Mario Stories
that albino boy
about an inside joke you had in your family
Here's a cute little story for you. And this one is fun,
because it features two of my very favorite aspects of my childhood.
This story features both:
A) My mom
having the attention span of a small squirrel
B) My
brother and I always having a million little inside jokes
So anyway... sit back, kick your feet up, and enjoy this quick little
recap of maybe our favorite inside joke of them all.
It's time to hear the story of my mom and... (and you have to
whisper this
to say it correctly)... "that albino boy."

that an albino boy
I don't remember where the legend of that
albino boy
first started, exactly. It was probably somewhere around 1983. Maybe
1984 at the latest. Probably right around the time that
we moved
from Spokane to Bellevue. And I don't know what his name was, or where
we first saw him. All I remember is that, at some point in the mid to
late 80s, there was a kid with albinism who lived a couple of blocks
away from us.
If you're familiar with Bellevue at all, he probably lived somewhere
around Crossroads.
Crossroads Mall in Bellevue. My home.
Try the Mexican food at Torero's, it's the best.
And anyway, here's how I remember the legend of that
albino boy first beginning.
day, in either 1983 or 1984, my mom is driving my brother and
up to the mall. Which was a pretty regular occurrence at that time. Dom
and I were ALWAYS up at Crossroads Mall. And because we were kids, and
because we had no access to a car, our mom was ALWAYS driving us.
we're in our car. And we're driving up to the mall. And as always,
because my mom is a chatterbox, she's talking a mile a minute. Just
yammering on and on and on about whatever the hell is going in her
mind. Just jabbering away. And because my mom is very, very loud, and
because Dom and I are very, very the exact opposite, the two
us are just sort of sitting quietly in two of the passenger
Just sort of staring out the windows.
And this was where we were first introduced to... that
albino boy.
Note: I'm
going to paraphrase this next part, because I can't remember
exactly what my mom was saying, verbatim. But this is a pretty good
simulation of what it was like to sit in a car with my mom.
"And that's why baker's chocolate is the superior chocolate.
it's why you want a REALLY high yeast load if you want your pies to
turn out like grandmas. And oh look, there's a sale on cherries at
Albertson's, think we should go get some? Dommy, need any help
with your Thanksgiving project? And hey, I saw Auntie Olga in
Puyallup the other day, and she has a present she wants to
And then suddenly, just like that, my mom was struck silent.
She just suddenly STOPPED.
Because it turned out she had seen something.
And then, before she could say ANYTHING else, her voice dropped down a
whisper. Barely even audible at all.
All she could say was...
"there's that albino boy."
Albinos. Forever distracting my mom.
to put things into context, keep in mind that Dom and I were probably
only six and eight years old in this story. At that age, we had no idea
what the fuck "an albino boy"
even WAS. As far as we were concerned, "an
albino boy"
was a kid who bought albums. All we knew about what had just
happened was... our mom had been talking. About gophers or
Nicaragua or whatnot. And then... suddenly... she had STOPPED talking.
And then she had whispered some vague warning to us about there being "an
albino boy."
So Dom and I looked up over the dashboard. And we're like, oh. Neat.
There's a kid with white hair.
I'm being a hundred percent serious here. This was the only time Dom
and I were ever even SLIGHTLY interested in fact that we had
seen "an albino boy."
Because I mean,
seriously, spotting an albino kid in the wild is a lot like falling in
love. It's exciting the first time. But the only one you ever really
remember is your first.
But god bless my mom, you know. And god
bless her weird little verbal quirks. And god bless the way she always
whispered whenever she saw this one kid.
Because for the next ten years of our life, for Dom and me, this now
became our favorite running joke.

Rule #1: Don't have weird little verbal quirks when THESE two are in
the back of your car
So yeah, anyway, this became our new running joke.
