today. And like it or not, now they would have to include Mike. Instead.

So she took a few of the oranges, and she did her best to squeeze out the juice. She poured it into an open coconut husk. Then she did the same for herself. Now she had two cups of homemade orange juice, all the better to drink on their last day in Okinawa.

She took four of the sweet potatoes, did her best to cut them up, and tried to fry them in some of the orange juice in the cooking pan. Now she had her own version of hash browns ala Isabella. She set them aside next to the juice.

She cut up the pineapple and the sugarcane and set them aside.

She then uncorked the bottle of wine, laughing happily as it spouted all over her shirt and down her legs.

And when Mike finally woke up, he was greeted by an amazing sight on his last day. He rubbed his eyes, sat up slowly, and then saw the feast. There sat Isabella, and there sat plates and plates of food. She had made him breakfast in bed. And she had a full bottle of wine. And she was grinning.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," she smiled, as Mike came over to inspect the food she had prepared. "We have a long day ahead of us! Better start it off with a smile!"

And as if it wasn't good enough to be here on the final day of the game, Mike then swigged a mouthful of the best wine he had ever tasted in his life. It was so good it almost made up for the past thirty-eight days of misery... all in one gulp.

Yes, today was going to be a very -good- day indeed.


The morning passed pretty much as usual. Except for the fact that there were only -two- people here. Mike brought back some fish from his traps, Isabella sliced them up with her new samurai sword, and the two of them enjoyed a nice leisurely lunch on the beach. And as they sat here, eating their final Okinawan meal, both Mike and Isabella took time to talk about the game they had just played. They took a moment to finally step back from the game, to drop their sometimes-heated rivalry, and to just chill out and enjoy the experience for a change.

"I'm a little nervous about tonight," Mike admitted. He was leaning back against a tree as he spoke, sitting here and letting the cool ocean breeze blow across his face. "Because it's not in our hands anymore. There's really not much we can say or do that will change anybody's mind at this point."

"I know," sighed Isabella. "It's in their hands, and it makes me nervous."

"Are you excited?" Mike asked, turning towards her. "Honestly?"

"Yeah," Isabella said. "I am. I'm both nervous -and- excited. But I also know they're gonna be mean. I think they'll be wanting to tear into me... so I just hope I'll be ready for it." She paused, then turned towards Mike. "What about you? Are you nervous?"

"I'm -very- excited," Mike nodded. And then he dropped his bravado for just a second. Now he almost looked scared. "But... do you think they'll be mean to me too?"

"Maybe," shrugged Isabella. Then she took another sip from her orange juice. "But I don't really know all that you've done. Some of them are probably mad at you, but I doubt it's as many as me."

"Well... I haven't been an angel..."

Isabella had to suppress a smile at Mike's inadvertent use of the word "Angel." Because she was fairly confident he had never had any clue about the Angels' alliance, or how the Angels controlled this game almost from the get go. Mike didn't seem to realize he had been on the outside looking in for nearly the entire game. He didn't even realize he had just muttered the single most ironic comment of all their time in Okinawa.

"No," she sighed wistfully, "You haven't been an Angel. I guess you never were..."

Then she turned towards him. She could see that he was a little frightened about facing the jury tonight. And despite the fact that she didn't always respect him, she -did- like the guy. She had always liked Mike. Even if he had hated her guts for the past forty-eight hours. Even if he had tried to banish her from the shelter for the second night in a row. Even if he had screamed right into her ear at one point, to prevent her from falling asleep. Even through all of that... even through all his emotional and vengeful bluster... she had always had a soft spot for Mike Ruff. She had more or less liked him since day one.

So she reached out to hold his hand.

"I don't think it will be personal," she said. "Just remember that the jury probably gets off on being mean. They think it's their obligation, and they'll probably all be poor sports anyway. So I wouldn't be too worried about it."

Mike smiled at her, gratefully.

"I'm glad we're the final two," she said. "I really am. Because after the final nine, I didn't think it would ever be possible. I thought you guys hated my guts too much at that point. I never thought I'd see the light of day again."

"Well you were always one of my allies," Mike confirmed. "You always were, because I always liked you." He nodded at her. "But of course luck was a big factor. I think it was a big factor for both of us."

The two of them sat on the beach for a long time, just sitting here, staring out to sea. They sipped from their wine, they drank their juice, they ate their fish, and they just relaxed. Because this was it. This was their last day on the island. This was likely the last time they would ever see this island, or this sea, again in their lives.

"I'm glad we got a chance to calm our nerves," Isabella smiled, still holding Mike's hand. Then she laughed. "Well at least it shows we did something our last day. Otherwise the show will be boring!"

Mike laughed.

"I'm still surprised the final three wasn't endurance," Isabella added. "Were you as shocked as I was?"

"I was," Mike nodded. "I was, and it bothered me too. Because the last few days were a lot more harmful to me than I really needed..."


"Yeah, the end was stressful enough," Mike said, "With me passing out... with the tiebreaker... with a stressful mental challenge at the end." He paused, then chuckled. "I'm surprised I didn't pass out -twice-. Damn producers."

"Do you think we'll have any more surprises tonight?" Isabella asked. "Any crazy questions from a juror?"

"Oh yes," Mike said. "I would count on it. Someone's sure to ask us something evil."

"Ryan," both of them said at almost the same time. Then they laughed.

"Yeah... good old Ryan," Mike said, shaking his head with a smile. "His question should be fun."

"Well no matter what," Isabella said, patting his hand, "You've played a good, solid game. You're going to give it your all and -I'm- going to give it my all. We're both gonna stand there and take it. Which is good, because I think we make a good final two. I think we'll be an interesting final two."

Mike nodded.

"And I doubt anyone saw it coming," Isabella smiled. "No one would have ever predicted the two of us would be left standing at the end."

"Well I can assure you," Mike said seriously, "That no matter what happens... I won't trash you. I'm not gonna get in any cheap shots..."

Isabella nodded.

"... But I -will- call it like I saw it," Mike warned. "And you might not like all of it, so just be prepared."

"It's okay," Isabella smiled, amused. "And I'm sure I'll have some... revelations... that you might not like either. But just so the two of us understand, none of it is personal..."

"Yeah," nodded Mike. "Because I -am- still pissed at you over Michelle. I'm mad, I want to win, and I want you to go down. But after the game... we're still gonna be friends. Nothing's going to change that. I'll always like you outside the game."

"Same here."

Mike sighed now. Then he stood up.

"You know..." he said, "I really should go for a walk. You know, to clear my head..."

Isabella nodded.

"But I'll be back later," Mike finished. "We can break down the camp together, and maybe talk a little more before we head out."

"I'd like that."

Mike started to walk away. But before he left, Isabella stood up and gave him a big hug. She hugged him, Mike hugged her back, and they stood that way for a good minute or so. It was as if all the emotion of the past thirty-nine days was suddenly overcoming them, all at once. It was as if they suddenly realized that all this was about to be over. The entire game was rapidly approaching its last dwindling hours. And then it would all be done.

"You're a good guy," Isabella whispered into his ear. "I like you, Mike. Good luck."

"You too," he said, fighting back tears. "And I've always liked you too, Emma."

They held the hug for another minute.

"I always said in my confessionals," Mike said into her ear, "That I was the best player of the first half... and you were the best player in the second half. So it's only fitting we should finally have our big showdown. Right here at the end where it counts."

"I agree," she smiled against his chest.

Then Isabella pulled away. She smiled up at Mike, one last time.

"I'll see you later today," she explained. "I think I need to go give one final confessional..."

"Me too..."

And with that, they went off to separate ends of the island to reflect.

It was already 2:00 PM.


Isabella chose to give her final confessional down by the beach. As usual, she sat down on the sand as close to the water as she could, letting the waves lap up against her bare feet as she sat here and reflected. And reflect she did, thinking back to so many things in her life, how they had made her who she was today, and how they had led her to this spot in Okinawa.

As she spoke, Isabella drew her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them in her favorite sitting position. And she talked as she stared out to sea, gazing off to the horizon, letting the cool ocean breeze blow softly through her hair.

"When I give myself a minute to think about it all," she laughed to herself, "It just comes off as sort of surreal. Because this is the third Survivor game I've played, and I've never been voted out in all that time. And I'm proud of that too." She smiled, happily. "And it wasn't like I expected to become a professional Survivor player." She laughed again. "I mean... I just jumped into all this unknowingly. You know, sink or swim. But luckily I swam... and I swam... and I swam."

She took a moment to laugh softly to herself, still staring out to sea.

"I had no idea what I was getting into with all this in all honesty. And sure, I was just as confident on Day One of my first game... but if you had told me then that I'd be sitting here on the beach in my third Final two a year later, never having been voted out in all this time, I probably wouldn't have believed you... or at least I wouldn't have thought it likely." She nodded. "Because in this little bubbled Survivor world, I've achieved success unequaled. And when I look back on all I've accomplished here... it's sort of humbling." She shrugged. "But at the same time I think to myself, "Damn girl, you did good!"

She was silent for a long moment, just staring off at the ocean.

"And Survivor's fun, of course, but it's not the real world. Because if I have half the success with my life in general as I've had playing Survivor, I'd be sitting pretty." She paused. "But of course -half- as good isn't good enough for me." She laughed again. "After Okinawa, my goal is to be even -more- successful in the rest of my life as I am in Survivor. That's a challenge I look forward to taking on... and I look forward to making it work..."

She closed her eyes now, as she reflected on why she had had so much success in this game. She had always wondered that. Why was she so successful while so many others couldn't hack it? It was a subject she often explored while sitting here alone on the beach.

"People come and people go, and I've had my fair share of feeling betrayed, hurt, lonely, abandoned, used. I guess it's made me tough." She shrugged. "It's made me a fighter and a Survivor, but it's also made me untrusting, like I wear invisible armor to protect myself." She said this next part very quietly. "The love and the vulnerability I have inside of me, I protect it. I've learned -how- to protect it, because I know how fragile it all can be." She was quiet for a long moment. "All that is definitely one of the reasons for my success in this game. But as for life in general, it's a mixed blessing. I guess there usually is no black or white; most things and most people fall somewhere in-between, and I'm no exception."

And as she sat here, thinking peaceful thoughts, she tried to clear her mind for the task at hand. Because she had a vote tonight. A -big- vote. And she wanted to make sure she was in the right state of mind before she headed out.

"This game is really intense," she admitted, "And one of the ways I've gotten through it is by imagining music through the day. One of my favorite pieces of music is the theme to the movie "The Piano"." She grinned, sheepishly. "And to relax, sometimes I just close my eyes and hear the music and picture a scene in the movie where the mother is playing the piano on the beach while the child laughs and dances around."

She closed her eyes... as if picturing it in her mind.

"I'd like to imagine myself as the mother - stoic and beautiful, feeling so much on the inside but remaining poised on the outside. But, I'm not the mother." She shook her head. "I think of myself when I was a child, and in my heart I will -always- be the child, vulnerable and flawed, dancing on the beach, trying to find the magic..."


Mike spent the majority of his afternoon on the south end of the island... the end nearest the open sea. And though he was nervous, he was still predicting victory tonight. Or so he hoped. Because like usual, Mike wasn't handling the stress of tonight's situation very well. Unlike Isabella, stress (especially from the fear of facing an angry jury) tended to overtake Mike at times. He didn't always deal with it well. He wasn't able to visualize that piano. So he spent a good deal of the day pacing along the beach... talking to himself... trying to calm his already rattled nerves.

Because he couldn't fall apart tonight. Not in front of the jury. He just couldn't.

Especially after he had done so -much- to get here in the first place!

"It's been a long ride thus far," Mike admitted as he walked, "And it's been a bumpy ride too, but I've finally made it. I'm finally here at the end... right here where I've wanted to be ever since day one."

He continued to pace, walking back and forth across the southern beach of Yamako... trying to prepare his jury arguments in his head... trying to prepare for this as best as he could...

"I know I'm a little jumpy today," he admitted, "But the truth is that I am -thrilled- to be here. I really am... it's just a little much to take in all at once, that's all." He paused for a moment, shrugging awkwardly at the camera. "Because this is the peak of this game. This is the final day... and I'm here. I'm here, and I'm proud, and I'm overall ecstatic just to have made it this far. Because this is my dream come true."

He finally stopped and smiled at the camera.

"Because right now, this is my game to win. It's totally in my hands tonight and I think everybody knows it, too."

He laughed somewhat, trying to ease off some of the tension.

"You are aware, of course, that I rarely... if -ever-... lose at games. That's something that I've said all along, and I'm sure nobody at home would be surprised that I would finish in anything -but- first place. They're all gonna watch me and they'll all say... yep, Mike won. But we knew that all along, because Mike -always- wins!"

He appeared to be relaxing now. And the words started to flow out of him again. Now they were no longer strained. Finally, his old cockiness was starting to come back.

"Of course, I've been cocky in my confessionals, but deep down I've always been a little nervous. I've always had my doubts. Because sure... you can beat a casual player at a casual game. Where's the difficulty in that? But this is Survivor... and these were hardcore players. I've been playing against the cream of the crop... in the most difficult game imaginable. -Everybody- here was chosen because of their cunning!"

Mike grinned.

"But me... well I'm just the guy who defeated them. I'm the one who outwitted them. I'm the one who outplayed them all!"

Mike suddenly caught himself.

"...Well, all but one anyway. Because Emma is the only one I have not outwitted... and I have to admit she's the one I probably underestimated the most. She's been the one that I think maybe even outplayed me at times."

Mike looked back towards camp.

"Emma has played a solid game. I'll give her that. But I honestly believe she was under-the-radar and a coattail-rider for a long, long time out here too. She didn't have to do much the first half, and I'm hoping people remember that." He paused. "Because since the merge, she has owned this game. She has been the deciding, driving force on who lived or died at -every- single vote, and I don't think anyone will be able to deny that."

Mike cocked his head slightly, thinking back to Isabella's time in Okinawa.

"The problem with Emma's game though," he finally continued, "Is that she waited too long to pin me down. She didn't try to get me out until the final four... and I think that could end up being her downfall. Because while she shined in the second half, I was the force to be reckoned with in the first. And that could make my path to the end all the more impressive in the eyes of the jury. Because I've been doing this -all game-. I was a threat to win from day one... and she wasn't."

Mike started walking again, this time more slowly than before. Though he kept on talking. He wasn't about to be lost in silence today.

"Do I think I will win?" he asked. "Well, I think I can. Because Emma has made a ton of enemies out here, while I have managed to hide the majority of my negative deeds. Not many people have seen what I've been up to, and I think Emma will take a big hit tonight from people who just don't like her." He grinned once more. "Plus just take a look at my game compared to hers. I have played strong, I've won challenges, I've mastered strategy and I've made friends with the jurors."

