Elisabeth Marie Sato Tribe |
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Final Words
This has been such and amazing experience, even being voted out first I feel like I have won so much
more than I had lost. I know that a few days ago, I came in with just myself and my pack, and of course Papa Bear
here ::gives Papa bear a hug:: and now I'm leaving with seven new friends. This experience definetely would not
have been what it was without the people I shared it with. The challenges were great, the people were nice, and
the game was fun.
Henry, I'm really sorry it had to come down to this Romeo. I know that you probably don't like me all that much
right now, but I still love yah to death. I really don't know how we got ourselves into this mess, but we did.
I hold no ill will against you, and I understand why you voted for me. I still love ya like a brother, and good
luck to you.
Beth, well, you never really were a good liar. ::laughs:: You were definetely the person that was there for everybody
out here, and you were there for me. don't hold anything against you, you did what you had to do.
Amy, I really don't have much to say. You had told me a few days ago when Henry had confronted me about who I was
voting for and I asked you what I should do, and you said if it was you you would tell the truth. Well, earlier
today I asked you if the plan was still for us to vote for Henry, and you said yep. I invested a lot in you, but
I don't hold it against you at all. I'll still stand by your side any day, and that's that.
David, didn't really get to know you too well but I don't hold anything against you either. Go win a challenge
though, it's your time. Don't let the LVP drag your spirits down, you're an extremely tough guy. Go kick some butt!
Matt, I understand completely. It just wasn't meant to be, I told you to follow your heart. I'm trusting you did,
and that's why I understand. I mean, you have such a good heart, if you followed it you can't help but make the
right decisions.
Hogan, I know that you probably switched your vote tonight and that's fine with me. This all started with me trying
to play the game, and it all ended with me trying to play the game. So, I really can't fault you for it. I don't
know too much about ya, but keep your head high and hold strong.
Lance, you are the one that I am going to miss the most. ::cries:: You have been my best friend, you were my only
friend, and you are the one I know that no matter what I would have stuck by your side. I told you long ago that
I would try to save us both, even if it meant sacrificing my position in the tribe. Well, it did. I hope that you
can really dig yourself out of this little rut and go out there and kick some butt! Don't let them push you around,
try to shake some things up, and try to pull one out for the Cubs! ::cries:: I'm going to miss talking to you
more than I probably even know right now. I can't believe I was lucky enough to meet somebody like you, and for
that I feel like a winner. Sorry I couldn't have stuck around a little longer to help ya out, but I'll be right
here ::pounds heart:: if ever you need me. You're in my prayers, and go knock it out of the ballpark!
To Kamiya, you've put in a great effort but I'm sorry...you're up against a tough tribe right now. I love everybody
to death, and as much as it may not have seemed like it at times I do. You're all unique, you're all sweet, I
couldn't have been any luckier. To my family, I'm sorry I couldn't have made it farther for you guys becuase I've
been missing you sooo badly. Grandma, I really really wish I could have gotten to the reward where the loved ones
come, that was my main goal to get you out here. I'm really sorry, but hopefully I made y'all proud! To the powers
that be, thanks for making such a great game! It was fun while it lasted, and you know? Even though I lost I wouldn't
change a thing, I had a blast and made some great friends. Goodybe, I love y'all, and sweet dreams! ::blows a kiss
at the camera::
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