ANY time we were driving around Crossroads, and we saw that
albino boy,
my mom would always have to comment on him. ALWAYS. And she would
always drop her voice down to a whisper, and say it the exact
way. She'd be in the middle of a monologue about horseshoes, or
scrimshaw, or whatever, and then she'd suddenly cut herself off. And
pause. And stare. And drop her voice down to a whisper. And say to us,
almost warning us, "...there's that albino
And Dom and I would just giggle and giggle and giggle. Because mom
didn't realize she always said it the exact same way.
She didn't realize that, unbeknownst to her, she had basically just
invented a meme.
anyway, if you want a good idea of what it was like for Dom
and me
growing up around Crossroads, just imagine this scenario happening over
and over and over and over. Many, many, MANY different times, over ten
years. Just sooooooo many variants of "hey look kids, (whispers) it's
that albino boy."
And Dom and I found the whole thing so funny that, eventually, as we
got older, we literally just started trying to bait her. Like Groucho
Marx, we eventually started BAITING OUR MOM just to get her to say the
super secret phrase.
Want an example of this? Well here you go.
This is what it was like when Dom and I would talk to our mom when we
were (in my mom's words) snarky, rotten little teenagers.
Me: Hey mom,
can you give me a ride home from school today?
Mom: Sure.
What time?
Me: Well, I
need to be home by three, because I'm meeting a friend.
Mom: Really?
Which friend?
Me: I don't
think you know him. He's this kid with white hair.
(dropping her voice to a whisper): you mean
that albino boy?
(meanwhile, there's Dom off to the side, trying not to crack up.)
a second example? Well here's another one. Like I said, this was always
a game with us. It was always fun to see the most creative way we could
do it.
Dom: Hey
mom, there's a new kid on my baseball team.
Mom: Neat.
Do I know him?
Dom: You
probably do, he lives right down the street.
Mom: Is it
Dom: No,
it's actually (he drops down to a dramatic stage whisper) that
albino boy.
Me: (off to
the side, just absolutely laughing my ass off)
[Mom just sort of looks at the two of us. Looks back and forth between
us. Knows we're making fun of her now.]
Mom: Rotten
Albinos. Once they get into your head, you're done.
I wish I could sit here and tell you all the little ways we tricked our
mom into whispering "that albino boy"
over the years. But alas, sadly, I can't. My memory is good, but it's
not THAT good. I can only remember a couple of them. But suffice it to
say, Dom and I eventually got really REALLY good at it. Over the years,
it became our favorite little game. And because mom fell for it every
single god damn time (like I said, we picked our spots, and we were
quicker than her- we were good), she eventually started to get annoyed
by it. She didn't like the way we turned everything she
said into
a meme.
Side note: If
it makes you feel any better, my kids now do this exact same thing to
me. They have an entire running list now of their favorite "stupid dad
memes." So let's just say it's a Lanza family trait, to make fun of
your parents, and we'll leave it at that. This is just what Lanza kids
My kids now, picking on me. Rotten kids.
Although I can't remember ALL the times Dom and I turned "that
albino boy"
into a punchline over the years, I CAN remember my favorite
times. And I suppose I'll wrap up this entry now, with the best of the
Here are the two times I laughed the hardest at someone in our car
referencing "that albino boy."
Special side note before we get
to the finale:
Oh yeah. Please note that, even to this day, I still don't know WHO
that albino boy was, where he lived, where he went to school,
even what his NAME was. I don't know ANYTHING about him. All I know is
that my mom accidentally turned him into a meme one day
because he
distracted her while she was driving. And if there's one thing you
never wanted to do around my brother and me, it was say
goofy in front of us in the car. We would ALWAYS take note of it, and
we would ALWAYS remember it. And anyway, that's why I wanted to say
that if the infamous "that albino boy"
ever reads this entry, and he realizes we are talking about him, I hope
he doesn't take any of this personally. We had no idea who you were. In
fact, we weren't even making fun of you, we were making fun of our mom.
I hope you've had an incredible life.
And with that being said, here are my two all-time favorite "hey
look, it's that albino boy" moments.
We're driving up to Crossroads Mall. And I'm about fifteen years old.
And Dom is with us, in the backseat.