He nodded, once he had said this last part out loud.

"I think that's going to be the deciding factor tonight. I think it will come down to -how- we treated other people and how we dealt with people that left the game. And in that aspect, I think I'll walk away with it." He smiled. "Because people -hate- Emma. Hell, I've hated her at times. But then on my side... I can honestly say that for the most part, I treated people with honor and respect. I honestly respected their feelings. And yeah... maybe not in the early game... but since the merge I've played a very upstanding game. And I think the jury is going to respect that."

He paused, taking a long deep breath. It was probably time to go back to camp to prepare... but Mike simply wasn't ready yet. No, he still needed some more time alone before he began that long fateful trip to Tribal Council.

"Okay," he finally said, "Here's my game in a nutshell. I'll give you a rundown of what I've done thus far. Kind of like a dry run before my jury speech. Just to see how it sounds when I say it out loud."

He decided to sit down for this part. He plopped himself down under a tree. Then he started to speak.

"Early on... I played the most ballsy game one could play. And though I always wanted to win... my goals started to alter and change almost right off the bat, simply because I was adaptable. My original goal was not to be the first one out... then I just wanted to make the merge... then to make the jury... then the final four... then two..."

He grinned.

"The -very- first thing I did on day one was establish my alliances. It was a risky move, but I wanted to take a chance. I drew a ton of attention to myself very quickly, yet I managed to pull it off. I played ballsy on day one and it ended up paying off. Even if my alliance all fell before me along the way!"

Mike started counting items off on his fingers.

"The second thing I did that first day was to draw attention to myself as quickly as possible. And this is where the "Gnome Strategy" came into play. Basically really, I could get people to buy into my mischievous, trouble-making alter-ego... and then they would forget all about me. They'd spend so much time focusing on the gnome that they would forget that Mike even existed." He laughed. "Mario would be out there causing mayhem and drama, stirring up tension, and meanwhile people still kind of actually liked him. I mean... he was our -mascot-. So no matter what Mario did, people wouldn't be too upset. And that, of course, was just perfect for me. It was a distraction. And it worked."

Mike paused before adding the third item on his list.

"Once I had my alliances and made the gnome the center of attention... I did the most unthinkable thing you can do in Survivor. That's right, I decided to become the leader." He laughed to himself. "Again, something that normally makes you a target. But in my case, it actually worked in my favor. Because I drew the team together and I proved my worth. I was single-handedly responsible for making Kamiya stronger than the other tribe."

Mike moved on to point number four.

"Next, I accidentally manipulated myself into the biggest power position in this game. And yeah, this was an accident, but it ended up working out for me so of course it helped me in the end. Because not only did I help convince everyone to put the same answers on the midterm quiz, I also ended up being the outcast. And this led me to being able to shape the entire rest of the game. Because it allowed -me- to select the team I wanted for the rest of the game. I took who I wanted, I dumped the dead weight on Henry, and I correctly deduced who he would most likely steal from Kamiya. In short, I suckered him into doing everything I wanted him to do."

Mike grinned, very proud of this last feat. Because in his eyes, that had been his shining moment in the game. His single-handed manipulation of Henry had more or less affected every single event that happened since day nine. And he knew it.

"Once I had my team," Mike continued, "And the willing cohorts to pull it off... well then it was just a matter of time. Because then I could play both sides. I could carry on as the man on the outside. I could be a part of -every- plan, since people on both sides trusted me. And it was incredible to have fooled everybody so well. I got so good at it that I could start gambling... because almost every one of my chances paid off!"

He happily listed his post-twist victories now.

"I took credit for casting that fifth vote for Ryan. This, of course, caused Emma to become an object of resentment. And, in turn, it forced her to come running back to Kamiya in the long run."

"I conned Hogan into defecting to Kamiya... just by being a nice guy and honestly telling him that he was going home. Then I changed my vote and kept myself from being the bad guy. I never voted for Matt, and that's why I'm going to get Matt's vote."

"I managed to make a good impression on nearly every juror who left this game, while all the time playing my newfound strategy of honor and respect."

Mike laughed once he had reached the end of his list.

"You see... it's been so much -fun- to be chaotic out here. And I wish I could take credit for more, but my big shining moment really came at the end. When I won the memory challenge, despite the fact that I didn't think I remembered the game very well at all. But I came through when it counted, I proved I belonged here, and I think that, more than anything, shows why the jury should give me their vote. They should vote for me because I've played well all game, while Emma only started at the merge. Well that... and not a single one of them can stand her backstabbing little guts."

Mike shrugged.

Then he stood up.

It was just about time to pack up for Tribal Council.

"Oh well," he shrugged, "No matter what happens tonight, I'm smiling at how well I did. I played hard, I got to the end, and I had more fun than anybody else here. I just hope I was as fun to watch on TV. Because you have to remember... I didn't always do the smart thing and I didn't always do the safe thing. No, when in doubt, I always did the most interesting, most -fun- thing. And I had fun. And playing to have fun turned out not to be such a bad strategy after all..."

Mike grinned.

"So that's it for me. I'll see you at Tribal Council... and you guys better have that million dollar check ready. Because I'm hungry!"

He paused.

Then added for one last time:

"Gnome power!"


Isabella and Mike came back to camp for one final time, smiling sadly at one another as they began the process of tearing down their shelter. And they did it slowly, methodically, the tall 40-year old man and the short 26-year old woman. The final two Okinawans, working together to undo everything they had created in Okinawa. And in less than an hour, it was done.

The remnants of the shelter sat in a roaring fire, the last one the players would ever create on Yamako Island.

The rest of the campsite had been either destroyed, dismantled, or tossed out to sea.

All of Mike's and Isabella's belongings had been packed up and stowed away in their backpacks.

And now they had converted their island back to the way nature had intended. Now it was once again a place of isolation. A place of nothingness. It was just the two of them... on a sand spit... in the middle of nowhere... with nothing in their possession except the clothing on their backs.

And that meant the game was officially over.

"You ready?" Isabella said, looking up.


"Well it's been an honor to play with you," Isabella said, as she took Mike's hand in her own. "And I'm really going to miss this place."

"I am too," said Mike, trying hard not to get emotional. "This place was our home. This place was our life."

Isabella nodded.

"And I was honored to play with you too," Mike added.

They shared a hug that... the final two then set off on their trek. They left their campfire, walked slowly across the sand, and came nearer and nearer to a waiting boat. This was their chariot to the mainland, the last trip they would ever take from Yamako. So they got on the boat.

And took their seats.

And tried to relax.

Because they would be facing the jury in less than two hours.


The final two were on their way to the last Tribal Council. And that meant it was time for the jurors to weigh in. It was time for the jurors to sit down for one last confessional, to give their thoughts on how the vote tonight was likely to go. And, pretty much as expected, most of them weren't thrilled about the choice that was going to be presented before them tonight. Because there weren't many Mike fans in the jury. And there certainly weren't many Isabella fans in the jury. And that meant the choice tonight was going to be hard.

It also meant the final vote was going to be close.

"I've said it before," Matt Carter admitted, "And I'll say it again. Welcome to Okinawa. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."

As always, once the joking was out of the way, Matt moved on to the more serious discussion. As in... who he thought should win the game tonight. And on that matter, Matt definitely had a lot to say.

"We've been put in a precarious situation tonight," he said, "Especially with -this- final two. Because both of them have played a hard game, but both of them haven't played the so-called 'ethical' game." Matt paused, smiling. "And you know what I say to that? I say more power to ya. Getting to the end is -the- great goal of Survivor. You piss people off, you 'betray' them, they make a big deal about it... but in the end this is nothing more than a selfish game. And Mike and Emma... well, they both never lost sight of this fact. They both -knew- it was selfish." Matt shrugged, very faintly. "Mike lied and sucked up to people to make his game. While Emma survived on immunity and twists to again and again avoid being kicked out."

Matt paused.

"And sure, Mike did the smart non-Colby move by taking someone he knew he could beat to the end. But on the other hand, -can- he really beat her? Because Emma has proven she can survive. She has proven she can do the flip-flopping thing back and forth between alliances. She took a tried-and-true strategy, she pulled it off, but at the same time it didn't make her any friends. And that's going to be the big decision tonight."

Matt paused one more time, thinking this over.

"So which one is going to win? Will it be the big emotional basket case? The guy who torments kids half his age for sport, who makes friends solely so he can win this game? Or will it be the little meek one? The one who was a bitch just so that she could make it to the end?"

Matt shrugged.

"Guess what. I don't have a clue which one will win."

He smiled.

"Aint it cool?"


Next to weigh in with his thoughts was the embittered young Eagle Scout, Hogan Mueller. And Hogan, as usual, was succinct, direct, and blunt with his comments. He wouldn't be Hogan any other way.

"We have a bad final two," he admitted. "I mean... they have to have done -something- right to get this far. But did they compromise who they were to get there?" How much did they change who they were... just to win a million dollars? How much did they really sell out?"

Hogan grinned.

"Besides, Amy should really be there. But there's not much anybody can do to change that now."

Hogan was technically done, but the producers (as usual) prodded him for a bit more. They usually had to keep him talking once he sat down, so Hogan decided to expound on his viewpoint a little more.

"-Both- of these people have a lot of explaining to do. And I guarantee tonight won't be boring. Because Mike... well he's just a very dishonest person. And Emma... well I just don't know her at -all-. She was just too darn rude to ever get to know me. She just didn't even care."

Hogan paused. Then he shrugged.

"I know Mike thinks I will vote for him tonight, but I doubt that's going to be the case at all. And part of me thinks it would be so funny if he loses. Because he's put a lot of faith in the idea that he has my vote... but there's not much he can do to save his ass if I feel like giving my vote to Emma instead."

Hogan was pretty much done. He had said enough. That meant it was time to get going.

"Well, whatever happens, it's going to be very close tonight. And it should be a fun night for us -all-."


Third to weigh in was the enigmatic young man from Canada, Ryan Rebez. And the first juror of the game gave his thoughts carefully, as he sat on the edge of a small cliff. Like usual, Ryan liked to sit up above, looking down towards the camera. As if on a perch. And today, just for this special occasion, he had also decided to dress up. Ryan wore the black robes and remnants of the face paint from yesterday's torch walk. He was still dressed up like a ghost. And his face still glowed white in the pale sunlight of the Okinawan morning.

He stared off in the distance... towards the tiny figure of Yamako island... as he spoke.

"It is now the thirty-ninth day and I've had plenty of time to reflect on it all. To reflect upon this, the ultimate test of adaptability. And I've also had a chance to reflect on what it stands for."

Ryan paused dramatically, still staring off towards the island.

"Okinawa is a land of great spirituality. It is a place where honor is key. But... at the same time, it also remains a land forever marred by war."

Ryan now turned to face the camera.

"And while the fighting may have ended many years ago, the scars of that war have since been re-opened. And from our wounds we bleed Mike and Emma. They have lasted to the end, and they are thereby the only life left of the Kamiyan and Miyagi hearts." He smirked, slightly. "And the inescapable balance of nature has once again manifested itself for us to see."

Ryan chuckled slightly, as he now spoke about the two remaining players in the game.

"On one hand you have Mike... who was my onetime ally, and a leader in many ways. He played a game of blatant deception, yet was honest to those who placed their trust in him. He was an elder, yet young at heart. He was strong, and yet sensitive at the same time." Ryan paused, trying to remember all of Mike's history in this game. "But the problem is that his leadership and attempts to become a friend to all may now land him in the crosshairs of the rifles we wield as jurors. And he may encounter some resentment as we weigh our feelings of betrayal against our respect for gamesmanship. So the question that waits for Mike is: Will he be able to overcome the resentment of his departed allies?"

Ryan nodded thoughtfully. Then he turned his thoughts to Isabella.

"On the other hand, there is Emma. She was my greatest nemesis, an enigma which was apparent with an answer thickly veiled. She never led a soul, and yet led each of us to our demise. She deceived us -all- with an honesty that was transparently obscure. She was by no means a physical powerhouse, yet she possessed a focus and a desire none could match. She was both prey and predator as required." Ryan paused, trying to come up with some negatives. "She's played a strong game... and her dramatic moves against each of the individuals on the jury may theoretically earn her as great a level of respect as it has of bitterness. But that also leads to the question that must be asked: Were all of her moves strategic? Or were they simply the uncontrolled emotional reactions of an embittered pawn?"

Ryan shrugged as he asked this question out loud. He still had yet to make up his mind. He supposed he wouldn't know for sure until he wrote a name down on that card.

"Tonight," he finished, "I will hold a coronation for one of these two worthy competitors. However, they -both- will have to earn their crown, and I intend to make it a daunting task for them both. Because while both may have earned my respect, neither one possesses an advantage over the other. Yet."

And though Ryan was done, he had a special quote picked out for just this occasion.

And as usual, it was in Latin.

"Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas regumque turres."

He smiled.

Then turned back to look out to sea.

"Pale death kicks with an impartial foot... at both the hovels of the poor... and the towers of kings."


Michelle Kin-Fraley wasted no time with her opinion, of course. As always, she was blunt and got right to the point.

"I won't lie to you," she admitted, "When I say the two -most- undeserving players have reached the final two. And that's made the big vote unfortunate for all of us involved. Because personally, most of us would rather vote for the gnome."

She laughed, somewhat bitterly.

"So what got them there? Was it dumb luck? Fate? Or maybe just stupidity on my part?" She chuckled. "Well... I really wouldn't call it stupidity. After all, -I- made my decision to take the dagger and I literally gave the game away, but that's okay. I'm at peace with my decision... even if it means I have to now award Emma or Mike the million dollars." She paused, grimacing distastefully. "But I know that the best player in Okinawa is sitting right here. And if I was sitting up -there-, neither of those two would stand a chance. And that's made this whole thing very funny... in a sad, ironic sort of way."

Michelle shook her head, still laughing to herself. Then she moved on to the specifics of the final two.

"We have very two different players in the final two." she explained. "First... there's Emma. The tag-along kid, who couldn’t make a decision on her own for the first half of the game, and then once the merge hits, decided to actually start voicing her opinion." Michelle's face darkened somewhat. "Because as far as I’m concerned, Emma didn’t play the entire game. She only played -half- a game. So she will have a -lot- of convincing to do for me to vote for her, because I don’t see her as a true player. I see her as a tag along who lived off the scraps of Ryan, Mike and me."

As usual, Michelle started to get worked up when talking about Isabella. It was almost impossible for her not to get angry when discussing the player she truly did not like at all.

"I mean, -what- is so spectacular about hiding behind others? That’s not a strategy! That’s called knowing you can’t do it on your own, so you hide until you think it’s safe to pop your head out. Then as everyone else is tired from their hard work, you just sprint to the finish line. You walk right past them on that path that -they- cleared. And I'm sorry, but that's just shameful and cowardly. That's not how a champion plays at all!"

