There are so many people I'd like to thank for their help with this list.
big four (aka the ones who I literally could not have done it without
them) are Troy Maynard, Cindi Betts, Darryl Liguori, and Juhani (aka
Salarakas) from Finland.
Troy, Cindy and Darryl are the
people who got me all the screen caps for the entries. Without
their help on this project, there literally would be no pictures on the
entire countdown. So I would like to say a special thanks to the
three of them for making the Funny 115 what it is.
for Juhani (who is better known as Salarakas at Survivor Sucks), well
let's just say that every time you see one of those cool animated gif
pictures in an entry (like the see saw picture in #115), he probably
created it. Since day one he has made himself available to create
an animated gif for any entry on the list I might need one for. I
can't tell you how many times I have emailed him at the last minute and
requested a specific .gif clip, and he'll have exactly what I am
looking for in my inbox in a matter of hours. So if there is
anyone I need to thank for making the new list better than the old one,
it is him.
I would also, as always, like to thank my wife Diana.
I really don't mention this very much in my writeups
(because she doesn't like the attention) but Diana comes up with a
bunch of the entries and jokes for the Funny 115 as we are researching
episodes together. She is easily my co-pilot when I am doing a
project like this. It is very much not just a one person project
at all. So I would like to thank and acknowledge Diana (as much
as she won't want me to) for what she brings to the Funny 115.
Without Diana there would be no entries like "Shane's Pooch" or
"Rocky's Space Cushion" because those are the things that she
specifically watches for.
As my friend Christopher Sugarman
likes to say, "Yeah Mario, you're funny at all, but Diana is way
better. She should be the one doing the podcasts. No
I would like to thank all the Survivor alums who have
supported my writing and have given me feedback about my projects
throughout the years. In particular, I'm talking about Rob
Cesternino, Stephen Fishbach, Gabriel Cade, Tanya Vance, Bobby
"BobDawg" Mason, Eliza Orlins, Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper, Helen Glover,
Peter Harkey, Mike Skupin, Diane Ogden, Yau-Man Chan, Lea "Sarge"
Masters, Kathy Sleckman, and Chris Daugherty. There are probably
a few more in there that I am forgetting to thank, but a special thanks
to all of you. In particular, I want to thank Bobby Mason, who
wasn't even in the first Funny 115, but he wrote me a testimonial quote
for it anyway. Not many people will do that for you.
finally, I would also like to throw a shoutout to all the people
at Survivor Sucks and on Facebook who have supported this project and
helped me out with it over the last couple of months. I can't
name all the Sucksters who have helped (because there are literally
hundreds of them) but you guys know who you are. And a special
thanks to all my friends in the Facebook group "Previously.... on
Survivor" (aka the best Survivor fan group ever) for making me
laugh and for inspiring me to always bring my A game. When I am
done with this list I will treat you all to a delicious filet mignon
pizza from my restaurant GiGi's, I promise. Lisa, I will even send you a link.
Thanks for helping, everyone.
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