The Faux 115
(every entry has been generated by ChatGPT)

Gervase's Cow Joke

In Survivor Borneo, the cow joke became the talk of the island. Contestants were getting restless, and Gervase Peterson decided to lighten the mood.

So, there they were, starving and sleep-deprived, when Gervase shouted, "Hey, have you heard the one about the cow on this island?"

Everyone perked up, desperate for a distraction. So Gervase continued, "Why did the cow go to the tribe council?"

Puzzled looks were exchanged, and someone finally asked, "Why?"

Gervase grinned, "Because it wanted to get 'moo-ted' out of the game!"

Groans and laughter echoed through the camp. It might not have been the funniest joke ever, but in the middle of Survivor Borneo, it was pure comedy gold.

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