Michelle could have gone on longer, but she knew she was supposed to be fairly brief. So she turned her thoughts to Mike instead.

"Then, of course, there is Mike. And Mike is a guy who -thought- he was the leader since day one. He thought he was in charge and he thought he was 'the man.'" Michelle started to laugh out loud. "But the -problem- was that Mike was so easily manipulated. We did it to him all game! All you had to do was call him “the man” or give him a big hug and he’d do what you wanted. Or you could just place a little doubt in his mind... and then he'd get paranoid." She was still laughing. "Dealing with Mike was always kind of funny. Because for a guy who always thought he was in charge, he had -no- clue how many times he was played. Plus he was scared to death of the women. He was scared to death of us all game."

She shook her head now, amused. Then she leaned forward, gleefully, and spoke directly into the camera.

"Hey Mike. BOO! Don't wet your pants! We're gonna getcha!"

She started to giggle again. After about thirty seconds of the giggles, she wiped her eyes and tried to end this confessional on a serious note. After all, she was supposed to be making a decision tonight. She was supposed to be taking this seriously.

"Do I know who I want to vote for tonight? Maybe. Will I actually vote for that person? I don’t know." She shrugged. "It all depends on how they answer my question. Because if the person I want to vote for doesn’t answer my question honestly, then I won’t vote for them. I’ll change my vote to the other person. Simple as that."

She paused for a long moment, then added a quick addendum.

"Right now, none of the jurors are happy that we have to choose between Mike and Emma. And I'm being serious. -None- of us are happy. The two worst players since the merge are sitting up there. Meanwhile the two best players, Amy and myself, ended up being stuck in the jury."

She threw her hands up in the air.

"But whatever. Survivor imitates life. It isn't fair, but who cares? The game ends tonight... and I don't like the ending. I don't like it, but at the same time I could have changed it, so I really should just go shut up. I should go shut up and think about the vote. Then maybe I'll decide what I want to ask them..."


Lance McHale gave the most solemn confessional of the day. Because this was a -big- decision in his mind, and this was not something he was going to take lightly. Lance was here to make an informed decision... and Lance was going to take both sides into account before deciding.

And Lance was going to make sure the winner earned it.

"We as jurors have been given a huge responsibility," he explained. "But here's the thing. It's -not- about the size of the check... or the fact that we're awarding somebody a million dollars. That's not the point of the vote at all." He shook his head. "The -real- point is that we're giving somebody the title that comes along with that check. We're awarding them the title of Ultimate Survivor. And that, to me, is a -much- bigger deal. Because that means they are a near master at this game."

He smiled.

"It's no coincidence that our tribe was named Miyagi. Because while Miyagi was a master, he also happened to have -earned- that title. Just like the winner tonight will have had to earn their title. Because -nothing- will be given tonight to a player that isn't deserving."

He paused for a short moment, then continued.

"Right now... I'll admit that I don't have my mind made up one way or the other. Because at first glance, neither Emma nor Mike jumps out as a master. Both of them lied... both rode coattails at times... and neither player wowed me with any type of strategy while I was here. And..." He shrugged. "... Personally I'd rather write Danielle's name down on my vote. And I've never even -met- the girl."

Lance looked somewhat disgusted.

"You have Mike on one side," he explained, "Who always had a hand in things, even when he wanted you to think that he didn't. He lied in this game, but he tried to downplay his lying and give more weight to his 'honor' instead. And he placed a lot of weight on the fact that you would buy it." Lance shook his head. "On the other end... you have Emma, who played pitifully for the first eighteen days. She almost cost her tribe several challenges, and was carried along all the way up to the merge. Both of these people could have gone at -any- time after the merge. Yet, they are both here. And I don't know how."

Lance shook his head, sadly.

"So anyway... the only way I can pick... the only way I can decide who was the master... is from the way they answer my question. And I hope they are toning up their speaking skills, because that one answer will make them or break them with my vote. It's just that simple."


Joni Newman didn't have a whole lot to say about the final two, because like most of the jurors she was horrified. She was horrified that she would have to choose between these two tonight. And she was horrified that she would have to reward one of them with a million dollars. Because even though she knew that both of them had played solid games... she just didn't like that one of them was about to be rewarded.

"First off," she explained, "I'm going to come down hard tonight in my comments. And it's not to be a poor sport. It's not to show my superiority, nor is it to show off how angry I am that they beat me." She shook her head. "But I just want them to know how insulting it was that they didn't even care to treat me with respect. I want them to realize how little dignity they showed me, both in the game as well as out. And I will be sure to comment on how it felt when they didn't even know my last -name- yesterday!"

Joni suddenly looked as if she were about to cry.

"I mean, I played this game with them for thirty-six days. And while I was no fan of Mike, nor he of me... he -never- took the time to know me. He never cared to know me as a person -or- a player, and how can I possibly feel good about voting for somebody like that?"

Joni glared at the camera, hard.

"But Emma... well Emma was -supposed- to be my friend. She humored me for a long time, she actually got me to believe that she respected me. She actually got me to think she gave a darn about who I was." Joni looked disgusted. "But then in the challenge yesterday, she didn't even know my -name-! And sure, maybe I would expect that from Mike. Heck, he probably doesn't even know my -first- name. But from Emma..."

Joni looked crushed.

"... Well I can just say I expected a little more out of Emma. I just expected maybe a little dignity. And a little class. And a little respect."

She shook her head once again.

"And that's why this vote isn't going to be fun for me to cast at all. That's why they're going to see a different side of me tonight. That's why they're going to see Hurricane Joni... and I hope they aren't going to like it."

She glared at the camera once more.

"I hope they aren't going to like it at -all-."


The last juror to speak her thoughts was Amy Twieg. And, as usual, the final juror of the group was the one with the freshest wounds. The last juror of the game was the one with the rawest pain. And as Amy sat down to speak her piece, her disappointment with the choice tonight was clearly evident to all.

"This is your typical final two," she surmised, "And Mike and Emma aren't -terrible- players... but there are stronger players in Loser Lodge, as well as in the jury. These two just happened to make it to the final spots, and now I have to award one of them a vote for a million dollars."

Amy sighed, somewhat depressed.

"Unfortunately, I've only been out of the game for a day, so the need for closure is still very much present. And while I don't want to be seen as an emotional vote... I'm not sure I can see any way around that." She shrugged. "For thirty-eight days I played an emotional game that was tempered with strategy. So maybe... hopefully... I can cast my vote in the same way tonight. In a perfect world, anyway."

She tried her best to smile. It didn't look very convincing.

"I -still- don't believe that Emma is who she says she is, so I'm wondering if we're going to have some kind of unveiling at the tribal council. One can hope. Or maybe she'll wait until after the vote to tell us what she's really about." Amy shrugged. "Either way, she's got a -lot- of explaining to do to a -lot- of people before I see myself voting for her. And while I won't say I am closed-minded... I will say this: I will -not- sit there and be pegged with typical Emma non-answers all night and reward that kind of performance with my vote. I'm sorry. I'll be open-minded and I'll listen to her case. But if she doesn't show some substance for a change... there's just no way she'll be getting my vote. No. Way."

Amy then turned to the big man. She turned to the merits of Mike Ruff.

"The problem with Mike is that he -needs- to show me where he played the game. Because sure, I know he can be nice. He's told us all that he can be nice. I know he's sensitive and I know he claims he didn't want to do some of the things he did." Amy grimaced slightly. "That's great and all, but that doesn't show me where Mike made -his- moves for -himself-. I mean, just look at when he voted me out yesterday, because that was typical Mike. Telling me you like -me- better than the people you're -not- voting for doesn't really make me feel better about seeing my name on parchment. Mike's been doing things like that all game... and tonight he needs to start telling the truth about why he did what he did. Maybe tonight he'll actually come off like a player."

Amy sighed one last time. She looked incredibly forlorn.

"The sad thing is that instead of going to a final tribal council, I feel like I'm attending a beauty pageant. And I'm supposed to vote for Miss Congeniality. But... call me silly... I don't think a nice smile should -win- you a million dollars. Not unless you've got thirty-nine days worth of great game to back it up."

She looked into the camera, as if challenging Mike and Emma directly.

"So you two, let's see it. Let's see what you have to share with us. Let's see what great secrets you guys have been hiding. I'll be honest. I'll be open-minded. And I'm very much looking forward to what you both have to say."

She grinned.

"And it had better be good."


Mike and Isabella walked into the final Tribal Council cautiously, as if expecting to encounter something hostile within. The two players took their final fateful steps across the threshold of the temple, entering this sacred place for what would be the last time. Mike carried his ever-present garden gnome in both hands, and Isabella carried what remained of her Play-Doh. They placed their torches behind their seats, nodded imperceptibly at the jury, and then sat down. Mike placed his gnome on the ground directly between his feet.

It was time to begin.

"Welcome everybody," said Jeff, smiling at the finalists... and then turning to nod to the jurors. "Welcome to our final Tribal Council."

The shadows of the flames licked slowly across the inside of the temple as he spoke. They danced across the wooden beams and roof above as Jeff explained the rules of the final vote.

"Emma and Mike, each of you will get an opening statement. You'll each get to stand up, say your piece... and then it will be time for the jurors to speak." He turned to face the jury, several of which were grinning, broadly. "Each juror can either ask a question, or they can make a statement. Both finalists will then get to answer in turn." Jeff paused, placing his hands behind his back. "Then Mike and Emma will each get to make a closing argument before we take our final vote."

He turned back towards the two finalists.

"Got it?"

Both of them nodded. They did.

"So who wants to go first?" Jeff asked.

"We can go ladies first," Mike said, softly, "... If she wants to."

But Isabella just smiled, sweetly. She had other plans in mind. Plus she really didn't want to throw Mike off too much with the revelation she had planned for the jury. She didn't think that would be fair.

"It's okay," she said, "You can go first. I'd rather go second if I have a choice."

"Okay," nodded Mike.

So with that he stood up. The stage was now his. And the big man from New York took a step forward... as he turned to face the jury with his opening arguments.

"I don't really know where to begin." He smiled, disarmingly. But he was greeted in return by seven stone-faced jurors. Joni in the front row looked particularly unmoved. So Mike just plugged on, trying his best to get out the speech he had been working on all day in his head. "I just want to say thank you to you all. You have been great competition and great friends through all this. I literally couldn't have gotten here without you."

He paused for a moment, then continued.

"And now that I -am- here, I just would like to ask you to vote for me and make me the ultimate Survivor. Because while you have two choices tonight, I hope you will see that I am more deserving." He smiled, nervously. "And yes, of course Emma played the game well. She managed to deceive -all- of us at one time or another. She chose to ride the coat-tails of other players for the first half of the game, pretending to be the sweet and innocent flower."

He turned to look at Isabella, who simply stared at the ground.

"But after the merge hit," Mike continued, "She cut the legs out from -everyone- who stood in her way. First it was Ryan. Then Matt, Hogan, and Lance. She convinced us all to blindside Joni, and then turned on me... which led to Michelle being eliminated instead." He turned back to the jury. "In fact, she has personally voted each and -every- one of you out. And though Michelle lost via dagger, Emma was ultimately responsible for her exit as well too."

Mike paused for a moment, letting this information sink in.

"So you may say that -yes- she played a great game. But remember that -I- played a great game too. And also be aware that I am the -only- player Emma voted for and failed to get out. I am the only one who escaped the snuffing of the torch. And for that alone... I feel like I accomplished something special."

He softened his tone now, knowing the argument that was probably going to work. Because this jury hated Emma's guts. They all hated Emma's guts, and he knew it. And that meant it was time to gently remind them of this fact.

"I have tried -very- hard to be honest and open with each of you, and be a friend to all. And... yes... I was more honest and more of a friend to the Kamiyans I started the game with and allied with, but I just consider that to be good strategy." He turned to look at his friends in the front row. "Michelle... Ryan... I have never lied to you or betrayed you, EVER." Then he looked to the Satos sitting in the back. "Amy... Hogan... I tried my best to warn you and help you along. And in both of your cases, I did manage to help you along for at least an extra few days." He saw Amy nod, slightly, so then he turned his attention elsewhere. "Joni, I did stay true to you... by helping throw the competition in which we saved you from Sato. And though we weren't always close, I always watched your back. I watched your back up until the night Emma offered you up... and convinced us all to vote you out."

A slight lie, but Mike wasn't worried. He knew he had been partly responsible for Joni's exit, if not mostly. But if Isabella was going to take the heat for it... well he really wasn't going to argue.

"Matt," he continued, turning to the tall redhead in the corner, "Even though we got off on the wrong foot, my respect and affection for you kept me from voting for you when you were eliminated. Because I cast my vote for Hogan that night, not for you. That's why you only got four votes."

Mike then turned to face the last juror. The one he thought was going to be important. And the one he knew he more or less had in the bag.

"Lance," he smiled, "-You- were the type of person I was looking for at the beginning of the game. You were someone to trust and someone who had honor. I always wished we would have started on the same team." He stopped, smiling at the angry young man in the front. "But as you are well aware, I had -no- other choice but to vote for you the night you were eliminated. It just wasn't something I ever wanted to do."

He stepped back now, prepared to sum up his final argument. And just for good measure, he couldn't resist one last dig at Isabella. After all, he knew the jury was going to eat it up.

"I think I've proven to all of you that I've played the game with a fair amount of honor. And conversely, I'd like you to compare that with Emma. Because you see, she didn't care much about any of you. All she did was vote out each and every one of you... all on her ruthless path to the final four. And..." Mike shrugged. "... Maybe that shows a great player. Maybe that shows a cunning mind. I don't know." He shrugged again. "And I'm not saying that she's an awful person. I'm just saying it shows how far she will go... how willing she was to sacrifice her honor... just for the sake of winning this game."

He was done.

"So thank you for listening," he smiled. "And Mario the gnome says hi."

He sat down.


And now the moment of truth was here.

Isabella Smith smiled sweetly as Mike took his place on the bench next to her. He sat down, he looked happy, and he apparently thought he had just slam-dunked his way to a million dollar prize. He looked as if he didn't have a care in the world. He looked like he had it all sewn up.

But Isabella knew something. She knew that the jury was about to receive the shock of their lives. And as Mike was so blissfully unaware... the fireworks were -just- about ready to begin.

Isabella stood up.

She took a deep breath.

Then she began.

"Okay," she smiled, "Well hi, y'all." She turned to smile at each one of them in turn. Nobody smiled back. "I just want to warn you ahead of time that this might be lengthy... cause there's some things I want to say and explain."