And that's why North Dakota is the best of the Dakotas. It's because
it's like America, everyone gets an opportunity. And did I
tell you that begonias are my favorite plants? I really like begonias,
I should get some bego...
[She suddenly pauses, when she notices a stranger walking along, on the
Mom: Hey
look, there's that..
Me (cutting her off):
Yeah, we know. There's that albino boy.
Mom: Right.
Me: Hey mom,
can I ask you something about that albino boy?
(I can already hear Dom giggling in the backseat. He's excited to hear
where this conversation is going to go.)
Mom: Sure.
Me (genuinely curious):
Why do you always whisper when you say "that albino boy"?
Mom: Well,
because I don't want to be rude.
Me: What do
you mean, you don't want to be rude?
Mom: I just
think it would be mean if someone pointed out he was albino.
Me (trying not to laugh):
So you don't think he's aware he's albino?
[Mom remains quiet about this]
Me: I'm
pretty sure he's aware he's albino, mom.
Dom (helpfully piping in
from the backseat): I hope he didn't learn it from us.
That would suck.
[Now Dom and I are just openly giggling at her]
Mom: Well I
don't care. I just think it would be rude.
Me: Then
why do you keep doing it?
Dom: Yeah.
You could NOT comment on it.
[Mom just remains silent]
Me: I'm
pretty sure if you didn't point out there was an albino kid standing
there, we'd probably figure it out.
[Now Dom and I are just openly giggling again]
[Mom finally turns her head and looks over at us]
Mom: Rotten

Rotten kids
But at the end of the day, I have to say that the GREATEST "hey
look, there's that albino boy"
moment had to be this last one, from my brother. It pains me to say
that it came from him. I mean, again, I was the firstborn
grandchild, and Dom was just some random two year younger commoner. But
NO ONE ever played the that albino
kid game better than this last one. After
this LAST one, there was nowhere left for the game to go, but down.
So anyway, take it away, Dom. End this entry, you young whippersnapper.
what? We're driving up to Crossroads Mall one day. And it's just me,
Dom, and my mom in the car. Only this time I am a little bit older. I
am pretty sure I was eighteen in this one. So Dom would have been
Mom: ... Like I said, that's why Rhode Island
was the best of the colonies. I mean, they had tariffs, they had
lobster, they had freedom. And it makes me wonder, what if we got some
blueberries down at Blueberry Lake? I bet if we had blueberries, I
could make Blueberry Pie. And wasn't Huckleberry Pie the most handsome
of the Strawberry Shortcake kids? I really thought Humphrey should have
probably beaten Nixon. Because you know, Nixon...
[And then mom pauses. And stops talking. Because holy
shit. That meant she had seen him.]
[And here it comes, you guys...]
Mom (in her usual whisper): look,
there's that albino boy.
and I just sit there this time, and we look at each other. Because
neither one of us knows whose turn it is to say something
of course mom braces herself in the front seat. Because she's WELL
aware we're going to make some snarky little crack about it. Ten years
into the game, and she's WELL aware by now where we stand. One
us is about to hit her with some zinger.]
[And I guess we decided that today was Dom's turn.]
Dom (politely):
Mom (very tentatively):
Yes, my beloved son?
Dom: Can I
ask you something?
Mom: Of
course. You can ask me anything.
Dom: I was
just wondering, mother. When you say that, why do you whisper?
Mom: Well,
because I don't want him to hear me.
Dom: Yeah I
understand that. But can I tell you something?
Mom: Sure.
You can tell me anything.
Dom just leans forward from the back seat. And he gets as close to my
mom as he can. And just like mom always does, he lowers his voice to a
whisper. Barely audible.]
Dom: (whispering):
I just want you to know that we're in a car,
and we have our windows rolled up. He can't hear us.
And anyway, love you mom. Thank you for always being such a good sport
about this.
Rotten Loving kids
yeah and P.S., in case you're curious. Yes, I inherited the exact same
ridiculously short attention span as my mom. In fact, if you have a
moment, let me explain to you why Munich is so much better than
pancakes. In fact, wait. What's that? Holy crap. there's
a rainbow!
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