Danielle Wheelis Kamiya Tribe |
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Pre-Show Confessional
“I can't believe I’m finally getting this chance! I mean, I’ve applied for every Survivor since the second season,
but this time it’s really happening! Only another night… I don’t wanna go to bed ‘cause I’m afraid that when I
open my eyes again, I’ll be back at the dorm staring at my ceiling and waiting for another C++ exam. I’m afraid
this chance will slip between my fingers.” She thinks for a moment.
“In other words, I can’t get to sleep. I suppose I should try to get as much sleep as I can while I still have
a comfortable bed. The sand on Okinawa probably won’t be very comfortable. Still… I just hope I can endure out
there. I’m not very strong, or fast, and I’m not even that great a swimmer. I mean, I’m a computer nerd!” She laughs.
“My best bet is to network: if I can get some sort of alliance in play early on, or find some way to keep them
from voting me out in the first few days, then I should be fine. I have this great habit of slipping in under the
radar. Eesh. I hope I can get along with these people: I just *know* I’m not going to get along with the prissy,
cheerleader type. Couldn’t stand ‘em in high school, can’t stand ‘em in college…
“I suppose that’s my biggest fear. Not being accepted by my tribemates. That’s just a death sentence in this game.
I can just imagine it now… Being stuck on a tribe with the Majorettes, and me in the background pretending to be
one of them just to stay alive. Torture!”
She tries to stifle a yawn, but just can’t manage it. There’s purplish bags under her eyes. “Well… I’d best be
getting off to bed: I have a long day tomorrow. Wish me luck America!”
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