She took one more deep breath. She was actually a little nervous right about now. Who would have thought that Isabella Smith would actually be -nervous-?

"Okay," she started, "I think I deserve to win this game cause I've played the best game possible for myself and overcame lots of obstacles. I've been the underdog from day one. I've been blasted repeatedly. But I've always managed to survive, whether by hook or nook or cranny." She paused to smile at them. "I've built strong relationships with people here, which I think is a real important part of this game, and I've had strategy on my mind every second of the way."

She stopped for a few seconds. Then she turned to look at her opponent.

"And what Mike said is true. I -did- vote out each and every one of you. But to me that isn't a negative at all. I think that's just more of a reason why you should vote for me to win. Because I -have- known what was going to happen most every vote. I knew what everyone was gonna do, and I voted out people before they had a chance to vote me out first."

She turned back to face the jury.

"Some of y'all might think I rode coattails through a lot of this game, but that's what I wanted everyone to think. I wanted you to think that I wasn't a threat. And it worked..."

Now she paused. And then she let out a whimsical little smile. It was just about time to drop the hammer.

"You see, I did my homework before the game began..."

No reaction from the jury.

"... I followed Tonga -much- more closely than I let on. In fact, I think I learned quite a bit from that season..."

No reaction yet.

"... And I know y'all might think I'm some silly little girl trying to come in here and play the Isabella strategy or something. But that'd be wrong. That'd be -dead- wrong. Because I'm -not- playing the Isabella strategy..."

She paused for an extra long moment.

Then she continued.

And she suddenly no longer had the Southern accent.

"I'm not -playing- the Isabella strategy. I -am- the Isabella strategy."

A few curious looks on the faces of the jurors, though nobody had quite caught on yet. Amy was the only one with the faintest glimmering of recognition. Meanwhile Jeff Probst was in the corner, trying his best not to laugh. Though he was at least trying to be discrete about it.

"My name is Isabella Smith," she continued, "I am a psychology student from New York City. I played this game with an alias, and I feel like I've played it well..."

Now the jury was starting to catch on. Now they were starting to look shocked...

"... Marietta, Georgia is the place an old ex-boyfriend grew up in. I not only asked him to teach me the accent and facts about Georgia, I also asked him to come as my loved one, under the alias of being my brother. You may have seen him. His name was John..."

The faces of the jurors were unreadable. But they were definitely starting to listen. Suddenly they were listening to every word that came out of her mouth. Exactly the way she had wanted them to.

"... My parents once considered naming me Emma. But they ultimate chose Isabella instead. And I -did- work in a coffeeshop for a time, just like I claimed. And I -did- have to save up money for school, just like I claimed. And I -do- adore children and hope to be a teacher someday, just like I told every one of you."

Isabella paused to let this sink in. Then she continued. It was time to start laying out the facts.

"I believe I lost Tonga because of one major reason. And sure... there was the question of my final two partner choice... but I believe it was mainly because of my performance in front of the jury." She nodded. "For whatever reason, I gave a lackluster performance in front of the jury and I never revealed my strategy."

A few jurors nodded. They were well aware of what had happened.

"So in Okinawa, I promised myself that if I made it here again... I would reveal all. I would tell you guys -everything-. That way... I could be sure that the vote would be based on my actual performance in this game. And not because people didn't realize what I had done."

A few jurors were shaking their heads now, in disbelief. Off to her side, Mike looked -furious-. His opening speech had just been trumped and he knew it. And if he hated Isabella before, that was -nothing- compared to what he was feeling right now. Right now he felt like walking over and smacking her.

"I started this game as an underdog," Isabella explained. "I was the last person to arrive at Kamiya. And when I got there, there was already an alliance of five... which included Mike... formed only because those five happened to arrive at camp first. And that meant I was one of the first people on the chopping block, simply because I arrived last."

A few jurors nodded at this. Very begrudgingly.

"I ended up on the outside looking in, and all I could do was make the best of it. So regardless of alliances... I just started trying to make friends with everybody. This is -always- part of my strategy, partly because I enjoy getting to know people and I enjoy hearing about their lives."

She smiled.

"But you have to realize that Danielle was the first person I wanted to vote off. I needed a reason to be important to the tribe until I made inroads with alliances... or just in case I didn't make any at all. And since Danielle was also a fantastic searcher, I needed her to go. I figured if we voted her off, whether I was in the "alliance" or not, I'd be essential to the tribe's survival. And I was."

She turned to face Michelle and Joni.

"My first alliance was called the Angels, or variations of that. It was a counter-alliance consisting of myself, Joni, Chris and Michelle. And to this -day- I don't think some people even know about it. Including our friend Mike..."

Mike looked surprised. He had never heard of the Angels before. He just glared at the ground, angrily.

"When the twist occurred," she continued, "Mike was randomly selected to leave since Kamiya randomly answered our questions. But when I saw it coming, I -immediately- realized he could end up with some kind of power. And I wanted to make sure I ended up on the "good" side of the twist, no matter what it was. So that's why I hugged Mike goodbye and that's why I told him good luck."

She turned to look at Mike, who continued to stare at the ground, angrily.

"Mike and I had had some personal conversations so I meant it. I really did wish him well. But of course my message was completely strategic. I figured if he were somehow picking tribes it'd help him choose me. And it worked." She smiled, sweetly. "When Mike returned, he told me that because of that hug, he -purposely- avoided discussing me with Henry. That way Henry wouldn't pick me if they had to re-pick teams. And I never got picked."

Isabella turned back to face the jury.

"I could go on and on," she finished, "From taking Ryan out before he got me... to saving Mike at the Hogan vote... which Mike still doesn't know about..." She grinned. "And I could go all the way up to using Amy as insurance, so that Mike would be forced to take me to the end instead." She nodded. "And I tried my best to throw that last challenge. I tried to answer the same way as Amy every time. From Joni "Morton"... to Ryan's girlfriend "Gertrude"... to Matt receiving seven votes... all of those were answered wrong on purpose."

She grinned again.

"But best of all, I managed to get Mike to take me to the final two. Even after the final four vote, where he claimed he would -never- do it."

The jurors looked like they were starting to get impatient. Most of them looked like they wanted to respond to her points. So Isabella realized it was just about time to wrap this speech up. It was time to get this thing moving.

"I think I've played this game against fifteen fantastic players," she said. "And I feel proud to be in the final two. And while you might not like the fact that I played with an alias... I feel that only shows the dedication I gave to this game. I kept up my alias the -entire- time. And while I just did what I needed to get farther, please be aware that -every- friend and relationship I made was true and... I hope... lasting."

She paused.

"And please remember that, as Mike pointed out, I knew what was going on at -all- times. Whereas he didn't. He didn't even know of the existence of the single most powerful alliance in the game."

Mike winced at that one. And she knew she had him.

"People have spoken a lot of honor in this game," Isabella finished. "Moreso I think than in -any- other season of Survivor. But at the same time I believe honor is an easy word to misuse." She paused. "Because in -this- game, I feel the most honorable thing one can do is to play this game to the best of their ability. And to outwit... outlast... and outplay."

She smiled.

"I feel I've done all of that. And that's why you should vote for me to win."

She sat down.

"Thank you."

And the games were about to begin.


The first juror to speak was Matt Carter. And so the young man from California stood up, faced Mike and Isabella, and addressed them both.

"Okay," he muttered, "Here goes nothing..."

He cleared his throat.

"A good friend of mine once said that a bitter final tribal council speech is only a way for the jury to make themselves feel more intelligent." He turned to stare at Isabella. "You might remember that, Bella, because his name is Marcy. He was in Tonga, he voted for you to win, and he's a helluva guy."

Isabella smiled.

"And while he speaks highly of you..." Matt continued, masking his anger very well, "At the same time that fact makes it hard to even -consider- you for my vote. Because I came in here promising myself that I wouldn't be bitter, that I wouldn't be like all the rest. I didn't want to be just another pissed off juror."

Now he started to glare at her.

"... And then you opened your mouth."

Isabella just sat and watched, wordlessly, as Matt's face turned red from the anger that was bottled within him at the moment. For he was absolutely furious right now, and it showed.

"The minute you told us who you were, a bitter rage boiled up inside me. And basically, it made me want to tear up my existing speech and write you and the producers off as... well... cheating assholes."

Mike nodded angrily.

"But..." Matt softened, "Sitting down, I've had some time to think. And I wish I could be under higher sedation. Seriously... I could use some blurring images and colorful lights right about now."

Isabella smiled again, somewhat tentatively. She wasn't entirely sure where this was going. As usual, Matt was almost impossible for her to predict.

"Isabella, you played a game," Matt finished, "You outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted us by far. And who knows... play your cards right and you might walk away with that money. But I cannot say if I will help you one way or another..."

He chuckled.

"... Because then we come to the other part of the equation, Mike."

Matt turned to face the big man.

"Mike, you're one hell of a guy, but I'm not sure if your game could compare to Bella's. You both had that drama queen thing down, that much is true." He smiled. "But seriously... Mario the gnome was -that- fucking irritating. I mean it."

A few jurors snickered.

"You wanted me gone because I didn't like the gnome. So of course, it would seem like justice not to vote for you because you didn't like the mask. Or maybe because you get off by bullying teenagers to within an inch of driving them insane. But maybe that's just me. Who knows?"

Matt realized he was rambling now.

"So anyway...." he shrugged, "A final two that pleases everybody is no fun. It's lousy TV, and most of the pairings are incredibly boring anyway. So we here in Okinawa are in luck. We get a final two made up of scumbags who are both happy and content with how they played. And... mind you... I say scumbags in the most -endearing- of ways..."

More snickers from the jury.

"... Because I'm sure you really aren't that bad as real people. And it's not like I'm saying -I- deserve to be up there. Lord knows I made enough mistakes not to deserve that spot. I screwed up, I lost, I had fun with it and I'm happy with how I did. But one thing you'll find out tonight is that most of us are -not-." He glared at them both. "You two can argue gameplay all you will... but there's gonna be a lynch mob forming at the end of the night."

Neither Isabella nor Mike had said a word yet. They both stared up at him, wordlessly.

"Truth be told," Matt continued, "Ryan should probably be up there instead of you, Mike. But Bella... you earned your spot. You earned it, but you earned it on -our- backs. And if you want to win the game, you'll have to earn it right back."

Isabella nodded.

"And as it is," Matt finished, "I'm not going to do anything to help -either- of you win this game. I'm just going to ask you a question... and I want a one word response." He looked at them. "Got it?"

They nodded.

"Isabella," he asked, "How did it all feel?"


"Thanks for your honesty." He turned to his left. "Mike, who would win in a battle royale to the death: Mr. T or Bigfoot?"


"Thank you both," said Matt.

And with that he was done.


Michelle Kin-Fraley was the next to speak. And like a certain truck driver from Wisconsin long ago... Michelle came out of the gates blazing. She had both barrels loaded, and she immediately jumped in for the kill.

"I want to wish both of you good luck tonight," she said, "Because you're gonna need it."

Both Mike and Isabella chuckled to themselves.

"First," said Michelle, "I just need to clear something up. Because Mike... one day you told me how you and Ryan were going to "bring me along" to the final 3 because you both thought I deserved it."

Mike nodded.

"Well saying you were going to “bring me along” insulted both my intelligence, as well as my gamesmanship. And it also pissed me off." She glared at him. "You didn't bring me -anywhere- Mike. I worked my -ass- off to get to the final four. And don't go on anymore about how Ryan and Joni sacrificed themselves for you to advance in this game. And -I- sure as hell didn't sacrifice myself just so you could get to the final two. I did what I did for my own personal reasons. I sure as hell didn't do it for you."

Mike opened his mouth to speak, but Michelle just cut him off.

"What you've said about us lessens the efforts that Ryan, Joni and I each gave to this game. Because all three of us were in the game for ourselves. -Not- to cheer you on and -not- to sacrifice ourselves just so you could be in the final two!"

Mike just stared at her.

"I found what you said about us," Michelle finished, "To be insulting."

Mike said nothing. But truthfully Michelle wasn't here to batter Mike tonight. She had asked to go second for a specific reason, and she had a plan in mind. Her plan was to enrage Mike early on. To make him angry and emotional. Because she had seen firsthand how wishy-washy Mike could be at times. She had seen why some people might think he was a pussy. And so it was her job to get him mad. To turn him into a fighter. To bring out his natural competitive spirit.

And to help him destroy Isabella in the process.

"And Emma..." Michelle whirled to glare at her bitter rival, "There is no name for the type of game you played. To say you were under-the-radar is an insult to past players who have invented... and then perfected... that type of strategy." She pointed an angry finger at Isabella. "You are someone who lets others do -all- the dirty work. And you sit there, tagging along, until the real players have cleared a path large enough for you to sneak by."

A few jurors nodded at this.

"The simple fact that you have -never- received a vote doesn't mean you're a great player, honey. It just means that everyone thought so -little- of your gamesmanship... that they passed you by while they went after bigger and better targets instead. Because if you had received at least one vote... that would have meant you had actually done something in this game."

Isabella smiled to herself. A tight, little angry smile. But Michelle wasn't done yet.

"Being Isabella doesn't impress me. And if it was supposed to shock me, it failed. Because if you think that is supposed to give me cause to vote for you... it won't. You have to -earn- my vote tonight. And hiding behind an identity doesn't impress me in the slightest." She smirked, angrily. "Shit, Scott is my husband. -Not- my brother. We are happily married. I did the same thing you did. And you didn't win once, so you have to try again. Big deal."

More snickers from the jury.

"If I were in the final three," Michelle continued, "I would have picked Amy to go to the end. Not you. You only knew what was going on because I told you. -Not- because you were some big master strategist." Michelle almost started to laugh. "And -you- didn't take out Dani. That is complete bullshit! Chris and I were behind the Danigate vote. You just showed up and tagged along."

Isabella said nothing, so Michelle started to bait her.

"But maybe you just see a different game than we do. Maybe you need to get into a phone booth right now. Maybe you need to change into somebody else. If you do, let us know. Because we'll wait."

Isabella gave no visible response, so Michelle became frustrated. Instead she turned to Mike, and started trying to get him a little more worked up again.

"Mike, and you're no better. Your blatant attempts at kissing up to the jury all game make me sick. Your answers are always very transparent, and you've ended up looking like a phony. So tonight, I hope you've brought your A-game. Because anything less will destroy you. Tonight, I highly encourage you to stop worrying about what the jury is thinking. Stop trying to kiss up and make yourself look good. Because all you do then is make yourself look like the biggest dumbass to ever answer a question."

Mike looked furious. Good! It was working!

"I like you, Mike," she explained, "I really do. I'm just letting you know ahead of time. Because if you sit there and kiss up tonight like you normally do, you will quickly get your ass handed back to you. Kiss up tonight and you're going to be in for a very long night."

