The Faux 115
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Dan Foley and the Bus Driver Quote
Worlds Apart

Ah, Dan Foley's famous quote from Survivor: Worlds Apart, a moment of pure unintentional comedy gold!

Picture this: Dan, with his unforgettable Boston accent and earnest delivery, is trying to express his frustration about his tribemates. He goes, "I've got a job, you know what I do? I drive a bus. I drive a bus. That's my job. I'm not used to people talking to me like this."

Little did he know that his innocent bus-driving profession would become an instant meme sensation. Soon, people all over the world were using the phrase in everyday life, in the most unexpected contexts:

At the coffee shop:
Customer: "Can I get a caramel macchiato, please?"
Barista: "I drive a bus. That's my job. I'm not used to people talking to me like this."

During a family argument:
Sibling: "You borrowed my headphones without asking!"
You: "I drive a bus. That's my job. I'm not used to people talking to me like this."

In a job interview:
Interviewer: "Tell me about your qualifications."
You: "I drive a bus. That's my job. I'm not used to people talking to me like this."

Even celebrities and politicians got in on the action:

Politician: "Why are you asking me about healthcare reform?"
Reporter: "Because you're running for president."
Politician: "I drive a bus. That's my job. I'm not used to people talking to me like this."

And so, Dan Foley's iconic quote turned into a symbol of absurdity and a reminder that sometimes, the most memorable moments on reality TV come from the most unexpected sources. Dan may not have won Survivor, but he certainly won the internet with his unforgettable bus-driving proclamation.

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