The jury thought Michelle was done. But... like usual... she was ready to go about five more minutes beyond her allotted time.

"Make no mistake about it. If I was sitting there against either of you, I would kick your asses. Because the two best players are -not- sitting in the final two. They are sitting here in the jury. And one of them was taken out by random chance..."

At this point Jeff softly cleared his throat. He politely asked Michelle to get to her question. She was taking long enough as it was.

"Okay, okay," she said, smiling guiltily. "And I don't want any B.S., you two. Forget political correctness and forget kissing up to the jury. All I want are straight and honest answers. Anything less would be insulting the intelligence of every member of this jury."

Mike and Isabella nodded.

"My question to both of you is the same. It's in two parts, and I want details." She smiled. "Part 1: Who here on the jury played the worst game? And I want details." She paused. "Either one of you can go first. I don't care what the order is. Just go for it."

Isabella said nothing, so Mike took the initiative to speak up first.

"I would have to say that Hogan played the worst game," he said. "I really didn't see any real strategy behind any of his actions. And simply jumping ship to Kamiya when all I did was tell him he was going was a pretty poor idea in the long run."

"Thanks," nodded Michelle. "Emma?" She said the name very mockingly.

"Alright," nodded Isabella. "I also believe that Hogan played the worst game. He never bothered to try to build a relationship with me or too many people... and he just hoped to always tag along on a vote."

"Fair enough," nodded Michelle. "Okay, part two. Which one of the jurors played the -best- game. And again, I want details." She turned to Mike. "Whose ass do you feel like kissing, Mike?"

"Well..." Mike glared at her, "The person who played the best game... since you asked, Heidi... was probably you. Because all along, since day one, I told you that you were the person who I feared the most. I saw strategy and cunning in your eyes, and I knew it would take you a long way." He saw Michelle smiling, so he continued. "And even when I was on the opposite side of the Dani vote, I knew you were going to be a contender."

"Alright," said Michelle.

"And by the way..." Mike continued, "I'm pissed that you call all my answers bullshit. I've been very genuine and honest, especially tonight. And I get annoyed that you seem to take my answers the wrong way..."

"That's enough," Michelle grinned, happily. Yay for Mike! Angry Mike lives!

"The only fact that should matter," Mike nearly yelled, "Is that I'm the only damn genuine person out here. I'm the only person out here with real feelings! And I don't think it's fair that Isabella got to play here with us again..."

"Mike," grinned Michelle, "Shut up." A few jurors laughed. Then Michelle turned her attention to Isabella. Now she spoke in a mock Southern twang. "Miss Emma? Your turn."

"Well," said Isabella calmly, "Who played the best is tough." She paused for a moment, thinking it over. "I could say Michelle... because she's a master at keeping herself in the middle of things. I could say Joni... because she got everyone to underestimate her so she could go right on strategizing. And I could say Amy... since she saved herself so often and so repeatedly..."

"Just one name, honey," Michelle cut her off.

"But if I was on the jury," Isabella said, "And I could vote for any of you... I'd have to vote for Ryan."

"Ryan?" Michelle asked.

"Yes," nodded Isabella. "I think he was a master manipulator. And I think he was willing to do absolutely -anything- to get himself farther." She turned to look at the jury. "If I hadn't have stopped Ryan when I did, I think he might have been unstoppable."

She nodded. That was it, she was done.

"Thank you both," Michelle said. "And Mike... thank you for speaking from the heart."

Michelle sat down.


Hogan Mueller stood up, the third juror to address the finalists. And not one to disappoint, he started off with yet another one of his Hogan-isms.

"Well, first I guess I am supposed to congratulate you," he nodded. "So congratulations. And just so you know, that isn't heartfelt."

A few jurors laughed.

"You know," said Hogan, "This is very disappointing for you two to be here. Because as we all know, the true winner of Okinawa was voted out last night."

Hogan started off awkwardly, but he actually had a lot of fun in store for Isabella and Mike tonight. For he was about to show them exactly -why- he was a debate champion back home at school in Kansas. They were about to see his tenacious side. It was something he had hidden from them all for thirty-nine days now, and it was just about time for Bulldog Hogan to come out from where he had been hiding.

"Mike," he grinned wickedly, "For thirty-nine days you made yourself up to be the almighty God of Truth. You hid behind your words, you hid behind your "honor", and that in itself was a lie. Because now you've even admitted that you abused trust in this game. And you more or less lied to us -all-." Hogan flashed Mike a quick look of disgust. "Right now... you are on -such- a low plane as far as integrity and morals go. I mean, you lied to me about the Matt vote, you never told me you were going to vote for me that night instead!" Hogan was getting worked up. "And then you vote out the best player in the game last night, right after you had vowed to everyone that you would -never- let Emma anywhere near the final two!"

A few jurors nodded. Mike just sat there, angrily.

"That in itself is enough to warrant a win for Emma! Because Mike... I'm sixteen years old.. and I make you look -silly- in the ethics department. Your bottom feeder mentality disgusts me." Hogan crossed his arms now, clearly enjoying the sight of Mike squirming under a direct attack. He continued to speak, rapid-fire, as he pelted Mike with more and more accusations. "As Amy said last night... honor is a -big- thing in Okinawa. And... well, bud... you get a 0 out of 100 there."

Hogan turned to face the rest of the jury.

"At the Tribal Council where I left," he explained, "Mike said that the winner of Okinawa should be chosen by -who- was the most honorable. Well guess what, Mike, sometimes past words can come back to haunt you."

He whirled around to face Mike once more.

"What about lying to me and telling me to vote for Matt... and then voting for me instead? What about claiming you cast the mystery vote for Ryan... when we all knew it was Emma who did it instead? Because Mike... you have been the -biggest- dodger of questions in this game. You never answer anything, you claim you're honest and honorable. But guess what?" Hogan smirked at him. "Your personality is just a big joke."

A few jurors winced at this one. Even Isabella raised her eyebrows at this last line. That one was a bit harsh.

"I want to ask you," Hogan said calmly, "How you can -live- with yourself. How can you be a former boy scout and treat people with such utter contempt and disrespect? How can you lie so blatantly and even make it through the day?"

Mike just glared at the ground.

"It's sad that a teenager has to chastise you for your actions!" Hogan continued to pound away at him. "It's time to grow up, Mike!"

"Okay," Jeff said softly. "That's enough. Hogan, do you have a question for Mike?"

"I do," nodded the teenager, "But I have something to say to Emma first."

Jeff nodded.

"Now Emma..." Hogan said, smiling predatorily. "Well, I didn't get to know you that well, mainly because you're a solitary person. And I tried, but you were very dismissive of me. And you really didn't seem to care."

Isabella tried to hold back a smile.

"You admit that you would do anything to get to the final two, which I find admirable that you'll even admit. You voted for me, which I am fine with, but you -did- step on a lot of feet on your way to the top. And I think you owe a -lot- of people apologies when all is said and done."

Hogan stared at her hard, trying to make eye contact. Isabella looked up at him, amused.

"Your masquerade as Emma has disappointed me, but that's life. And at least you came clean. But..." And here he smirked down at her. "The problem is that you have dissed me several times tonight, and that was just not smart. Because where I would have voted for you in a -second-, now you've put me in a position where I don't like either one of you. So that means the answers to my question will be pivotal."

Hogan turned to face both Isabella and Mike now.

"As you all know, I am a Boy Scout. And I live by the Boy Scout Oath. Mike, you may have heard of it. It's something you once believed in." He chuckled. "Anyway... the Scout Oath is such a big part of my life that I don't feel I can vote for someone unless they share the same respect for life, people, and for themselves as I do."

He raised his right hand in the air. He formed his fingers in the shape of a Scout Sign.


He turned to Mike.

"Mike, I want to know how you were TRUSTWORTHY and KIND in Okinawa."

He turned to Isabella.

"Isabella, I want to know how you were LOYAL AND CHEERFUL."

He paused.

"So that's it, guys. That's your task. And this time, no B.S. None of us want to hear it anymore."

Once again, Isabella took no initiative to go first. She just sat there, staring down at the ground. That meant Mike would be leading off. As usual.

"First off," Mike explained, "You're right. I -did- abuse trust."

Hogan nodded.

"But in my defense," Mike continued, "I only did it in strategy issues. I didn't do it with people issues. If I said I liked you... I meant it. If I said I respected you... it was genuine. All my feelings, all the honesty about real things were one hundred percent genuine."

"A lie is a lie," Hogan shrugged. "But whatever."

"I respect you very much, Hogan..."

"Actions speak louder than words, Mike."

"... But in this game," Mike continued, "You have to choose which side you are going to be more loyal and more honest to. And I always chose Kamiya." He turned to look at the jury. "When I had my alliances, I -never- lied to any of them. I never tried to betray Ryan... or Michelle... or Murtz..."

"Fine," sighed Hogan. "Just move on to the Scout qualities then. How were you kind in Okinawa?"

"I tried to be as kind as I possibly could. I tried to take peoples' feelings into consideration. And if you don't believe me... I doubt anything I say will be able to change that."

"Now trustworthy."

"As I just said," Mike explained, "-Everything- I said to my alliance partners was true."

"Like me?" Hogan asked. "What about when -I- was in your alliance?"

"Things changed," Mike shrugged, helplessly. "I can't explain it any better than that. I was more loyal to others and... well... I guess I had a priority scale."

"With me at the bottom."

"I tried to honor my earlier obligations," Mike said slowly. "And that is what I based my game decisions on. I always tried to keep my earlier obligations."

"Well ya know..." Hogan joked, "If you have earlier obligations... maybe you shouldn't make new ones. You ever consider that, Mike?"

"It's true," Mike shrugged. "But in this game, I did. And I always kept my earlier word."

Hogan was tired of Mike, so he quickly moved on to Isabella. After all, she still wasn't off the hook yet.

"Loyal," Isabella explained, "I was loyal to -one- person in this game. The only person I was loyal to was myself." She shrugged, slowly. "If I didn't look out for me, nobody else was going to do it."

Hogan nodded.

"I said at one point," she continued, "That at most you can only be loyal to -one- other person in this game. And that's the person you take to the final two."

Hogan nodded again.

"Cheerful," Isabella explained. "I think I am a cheerful person. I try to keep a positive outlook on life and I always keep faith. I strongly feel that there's no room in life for regret or for grudges. And I try never to excessively worry." She paused, then shrugged. "And knowing that helps keep me cheerful."

Hogan nodded.

Then he added one final question, just for her.

"So will you apologize at the end of this?"

"Of course I will apologize for any feelings I've hurt," Isabella said. "Because I don't like hurting people's feelings. But I can't regret the actions I've taken in this game. That's not something I would ever do. You do what you have to do to win."

"Thanks," nodded Hogan.

Then he turned to the jury.

"Jury, I think I have shown you that Mike does -not- deserve to win this game. He himself said honor should be the determining factor, not seeming to realize how damn -dishonest- he was throughout the game. So if you respect the Okinawan virtues of inner being... honesty... and interaction with others, you will not vote for Mike, you will vote for Emma instead." He smiled, then added: "Emma might be a very conniving player, but she has come clean. And I feel she holds up the virtue of honor better than Mike."

He turned back to face her.

"Isabella, when I left... I asked you before Tribal Council if I was going that night. And what did you say."

"I said yes."

"And that," smiled Hogan, "Is honorable."

He sat down. And it was time for juror number four to speak.


"Hey guys," said Lance McHale. The young man from San Diego stood up now. He nodded to Jeff, turned towards the final two, and began to speak. "We'll start with Mike."

Mike nodded.

"How are you?" Lance asked. "And no that isn't my final question."

A few jurors laughed.

"Honestly?" said Mike. "I'm a little shaken. It's been rough up here."

"Well first off, I'd like to get back to something you said just a few days ago." Lance placed his hands behind his back. "It was at the Final Four Tribal Council. And at one point you made a plea to Emma. Do you remember?"

Mike nodded, carefully.

"In your plea," Lance continued, "You said that if Emma didn't switch her vote to Amy, and you stuck around, and you won immunity at final three... then you would -never- take her with you. Does that sound familiar?"

"Yeah," Mike said.

"Well sure enough, Emma -didn't- switch her vote, you stuck around, and you won the final immunity challenge. But..." And now Lance smiled. "... You clearly lied about that last part. Because I see Emma sitting right next to you here in the final two."

Mike said nothing.

"So my question to you is this," Lance stated. "We -know- what you planned to do if Amy had been in the final three. But what if the other six jurors had been there instead of her? How many of them would you have taken to the final two over Emma?" Lance paused, then held up six fingers. "Six different scenarios. Six different answers. If each one of the six of us had been in the final three instead of Amy, which one would you have taken to the end... Emma or the other person?"

He stepped back and waited, expectantly.

"You can justify your answers as you see fit, Mike. So take your time."

There was silence in the Tribal Council area as the players all waited for Mike to respond. The silence lasted a good thirty seconds.

"First off," Mike started, "I didn't lie..."

"Well you don't just change your mind about something like that."

"I had -intended- not to take Isaemma," Mike said, "Because of her betrayal. But then logic kicked in... and overpowered my vindictive side. Logic reminded me why I was in this game."

"Six scenarios," Lance said flatly, "Six answers. We're waiting."

"Fine," Mike nodded. "Okay, scenario number one... Ryan versus Isaemma." He paused for a second. "I would have taken Ryan without a doubt. I never lied to Ryan, and I always believed him to be true."

Lance nodded.

"Lance versus Emma," Mike said, "Hmmm... well I probably would have taken you. Because I always believed my relationship with you was genuine." Mike paused. "And the same answer would go towards Michelle. I believed in her... and taking the person with whom I had a commitment would have been the right thing for me."

Lance nodded again.

"Emma versus Joni," Mike said. "Well... in this case I probably would have taken Emma. Since I would have had a better chance. Plus I had no lasting ties to Joni." He paused one more time. "Same answer for Hogan. I would have taken Emma because I had no real ties to Hogan."

"One more," said Lance.

"Okay..." Mike said, "Emma versus Matt." He stopped to think about this one for a long while. He actually appeared to be debating the choice in his head. "I'm not really sure," he finally concluded. "Emma really pissed me off at the end... but at the same time I'm not sure I could have beaten Matt. Despite the fact that we got along better at the end."

"Got it," said Lance.

"I hope that answers them all," Mike smiled, "In a non-bullshit, non-sucking up sort of way."

"Thanks," Lance said. Then he turned to Isabella. "Moving on..."

Lance locked his gaze with Isabella.

And she could see in his brown eyes that she wasn't going to get his vote.

No way in hell was she getting Lance McHale's vote tonight.

"Emma," he said bitterly, "When I talked to you about my life, my job, and what I loved about it... I was telling this to a young girl from Georgia. I was telling it to a girl who I was very much trying to get to know better in this game."

Lance was starting to look angry.

"Geez," he continued, "In my first five or six chats with you, the game never even came -up-, because I was getting to know you. But one thing I was -not- doing was telling all this to a girl from New York. A girl who happened to be playing a part."

A few jurors nodded.

"And Emma, some might say that you pulled off a decent strategy. But what -I- say is that you disrespected me by playing the part of someone you're not. And for that, you lose -all- of my respect, whether it's worth anything to you or not."

Lance shook his head, sadly, as he stared disapprovingly down at her.

"Emma... and I -will- continue calling you Emma, because it's sick to think your name might be something else... you and I obviously have different views on honor. And I can't say yours is wrong... simply because it's your opinion. But that being said..." He glared at her. "I can honestly say that in my entire existence, I have -never- heard of lying being included in the same sentence as honor in a positive light. And your situation here is -no- different. No matter how you try to spin it otherwise."

Lance turned to face the rest of the jury.

"In your opening statement, Emma, you said that you enjoy getting to know people and hearing about their lives. But my question to you is this... -how- can you carry yourself around knowing that they give you this information and you lie about different aspects of yours. They give you the truth, and you give them whatever you feel like making up. Because in my eyes... that's like packing my life in a paper bag, throwing it on the cement and stomping on it as hard as you can."

Isabella said nothing. She just looked up at him. Her face was unreadable.

"So what kind of kicks did you get out of this?" Lance asked. "Did you enjoy lying to every single one of us with a false front? Did you go to bed smiling at night, knowing that you had done a good day's work of lying to people who were pouring their lives out to you, just to better yourself in this game?" He turned back to face her. "And just answer the questions directly. Yes or no. But please support your answers any way you can."

"Well..." said Isabella, clearing her throat, "The answer to your first question is no. I did -not- get any kicks out of it. I never get kicks out of lying just for the sake of lying."

"So you never enjoyed what you were doing?"

"Well in the sense of did I think I had done a good job?"


"Yes," Isabella nodded. "Yes I -did- feel I did a good job. And I'll tell you why, too."

"Be my guest."

"I believe I did so well with an alias," Isabella explained, "Because I was always basically playing myself. The reason I succeeded while so many others have failed was because I didn't deviate much from my real self." She turned to face the jury. "I didn't want to make up some random alias just to have fun fooling people. That's not the way I play at all. I chose to play with an alias because I -didn't- want to be pre-judged for things people had heard or read about me. I didn't want to walk into Okinawa with two strikes already against me."

A few jurors nodded at this. Others just looked annoyed.

"I wanted the alias to still be me - just me, unrecognizable. Because the core of who I am... my soul... is the same whether my name is Emma or Isabella, whether I'm from Marietta, Georgia... or New York City."

"You took the part of a new person," Lance interjected, "That's a whole different thing than an alias..."

"Yes," Isabella nodded, "And I've just stated my reasons for doing so. I tried to make it as similar to me as possible while keeping myself unrecognizable." She paused. "Okay, let me put it this way. Say one day you find out the person who always said was your father or sister or whatever really wasn't, that biologically it's someone else. But this fact alone doesn't really change your relationship with that person... unless you let it."

"Well wait," Lance asked, "Did that person know the truth and just lie about it? Or did they carry on unknowingly?"

"Either way, it's the same."

"No," Lance shook his head. "Those two scenarios aren't even close."

"If they knew the truth," Isabella said, "Then they lied for a reason. But the relationship I believe would still be the same in either scenario..."

"That's it," said Lance, cutting her off. "Let's just not waste anymore of the jury's time. Are you done?"

"Yes, thank you. If you are."

"Well it has been a pleasure," Lance said, smiling tightly. "So Isabella... Emma... whoever, congratulations. And be sure to have fun the next time, during Survivor: Canary Islands." He smirked at her. "I'm sure you'll be there too, with a new name. Heck, you could even make a career out of this. After all, third time is a charm, right?"

He glared at her.

She glared back.

"Don't forget," Lance added, "Applications are due on December 31st. That means you'd better hurry."


Ryan Rebez stood up and walked slowly to the front of the set. As always, he strolled casually, his hands in his pockets. He whistled a happy little tune under his breath. And once he was set and in place, he turned to face the two finalists.

Then he grinned at them.

This was going to be fun.

"I had a speech all planned out," he admitted, "But due to recent... revelations... about miss Emma, I feel like I should add a small preface at the beginning."

He turned to face his longtime nemesis for the first time. He turned to face the dreaded slayer of Rebez. He turned to face Isabella. She smiled back at him, respectfully.

"Isabella," he started, "Because you are a -spectacular- bullshit artist, I'm sure you will answer my question fairly well. But do be aware that I will be hesitant to allow -anything- you say to carry much weight. So let's just keep that in mind before we start."

Isabella nodded.

"You say that you knew how every vote would be going down," Ryan said. "But the catch here is that you did -not- know we almost targeted you first instead of Danielle. You very easily could have been the first player voted out of this game." He paused. "You said that Mike was chosen "randomly" to be our outcast... and to select new tribes. But once again you are wrong. We all agreed upon our answers in advance. There was nothing random about it."

He held up one finger.

Then he held up another.

"You've been wrong on two counts so far tonight. And for all your reputation as a genius... for all your vaunted strategic resurgence... that's still two strikes. One more strike, and you're out."

He stared down at her.

"So be sure to think about that long and hard. Because as you are well aware... second place is also known as the first loser. And you stand a very good chance of being the ultimate loser... twice in a row. So try not to make history tonight."

That being said, Ryan now moved on to his pre-planned jury questions. He just hadn't been able to resist one added chance to make Isabella squirm. That part had been just for him. That part was more or less revenge.

"Mike," he started, "It could be said that you were a master manipulator all game. After all, you were heavily involved in the tribal composition, post-twist. You actively kept a solid core of Kamiyans together through several difficult and untrusting times. And at -no- point have you stopped playing the game." And again he grinned at Isabella. "... Nor did it take several days for you to start."

A few jurors laughed.

"Your actions, Mike," Ryan continued, "Have proven that you can deceive others if you wish. And your choice of final two opponent proves that you to have the foresight to bring someone along who you believe to be less popular among the members of the jury."

Ryan paused.

"However, Mike... you -also- managed to set yourself up for an early dismissal at the hands of Chris and Michelle had the twist not occurred, due to your overbearing nature. In short, you were hard to get along with, people found you unbearable, and you too could very easily have been the first player kicked out of this game." Ryan stared down at Mike as he spoke. "In addition, your playacting with the gnome was a -constant- source of irritation to those around you. And I hate to tell you this, but you survived some very critical votes mainly due to your brawn. It certainly wasn't because of your brain."

Mike winced visibly at that one. And Ryan then turned his attention to Isabella.

"Isabella, you -also- could be seen as a master manipulator, as you convinced many of us that you were an innocent ingenue while, at the same time, actively plotting our demise. In fact, despite the wariness of those of us who were not fooled, you managed to escape unscathed by simply acting against us before we had a chance to do the same to you." He nodded at this last point. "You have been the vote others could use to further themselves, therefore ensuring your own survival. And lastly, you made yourself less likeable than Amy in the eyes of Mike, thereby showing even more evidence of foresight on your part."

Isabella smiled. Ryan had nailed it.

"However..." Ryan continued, "From a different perspective... your actions could easily be viewed as the emotional impulses of a desperate pawn. And your late entry into the foray of players who were actively furthering themselves is another mark against you." He smiled at her. "Your odious nature may very well be less due to gamesmanship... than to the simple fact that others did not see you as a true player in this game." He paused, then added, "Besides, some may consider your presence at the end to be caused by your physical and visual strengths... and not because of any strategic awareness you may or may not have possessed."

Ryan stepped out from behind the podium.

"Both of you may very well perceive me tonight to be embittered. Perhaps even vindictive. But if you believe I'm tipping my hand as to how I will cast my vote... you have just made your first incorrect assumption. Because the winner of Survivor: Okinawa will have to -earn- our votes." He smiled. "In fact, a lot of the jury members will be paying careful attention to how you answer -my- question in particular. So do be careful with this one..."

Both finalists nodded.

"You have both managed to fulfill the first doctrine of Survivor," Ryan said. "You have both managed to Outlast." He paused. "But it is -now- time to prove that you have also fulfilled the remaining winning conditions: Outwit... and Outplay." He turned his back to them. Now he was looking directly at the jury. "Mike and Isabella... What I ask of each of you is that you tell us, the jury, how you outwitted and outplayed us. And I want you to address us individually." He smiled to himself, gleefully. "Please address us one at a time with your answers. And failure by either of you to respond to one or all of us will be seen as proof that you did not, in fact, outwit nor outplay us. Your presence in those seats will therefore be credited to luck alone. And we will vote accordingly."

Both Mike and Isabella nodded.

"Oh," Ryan finished, "And Isabella?"


"For the sake of the integrity of the game... all manipulations directly related to your assumed identity are hereby -invalidated- in my eyes. So good luck. And you can go first."

Isabella smiled at this last line. Then she turned to Ryan to speak. She stared directly at his back, as he was still facing the jury.

"First off," she started, "I want to address what you said about me..."

"I don't believe that's what I asked," Ryan overrode her. "Please just stick to the question. Or my vote will be going to Mike."

"Alright then," she said, somewhat snidely, "I'll wait until closing statements... mister Master Manipulator."

Ryan almost laughed at this last line. Luckily she couldn't see his face from here.

"Amy," said Isabella, turning to address the young mom from Wisconsin, "I believe I outwitted and outlasted you because you could have won the Final 3 Immunity Challenge. In fact, it was favored towards you because Mike and I know more similar information. And I -purposely- missed three questions, including the last one, to make sure you didn't win." She paused. "I believe you're a great player who outlasted a lot of people... thirteen to be exact... while being targeted numerous times. But because I outwitted you in the final challenge, that's why I'm sitting here instead of you."

She turned to address Hogan next.

"Hogan, I believe I made relationships with everyone here. Which is something you didn't bother to do with some people... up to and including me." She paused. "I was the one who orchestrated the vote for you, and I think that in itself shows strategic awareness."

She turned to Joni.

"Joni, you were a great player. And one who I found out didn't trust me." She shrugged. "I orchestrated your vote, I voted you out before you had the chance to do the same to me, and pulling it off shows that I've outwitted and outplayed."

She turned to Lance.

"Lance, you play with supreme dignity and honor, and I don't. And as you mentioned, I'm willing to lie, cheat, backstab, whatever... just to get myself farther. And I believe -that- allowed me to outplay and outwit you."

She turned to Matt.

"Matt, I outwitted and outplayed you because... as you said... you made many mistakes in this game, and I didn't make those same mistakes."

She turned to Michelle.

"Michelle, I outplayed and outwitted you for a couple of reasons." She nodded. "First, when you offered me the final two deal in New Kamiya, I figured you probably already had one with Chris, which you later told me was true." She smiled. "But I took your deal anyway, because though you're great at getting in the middle of everybody, you do it by giving people information in return. And I -knew- that if I was allied with you, I'd get a steady flow of information."

Michelle just stared back at her, stone-faced.

"That's also the reason I wanted to take you to the finals," Isabella finished. "That's why you were always my final two partner." She shrugged. "Besides, you were taken out by a purple rock and I would have -never- allowed that to happen to me if I wasn't even vulnerable for dismissal. I would have switched my vote in a second."

She now turned to Ryan, who still had his back to her.

"Ryan, I outwitted and outplayed you because you might've been onto me, true, but I was onto -you- from the first few days. And once I saw you weren't willing to get close to me, I knew you'd have to eventually go." She paused, particularly proud of this next part. "-Many- actions I took were solely to make others suspicious of you and not trust you, nor want you around. I did it because I knew you would target me. And I knew you were going to come after me soon."

She paused.

Then she ended with the kicker.

"Ryan, I outwitted and outplayed you because I beat you to the punch. And you and I both know that."

Ryan finally chuckled.

"Thank you, Isabella," he said. Then, without turning around, he asked for Mike to begin.

"First off," Mike said, "Just because you manipulate the vote to your advantage... doesn't mean you outplayed or outwitted somebody..."

"Same warning," Ryan advised. "Just stick to the question."

"Okay," Mike nodded. Then he turned towards Amy.

"Amy, I used my honesty with you. I agreed to watch your back and warn you if you were ever in danger. It was genuine, but I know you knew what I was doing. And I knew you knew that I would never commit. I let you think that all along... thereby making you underestimate me. And that's how I managed to outplay you."

He turned towards Hogan.

"Hogan, my honesty strategy worked well with you too. All I had to do was warn you that you were being voted out and you defected. You switched your vote to Matt, and all I had to do was to tell you the truth."

He turned towards Joni.

"Joni, how I outwitted you was to make sure you were sent away to Sato. Because at the tea ceremony, I -knew- we were going to pick teams. I knew it, I pumped Henry for info, and I basically told him to take you. I told Henry you would help him, I told him I wanted you to do well and... well... it was because there was no way I could ever get close to you. And that's why I made sure Henry took you away."

He turned towards Lance.

"Lance, I saw that the honesty and trust issue would work with you, and yes it worked like a charm. And I -did- mean everything I said, but of course I played up to the fact that honesty was important to you."

He turned towards Matt.

"Matt, when you first got to Kamiya, I pulled the double agent routine. I played the good guy, I imbedded myself in your camp, and all the while I was very much solid with the Kamiyas. So in short, you never really stood much of a chance."

He turned towards Michelle.

"I hate to admit it," he sighed, "But I have -nothing- for you, Michelle. All I did was trust you and give you my total allegiance. So in that sense, you probably knew you could trust me. And that trust probably helped when you stood up to the purple rock." He paused, shrugging. "I didn't outplay you, but you did it because you knew you could trust me. And you knew I was going to be solid."

Finally, Mike turned towards Ryan.

"Ryan... again, I never really outplayed you. You and I just worked as a team, trying to outplay all the others." Mike paused. "The only thing I did was to cut a deal with Henry, asking to keep you around. And I played the spy, working with you to keep Sato on their toes. But I -never- played you or Michelle, so I can't realistically say I outplayed either of you."

And with that the question was done.

Ryan turned around, thanked them both, and sat down.


Joni Newman was the sixth juror to speak. And the young girl from Utah stood up now, turning to face them both. And the glare was present on her face, of course. Oh boy, was it ever. This time, Joni was playing for keeps.

"Hello," she smiled tightly, "And congratulations to both of you."

Both finalists smiled.

"But I -am- going to make one thing clear before I begin," said Joni. "I just want it to be clear that I do -not- want to hear the word "honor" from either of you. I don't want to hear that word at all. You got that?"

Mike and Isabella nodded. They understood.

"So I have two questions," Joni continued, "First off... Isabella."

Joni turned to face Isabella. And the two ex-teammates engaged in a staredown for a good ten seconds. Then Joni began to speak. And as her words started to pour out, suddenly Joni's tone started to change. She started out angry... and then slowly dissolved into hurt. Within a matter of seconds, Joni's voice started to break down into tears.

"From day one we were together. If you could call it that, anyway. You joined the Angels, you joined with us, mainly because you didn't have any other choice." She was still angry. "It was -not- because of strategy. The guys wouldn't take you in... and we ensured you a spot in the final four. So any idiot would have jumped all -over- that chance. You didn't do anything special."

Joni continued to glare.

"But then... you left us. You had your chance, you stabbed us in the back, and you eventually came crawling back. You hid behind your innocent facade and... fools that we were... we took you back in."

Joni paused.

"But then you did it again. You left again, you betrayed your friends once more, and you did it by trying to hide behind your innocence. And now, after all that, you want -me- to give you my vote??"

Joni's voice suddenly started to crack. Suddenly the teenage girl in her started to come out. Suddenly the anger gave way to some very raw and still-very-fresh hurt.

"You -say- that you had true and lasting friendships, yet you betrayed me twice. And not only were you the means of my departure... but after thirty-seven days... after all we had been through together..."

Tears started to flow down her cheeks.

"... You didn't even allow me the courtesy of giving me a warning. You didn't even let me know that I was in danger..."

Isabella looked down at the ground. She was tough, but she wasn't -that- tough. She didn't want to look Joni in the eyes at this moment. It was too painful to watch.

"... You had plenty of time to warn me as a friend, but you didn't use it. There was no way I could have fought back, there was nothing I could have done, but you decided it was best to make a fool out of me..."

Joni's eyes were red with hurt now. She had been waiting to say this for a long time now.

"... You blindsided me on purpose! You made it as personal as it could possibly be, and you did it solely because you wanted to see my cry, didn't you? You only wanted to hurt me as badly as you possibly could. You just didn't respect me at -all-."

Isabella shook her head, vehemently.

"So my question," Joni stopped to try and compose herself, "Is just for me. This isn't for the jury, this is just something I want you to explain to -me-." She paused. "Why should I vote for you after you betrayed me? Why should I vote for you when you hurt me so bad and so deliberately?" She paused again. "And why should I vote for someone who -already- had a chance at this game, and who had a distinct advantage over the fifteen other people in this game?"

She glared at Isabella once more.

"You -say- you have strong relationships. You -say- you can come up with better answers. So prove it. I want a straight answer. And if you hide behind your innocence... or beat around the bush... my vote goes to Mike."

She stepped back, crossing her arms. Now she was just going to listen.

"Alright," nodded Isabella, "Those are both good and tough questions, and I thank you for asking." She paused to think for a moment. "First off... you should vote for me because I've played the best and most strategic game here. And I -know- you're a person who respects strategy. And even though I blindsided you... which was in no way personal... I feel that shows even more of why I am deserving." She smiled. "Because you were a threat. You were a great player, and I knew you had lied to me about any final two deal we might have had together. Or at the very least, I knew you also had one with Michelle. And that meant it was too dangerous to keep you in the game any longer."

She paused, then moved on to the last question. And this was the one she knew was going to be tricky.

"As for me playing before... Sure, I already had a chance. But I was picked for this game just like anyone else. I had to go through the same casting as the rest of you. I have had no special privileges whatsoever, in fact the game seems to have been designed to thwart me at every turn." She smiled. "I don't feel you should base your vote on simply the fact that I've played before." She paused. "Besides, you've played other games too, and you've even won. So that means you and I are even."

Isabella nodded. She was done.

"Thank you," Joni nodded. Then she turned her attention to Mike.

"Mike, the -minute- I joined Kamiya, you made assumptions of me. You wrote me off, you thought I was worthless, and you didn't even talk to me until recently."

Mike started to respond, but Joni just cut him off.

"We had... maybe... one conversation after the merge. And from what -I- understand, you ignored me because I am younger than you. That you didn't want to talk to me because I might not have been up to your level."

"That's not true," Mike protested.

"My first Tribal Council as a jury member," Joni continued, "You called my vote a surprise. Well Mike, you helped organize that vote. It wasn't a surprise." She glared at him. "Then at the last Tribal Council... you said you wanted to make sure that you won so that Ryan, myself, and Michelle would not have 'given themselves up in vain.'"

She took a long pause.

"Well let me make something -perfectly- clear to you, Mike. -Never- did I give myself up in this game, and especially not for -you-. You underestimated me from day one. You made assumptions about who I am. You consider me naive and stupid. You treated me rudely... and now you have the gall to talk about respect and honor?"

She crossed her arms as she addressed him.

"Mike I want you to tell me... after insulting me on so many levels since the beginning of the game... -why- I should vote for you tonight? Why I should vote for somebody who didn't even know my last name? Or somebody who didn't remember that I won a reward challenge?" She continued her glare. "Yes Mike, remember that day I was away from camp? Well that was a reward trip. Perhaps you noticed I wasn't around for a day..."

She uncrossed her arms. But she still continued her glare.

"So tell me why I should vote for you. Don't tell the rest of the jury, tell -me-. And if you beat around the bush... or refuse to give a straight answer... my vote is going to Isabella."

She stepped back and listened. She was done.

"First of all," Mike explained, "I disagree with most of what you are accusing me of." He looked hurt. "I -did- make an attempt to try to get to know you. I -did- attempt to talk with you. But the problem was that you and I never seemed to have much in common."

"We both had a last name," Joni sniped. "And I at least knew yours."

"Until I found out we were both Harry Potter fans," Mike continued, "I never felt like I had much to say. It always felt like our conversations just ended. Plus... I never felt like you were that interested in talking to -me-."

Joni said nothing.

"And as far as you being beneath me because of your age," Mike added, "That was -never- the case. The only thing that mattered about age was that I felt I didn't have much in common with you. Period." He nodded his head. "I have a great deal of respect for you, Joni, and I do not believe I have -ever- made fun of you."

Joni still said nothing.

"And if it helps," Mike finished, "I treated you like I treated the rest of the Kamiya alliance. I treated all of you with equal importance. The problem was that I just felt I was personally not as close to you. So call it chemistry... call it the age difference... but sometimes people just don't click. And for that I am sorry."

Joni waited for Mike to finish, and then realized he was done. That was it.

"Well I want to thank you both," she said, "You both answered exactly as I expected you to. So congratulations."

She sat down.


The final juror to speak was the last one to be voted out.

And as Amy Twieg walked up to the podium, she had a very serious look on her face. The smile was gone, the happiness was missing, and today it had all been replaced by business. Because Amy had a job to do, and she was going to do it well.

"First off," she said, "I have a statement for each of you. And then I'll move on to the actual question."

She turned to face Isabella.

"Isabella, congratulations on making it here yet again." She nodded. "And... I'm sorry... but I cannot accept your answer of "I guessed Amy's answers and somehow managed to get her eliminated from the Immunity Challenge" as outplaying me. You didn't outplay and you didn't outwit. You outlucked. And that's something that was a common theme in -both- our games." She paused. "Through the luck of the Wheel... which I believe was a weakness in my own game as well... you stand before us today and proclaim yourself as a supreme strategist."

Amy locked eyes with Isabella.

"But honey, if you hadn't been immune at the final eight... you would have been gone. You would have gone, Matt would have been spared, and it's as simple as that."

Amy paused for a moment, now smirking slightly.

"So let's assume that I want to reward you for playing the -exact- same strategy as you did in Tonga. The only difference is that you corrected your fatal mistake this time, which was not coming out as yourself at the end."

Isabella nodded.

"But why should I reward you," Amy asked, "When this is your second chance? And for the rest of us, this is just our dry run?" Amy glared at her. "You can claim it was different... you can claim that production didn't help you... but the truth is that you have been here before, and you had a distinct advantage. You have done it all before!" Amy paused, then finished with, "So is it really appropriate for you to win this strange hybrid of The Mole and Survivor? Please just answer me that."

"Well I don't think it makes a difference," said Isabella, "Whether I played it before or not. Because this game is -not- easy and it changes every time, depending on the competition. Besides, I was chosen to play just like you, and I was chosen whether I played under an alias or not." She paused. "I had to do the same things as the rest of you. I never had an advantage at all."

"Well your prior knowledge certainly appears to have helped you..."

"So you're saying that they let me win?" Isabella asked. "You're saying they rigged the challenges just for me to do well? You think that production cheated on my behalf?"

"Not at all. You miss my point."

"Yes," said Isabella, "It's true that I won a lot of immunities. And I knew some people might hold that against me, but you have to realize it wasn't because I had an advantage. The only reason I was always immune was because of the Wheel. Otherwise I would have only won three."

"Are you finished?"

"Yes," Isabella said, annoyed. "And I'd just like to add that a winner shouldn't be determined because of who's already played before. That's a silly reason to cast a vote."

"Well you just better hope," Amy smirked, "That -four- of us feel that way too."

"It's all I can do."

Amy and Isabella finished their staredown, then Amy turned to Mike.

"Hi Mike," she smiled, "Long night, huh? You still breathing over there?"

"Barely," grinned Mike. "You guys are rough."

"Well first off," said Amy, "Honesty is -not- a strategy. And for you to call it that is as dishonorable as the lying you've seen others do... and have done yourself. For you to say it's a strategy insinuates that you were -not- the genuine person you claimed to be earlier in the evening. So... I'd like to give you a chance to clarify that statement." She paused. "Still genuine, Mike?"

"I believe I am," he said, "And please let me explain."


"I tried to be as honest as possible about who I was. And what I was going to do. And how I felt about people." Mike paused. "But I -also- knew that total honesty about your strategies will get you booted off really quickly. So my task became trying to balance between the two. I tried to be as honest as possible on a personal and an emotional level. And... admittedly... I lied on a game level. But never about something that wasn't strategic." He paused, looking up at her. "Does that help explain it?"

"Somewhat," she smiled.

"Are you done, Amy?" asked Jeff.


She turned back to Mike.

"I just have one final question."

She and Mike locked eyes.

"Mike, all throughout the game you told me that you wanted to take the best competition to the final two. So if that person is truly Isabella, please go ahead and plead her case to me. Tell me -why- she's the best competition you have."

"Actually," Mike said, "It turns out she -was- probably the toughest competitor."


"Well after all, she had experience. She's played the game before. And she covered herself up so well with her facade..."

"No Mike," Amy sighed, "Using the knowledge you had at the -time-. Don't rewrite history here."

"Well at the time," Mike admitted, "I will confess that I always thought you and Michelle were much better competitors. You two were my biggest competition and both of you were much more deserving. And I would have taken Michelle over anybody, case closed."

"So then why? Why did you take Emma? Because you not only said you -wouldn't-, but you also said you wanted the better competition."

"I did," Mike admitted, "And truth be told... I -almost- took you instead of her."

Amy just listened.

"What happened is that I listened to the advice of Joe," Mike confessed. "I had the wisdom of Joe in my head, and Joe reminded me that I have a -need- to win. I have a physical need to win every game I play. So with that in mind, I took the... at the time... easier opponent to the end. Simply because I wasn't going to let myself lose." He paused. "And I know people assume I lied..."

"You -did- say one thing and then do another..."

"But I will ask all of you this," Mike continued. "How many times did -you- change your mind in this game? How many times did -you- make a snap decision, based on logic?" He paused. "So please keep that in mind before you judge me. Please just keep that in mind before you vote."

"Alright," smiled Amy, "Thank you, both of you. And good luck tonight with the vote."


With the jury questions out of the way, that meant it was time for the finalists to now give their closing arguments. And since she had gone second to start the evening, this time Isabella was tapped to go first. So she stood up. She smiled. And she turned to face the jury for one last time.

"I believe I deserve to win this game," she explained, "Because I believe I played a great game. And tonight... I have answered every single question bluntly and honestly." She paused, then scanned her eyes across the members of the jury. "And you know, there are some comments people have made that I want to now respond to. If you guys will give me a minute to explain..."

She locked her eyes on Ryan.

"Ryan, you said I have "two strikes" against me for being wrong about the Danielle vote and about how Mike was chosen as outcast." She nodded. "Well anyway, you can choose to vote how you like tonight, but I just want to clarify that information for everyone." She paused. "Of course at the time I -knew- I was up for being voted out. I've said that always, and I have no doubt you guys were seriously considering taking me out over Danielle."

She turned towards Michelle.

"But at the same time -I- had the Angels alliance, and I knew they distrusted and disliked Danielle more than me. It was just a matter of getting them to want me around more than they wanted her."

She turned back to face Ryan.

"As far as the outcast twist, it was a random choice. We all just chose whoever for each title, as an attempt to confuse sato. That's how Mike was picked."

She turned to look at Amy.

"Amy, you said I might've been saved because the immunity challenges somehow favored me. But I want to make this point -absolutely- clear since I didn't cover it in my opening statements." She paused, smiling. "One reason I decided to go through with voting for Ryan was because of the twist, and I think that shows strategy. I figured... well if everyone hates me afterwards... I could just pump all my will into energy into whatever the next immunity challenge is. And as long as I finished in the top four, I had a pretty good chance to be safe."

She nodded.

"I figured that would buy me some time to make inroads and get myself safe again. And that's -exactly- what ended up happening."

She moved her eyes across each member of the jury in turn now. And she started to sum up her case for the win.

"That being said, I have lain all my strategy out in front of all of you. And I think I've made a pretty good case as to why I should get your vote." She paused. "And if you'd like another reason, please just remember what Mike said last night... as to why he thinks he has made it so far in this game."

She smiled, nodding slightly towards her opponent.

"Mike told me a big factor in getting here was luck, and I do believe he's had some extremely lucky breaks. Because he has -not- always been aware of what's going on around him, whereas I have. He has -not- had a hand in every single vote in this game, and I -have-. Mike didn't even know he almost left instead of Hogan at the final seven. And he was only spared because I saved him. Mike wasn't even aware of that until I told him two days ago."

She smiled one more time.

"-Every- move I've made in this game has been strategic and to get me farther. That's the only reason I'm here, and I believe I should be judged by all of you to have outplayed and outwitted Mike every step of the way. After all, I convinced him to take me to the final three... even after he -promised- everybody he wouldn't. And if that isn't outplaying, I'd like you to find me a better definition of the word."

She spoke more quickly now, trying to wrap this thing up. She really just wanted them to go vote.

"I believe a major theme of this game will be hypocrisy. And I am just as guilty as anyone else. After all, I played under an alias the entire time!" She grinned. "But at the same time I have freely admitted everything tonight. I haven't tried to play both sides and I haven't tried to kiss up to people who probably don't like me all that much." She paused. "It was a gamble I took, especially for a jury that I knew was basing things on honor, but I was willing to take it. After all, I am a fighter. I never give up, I always keep faith and I have absolutely no regrets."

She paused, then finished up her closing arguments.

"I don't take -anything- for granted in the game of Survivor. I came into this game knowing I'd be up against fifteen fierce competitors, and I was. I used -every- ounce of strategy I had to survive and make it here, but I did it. And I feel like I did a good job." She nodded. "So now it's up to you... the jury... to decide if I've ultimately succeeded or not."

She smiled.

"Thank you."

And the game was now officially out of her hands.


Mike Ruff stood up for his closing statement last. And he turned directly towards the jury as he spoke.

"Issaemma has claimed that she deserves to win since she was the best strategist in the game." He paused, shrugging ever so slightly. "And maybe she was. But at the same time I think everybody is overlooking -my- accomplishments and strategy in this game. And I don't think it's fair."

He started counting items off on his fingers as he spoke.

"I -didn't- get here by total chance. I worked hard, I played the game, and I didn't fly under the radar. I was the leader and I was the guy who built the shelter. I was also the guy who brought in the food! And I think I deserve a little more credit than you guys are giving me."

He paused, scanning his eyes across the faces of the jurors.

"But the most important thing," he continued, "Is that I did it as Mike Ruff. -Everything- you know about me and my feelings are one-hundred percent true. I'm not fake, I'm not a pseudonym, and I didn't hide a thing. What you see is what you get." He paused again. "And it annoys me to hear Ryan getting all the credit for being the Kamiya strategist. Because I was behind as -much- of the plans as he was. We shared ideas and strategies. I was as much a part of it all... but unlike him, I was able to hide myself from scrutiny."

Mike saw Ryan nodding, ever so slightly. Ryan seemed to agree.

"Looking back at my accomplishments," Mike added, "I have to smile. Because early on I played the most ballsy, in-your-face game one could play. Yet here I am. I still made it to the end." He smiled. "The very first thing I did on day one was establish my alliances. But that's not something you are supposed to do! You will draw attention to yourself very quickly. Yet I did it anyway, and here I am."

He paused.

"The -second- thing I did was to draw attention to my gnome very quickly. And this was something I had in mind before I even got here. The "Gnome Strategy" came into play almost immediately." He laughed now, as he reached down to pat his ornamental little friend with the beard. "Basically, I could get my mischievous, trouble-making alter-ego in the game and cause a little extra mayhem, chaos, and drama. I could stir up trouble, I could blame it on the gnome, and you guys would all think it was a big joke. But meanwhile none of you seemed to realize it was a -strategy-, and was just a distraction to take your minds off what I was really doing!"

He smiled one more time, inserting a long dramatic pause for effect.

"Then I did the next most unthinkable thing you could do in Survivor. I became the leader." He chuckled. "Again, something that normally makes you a target worked in my favor. Since I actually helped pull the tribe together, I helped us build a superior team, and I made our camp stronger and more efficient than Sato could ever hope to be. And most of that was because of me. I was right there, in your face and out front, all along."

He shrugged, as if you say "Duh, why didn't you guys ever stop me?"

"Admittedly," he said, "I lucked into being the Outcast... but that doesn't mean I didn't take advantage of it. I was put into the single biggest position of power in the game, and that's the point where I believe I won the game for Kamiya." He grinned. "My forethought at planning for a switch allowed -me- to select the ideal teams for the rest of the game. I kept who I wanted, I gave away who I wanted, and I totally suckered poor Henry into giving away the details of all things Sato."

Amy winced at that. God she still couldn't stand Henry. He had screwed their team. Henry's meeting with Mike had cost Sato the game, and she knew it.

"I was the spy after the twist," continued Mike, "And that helped me get in good with both sides, just for the purpose of knowing everything that went on." He nodded. "When Ryan was voted out, I took credit for Emma's fifth vote. This helped cause her to be doubted, and ultimately got her to come scrambling back to our safety. And then I helped with the Hogan defection... simply by telling him he was next to go unless he flipped."

Mike now took a deep breath. He was almost done.

"I didn't expect to win the last immunity challenge, but I surprised myself with how much I remembered about this game. And I didn't take the coward's path into the final two."

He smiled.

"I just want you to know that I made a -lot- of good moves to help me end up here. I balanced honesty with deceit, strength with weakness, and strategy with luck. And if Issaemma wants to take credit for any of these things by saying she manipulated me, then so be it. That seems to be the way she works, anyway."

He looked at the jurors one more time.

"I loved this game," he said, "And I had a lot of fun. My only wish is that everybody here was -really- who they claimed they were. I wish everybody was real, everybody had fun, and everybody enjoyed the experience for what it was. Because when in doubt in Okinawa, I always did the most interesting, the most fun thing... even if it wasn't necessarily the smartest. Most of all, I always tried to make it fun."

And now, just for good measure, he turned to face his opponent.

And he looked down on her as he spoke.

"But most of all... I did this without having a "practice" game. I didn't have the benefit of knowing how the game works or what twists might be thrown my way. I didn't have the benefit of making up a fake name. I did this as Mike." He paused. "And for my first time, I am proud of the way I played. I am a -real- person, not just some made up character who lied about everything."

He turned to the jury again.

"I feel betrayed by Isaemma, just like I'm sure a lot of you must feel. And I don't think a "fake" person should get any of your votes. Besides, I played the game very well, a lot better than she gave me credit for, anyway."

He paused.

"But most of all, I was -real-."

A pause.

"My thoughts were -real-."

A pause.

"My emotions were -real-."

He smiled.

"And the feelings I expressed to you were always real. And just compare that to Isaemma, who hasn't shown a real human emotion in more than a month. And ask yourself who -you- would rather have win this game. Me. Or her."

He sat down.

"Thank you for listening."

And it was time to vote.


Isabella and Mike waited in tense agony as Jeff explained the rules to the jurors one last time. They would be voting for the -winner- tonight. This would be for the person they wanted to -win-.

"So are there any last questions?" Jeff asked.

There were none.

"Well that being said," he smiled, "It -is- time to cast the final vote." He nodded. "Matt, you're up first."

Matt Carter stood up and ambled over to the voting confessional. He walked up two steps, parked himself in front of the camera, and uncapped the black pen. He wrote down his choice. Though before he held it up, he went into his patented Yoda impression.

"Always two there are," he croaked, "No more, no less. A master and an apprentice."

Then Matt resumed his normal voice.

"But which one was destroyed? The master or the apprentice?"

He held the ballot up to the camera. Across it was written "Isabella." And underneath her name was written a message: "Second chance... and do it right this time for Christ's sake!"

"The master always wins," Matt explained, "So Emma... Bella.. Whoever the fuck you are, I respect your game. I would've done the same as you if I knew I could pull it off." He paused. "And though I will forever question the integrity of this game, some reflection has left me thinking... so what? Even if you never fessed up, you -still- kicked all of our asses and you'd do the same if you had a third chance. So I'm hoping you're as nice as Marcy says you are, and I would like to talk to you on the outside if we get the chance. There's a good person in there, I know it, I just never happened to see it."

He folded up the ballot.

"Mike," he added, shaking his head, "A good guy you may be, but I -always- promised what you did to Beth would bite you in the ass. Here's hoping that this will be it."

He placed the ballot in the box.

"So congratulations, Bella. And let me add this: A certain female once said, "we aren't bad people, we just play them on TV." I hope that sentiment stands true for you, though she also placed second. Just like you did. Do better this time."

Next up to the box was Michelle Kin-Fraley. And Michelle's vote was -no- surprise whatsoever, as she scrawled Mike's name on the card without a second thought. She held it happily up to the camera.

"Mike," she said, "You answered my question with the honesty I was looking for. Plus I think you stood up to the scrutiny of the other players very well. You did an outstanding job in the game and you earned my Vote." She paused, then added, "Issaemma... you said that just because a person played the game before, it shouldn't affect our vote on whether they win or not." She paused. "Well if -that's- the case, then why even tell us who you really are? You didn't need to do that. I don't respect your game or you as a player."

She stuffed the ballot in the box.

"Honey, go try out for the next Survivor. Maybe the third time will be a charm and you'll win. But I just hope people see through you and don't vote for you. You don't deserve it."

Hogan Mueller cast his vote third, and then was followed to the podium by Lance McHale. And like Michelle, Lance's vote had -never- been in question. He wouldn't have voted for Isabella if his life depended on it. And he pretty much said so, too, as held up his vote for "Ruff."

"Mike and Isabella, you both lied in this game. You both manipulated people in this game. The only difference was that Mike... you did it as Mike. And Isabella... you did it as Emma." Lance shook his head, in disgust. "Emma, you were loyal to only one person, and it showed. You don't have any friends on the jury... and revealing your alias was the -worst- thing you could have done."

He stuffed the ballot in the box. But he wasn't done yet. He still had more to say.

"Emma, you said that you had no regrets. But you lied to me... and you cut a scar in me deeper than -any- player in this game. You stepped over lines and boundaries that any sane person would -never- cross. You manipulated people, and you liked it. So sleep well. I won't see you on the outside."

He paused for a moment, then added:

"Congratulations Mike. I hope this is the vote to win it for you."

Ryan Rebez was fifth. He came up, cast his ballot, and then walked back.

And then came Joni Newman.

Joni walked up to the podium, uncapped her pen, and wrote out a ballot that she didn't even realize she was going to cast. Because her mind had flip-flopped so much in the past twenty-four hours, she honestly didn't know -who- she was going to vote for. She didn't even realize for sure until she held up her ballot for Isabella.

"Isabella," she said, "I'm not voting for you because you deserve it. Let's just get that clear right away. I'm voting for you to keep the win away from Mike. So just take the money... and go as far away from here as possible."

She shook her head, sadly.

"Neither of you two deserve this. This vote should really be going for Amy. Because your answers to all the questions stunk, but at -least- Isabella would address the question. Mike, you pulled an Al Gore and defended yourself more than you answered the question. You lied to me, you went on about honor, and at least Isabella would discuss strategy."

Joni placed the ballot in the box.

"Isabella, please remember you wouldn't be here at all if Michelle and I hadn't fed you information. You aren't a strategic mastermind. You're a strategic coat-tailer. So, like I said before, take whatever you get, and get away from here. You don't deserve it. You just "don't deserve it" less than Mike does."

And the final ballot was cast by Amy Twieg. She came up, wrote down a name, and came back to return to her seat.

The final vote was now set in stone.


[Los Angeles - 3 Months Later]

The live reveal was set to begin.

The castaways had waited a long time for this moment, as they now packed a soundstage located in Studio City, California. And since so much time had passed since their great Okinawan adventure, most of the castaways had filled in back to their original weights. Most jarring, of course, was Mike Ruff, who sat next to Isabella in the front row, having filled in much of the 40 pounds he lost while in Okinawa. But matters of weight loss would be addressed later, during the reunion show.

Right now they still had a vote to reveal.

"You guys ready?" asked Jeff, turning to face Isabella and Mike in the front two seats. The live audience applauded wildly as the two finalists held hands and laughed nervously. Both Isabella and Mike looked great all cleaned up, as did the seven jurors sitting directly to their right. They were all on stage because the taped portion of the show had just ended. The live portion was ready to begin... and that meant it was time for the moment of truth.

The cameras came back from commercial: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1

They were now on the air.

The audience was silent.

And it was time to reveal the winner of Survivor: Okinawa.

"It takes four votes to win," explained Jeff, as he uncapped the ballot box. "You guys ready?"

Both Isabella and Mike nodded that they were.

"Alright," smiled Jeff, "Here we go..."

He pulled the first ballot out of the box.

He looked at it for a moment.

Then he turned it around.


That was Michelle's vote, clearly marked with a small "gp" for "Gnome Power." And Mike was up 1-0.

"Second vote," said Jeff.

He reached into the box.

He pulled out a piece of parchment.

And revealed.


That was Matt's vote, complete with Matt's message to "do it right this time" at the bottom. The votes were now tied, 1-1.

"Third vote," said Jeff.

He reached into the box, pulled out a ballot, and turned it around.


That was Lance's vote, and was again no surprise to anybody. It was now 2-1 Mike.

"Fourth vote."

Jeff reached in, pulled out Joni's vote, and turned it around.


Now it was 2-2.

With just three votes remaining, both Mike and Isabella took a deep breath. The tension in the studio was starting to mount. Mike and Isabella held hands tightly, as if clinging to one another for support. Especially when Jeff reached into the box for that fifth ballot.

"Fifth vote..."

He pulled it out.

He looked at it for a long moment.

And then, with a smirk, he revealed.


That was Ryan's vote. Ryan Rebez, who most assumed would be a slam dunk in favor of Isabella. But Ryan had surprised everyone yet again, and he had voted for Mike. And that meant Mike was just one vote away from victory.

"Sixth vote..." said Jeff.

He reached into the box.

He pulled out the ballot.

And he looked at it.

Mike felt like he may pass out again as he and Isabella held hands in the front row. The tension was getting to be too much to bear. And then... just like that... he heard the words he had been waiting to hear all game. And just like that... it was over.

"The winner..." said Jeff, "Of Survivor: Okinawa..."

The audience started to erupt.


Jeff turned the vote around. It was Hogan's vote for Mike. Hogan Mueller, the Eagle Scout who had once told the jury -not- to vote for Mike. The same Eagle Scout who had been so impressed by Mike's closing arguments that he had decided to change his vote on the spot. Hogan's vote had been the fourth and Amy's vote had been the fifth.

Mike Ruff had won Survivor: Okinawa... by a 5-2 vote.

Isabella Smith had finished second yet again... by the same 5-2 tally she had received in Tonga.

And as the players gathered around to celebrate, the Okinawans were engulfed by chaos. Because the reunion show was about to begin...

Visit the Okinawa Official Homepage for all final words and all the cast bios. Also check out the Official Okinawa Message Board for behind-the-scenes info, trivia, exit interviews, cast interaction... and to submit questions for Mike and Isabella's Early Show appearances. Their post-game interviews will be posted within a few days!

Check out the Okinawa Message Board for information on the live cast reunion... this Sunday... on IRC. Details will be posted on the board.

There may or may not be a reunion show written up. Depends on my schedule.

I will be finishing my notes for every episode in the next month or so. Keep an eye out on the boards.

And thanks for reading! Congratulations to Mike and Isabella. You guys did great!

-Mario 5/22/04

Final Vote Tally: Mike 5, Isabella 2 (check Message Board for Actual Voting Comments)