Mike Ruff Kamiya Tribe |
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Name: Mike Ruff
Age: 40
Hometown: Rochester, New York
Occupation: News Photographer
Luxury Item: Garden Gnome
Mike was born in Chicago, IL, and moved to Buffalo, NY when he was seven years old. He has vowed to someday move
to a place where is isn't windy or doesn't snow. So after graduating college with a degree in Media Communications,
he moved to sunny, warm....Rochester, NY. Oh, well.
Currently, Mike is a TV News Photographer, also known as a "Media Vulture" in some circles. He enjoys
his job since it provides him with something different every day--from chasing criminals, to filming the President,
to flying over Niagara Falls in a hot-air balloon. Mike is a reality TV junkie, claiming to have watched nearly
every show ever aired, including the bad ones on Fox. When not watching Survivor, Amazing Race, Big Brother, or
Joe Schmo, Mike loves games; board games, computer games, and card games. So for him to be able to combine his
passions and be a part of Survivor: Okinawa is a dream come true.
Mike also loves gardening, and has recently built a huge, garden patio in the shape of a chess-board so his garden
gnome collection can face off against other crappy lawn ornaments. Along with his partner Joe, Mike likes camping
and traveling, and spending quality time with their loving cat, Buddy. Mike says that if he wins the million
dollars, he and Joe will build their own campground and move to Hawaii for the winters where they can go whale-watching
Application Essay
Born in a little grass hut on the east side of Chicago in the early 60's, little Mikey Ruff always dreamed of being
on a reality show. But when the reality show craze burst onto the scene near the end of the century, little Mikey
Ruff who now more to Rochester, New York, was already too old, fat, and out of shape for him to be even considered,
so he did the next best thing, he became a reality show junkie. He filled his nights and days with Survivor, The
Mole, Big Brother, and even stooped as low as to watch Hey, I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here. All was okay
until one day, while surfing the net and fast-forwarding through the comercials of the Joe Schmo Show, he discovered
an application for an all new reality show--Survivor: Okinowa. Now he could finally harness all of his pent-up
backstabbing skills, his manipulating abilities, his crafty whining and begging talents, and put them to good use.
Let's now listen in as he tries to persuade the judges into allowing him to fulfil his dream...
I am the ultimate survivor contestant. Never before has there been a game invented that was better suited to my
skills, abilities, and desires. Physically, I would love the challenge and the chance to see if I "could."
Besides, I might end up losing a little weight from this 240 lb. frame. Mentally, I thrive on strategic puzzles
and I'm fascinated by personal interactions. Any strategy game leaves me moist with anticipation. This game,
my fellow Americans, will allow me to mesh my humor with my wit, with my powers of persusion, not to mention my
infamous puppetry skills, where I will mentally manipulate my opponents into doing what I need. I also believe
I can become a chameleon of sorts and mold myself into any role: leader, friend, provider, quiet thinker, rational
father figure, or heroic savior.
Outside of this little Survivor world, I enjoy role-playing and have livened up every adventure I've participated
in with my wild thoughts and enthusiasm. Creatively, I've built other worlds for my novels and would be happy
to extend that creativity half way across the world to Okinawa.
So if that hasn't convinced you, for the record, I pride myself on being a lying, cheating, backstabbing bastard
in an honest, sort of friendly, way. So as ABBA says: Take a Chance on Me......
Finalist Essay
I've been so excited since I read the application and applied. I read Tonga in preparation and I know I have
a handle on the game. Not to suck up or anything (insert HUGE sucking sound) I know from reading Mario's All-star
series, that this will be well done and fun experience. I always thought I would do well at this type of game
because of my personality, but now is the time to prove it.
Why should you choose me? First of all I won't repeat everything in my application, but I will give you a little
more insight into my personality. I'm guessing that Mario wants strong characters to write for, since this ultimately
will produce another great novel for him--and I want to be one of those characters.
I probably will be the oldest survivor, based on Tonga contestants, and that will make me unique. The dynamics
of young people dealing with an older guy can create friction or strong ties (like Carl vs the young crowd, or
the Neleh/Pascal Rodger/Elizabeth friendships.) I am young at heart, playful and silly--again loving games and
I'm highly competitive. But I'm also conservative in many ways. I'm a tree-hugger and homebody a lot of the time,
I hate rap music, tattoos, and a lot of the styles and ideals of the younger generation. I am set in my ways,
I'm stubborn and controlling, but yet in this situation I am smart enough to reign those urges in and sit back
and try to fit in--at least early on. Later in the game I will show my true colors and become more aggressive
and opinionated. I don't like everybody. There will be people I will immediately dislike and I will gravitate
to only a select few. Honesty is important to me--I will try to answer all questions honestly and play with integrity,
but I do realize that my competitive nature will kick in. I guess I will present myself as honest, and if I promise
you something you can bank on it. But I have been known to back-stab if that was in my earlier plans.
I did mention that I was conservative, but on the flip-side, I am gay, which also might be a source of conflict.
Even though being gay is a part of me and I do have a three year relationship with Joe (complete with cute white
house with nice gardens in the country,)(interesting story about Joe -- my Aunt in Chicago fixed us up and he moved
here 6 months later) I am totally straight-looking and acting. Most people never find out, and when they do,
they are shocked. (Another interesting potential plot-device.) I'm also non-stereotypically gay in that I have
absolutely no attraction to younger, trim pretty-boys, and my conservative side hates flaming queens. I know
that sounds weird, but I prefer an older, chubby man. (I'm not sure how that will play into the story, but that's
who I am.) I am romantic, compasionate, and sensitive. Things will affect me greatly in the game and I will
have a hard time reeling in my emotions. I don't tolerate stupidity, laziness, or someone trying to control me.
That being said, again, I do have enough sense to bottle up my emotions and play the game. One thing I won't
tolerate, and something that will probably set me off, is being falsely accused or betrayed. Even in the simplest
board game, if you screw with me I will carry the vendetta forever. I never forget, and will go out of my way
to return the favor. (Can you say "vindictive") I will try to add humor the the game. I love to have
fun, run around naked, joke, tease, and just act weird (in a Monty Python sort of way.) Physically, I'm not your
average survivor contestant. I'm 6 foot, 240 lbs, but I don't look that big. I am muscular from working out
at the gym and in the yard, but a little pudgy all over. I lost about 60 lbs last year, but gained about 20 back.
I love adventure and I will try anything for the experience. Around camp, I will be the workhorse, building and
getting food. Food drives me, and I need to eat a lot--that will be my greatest challenge.
As for my occupation, I'm a Television News Photographer, or as some people refer to it as a Media-Vulture. I
chase bad-guys, report on local politics, and cover the weather. It does make me well-versed in many subject.
It will also be interesting for me to be on the other side of the camera for a change. I'll be very interested
in the production side of project.
I love the outdoors, I love traveling and adventure, and I love games and roleplaying. I write Science-fiction
stories and I know everything about every reality series ever made.
If you pick me, I will put everything I can into this to make it a good game and good story. I realize that the
story for Mario is as important to him and Survivor Central and I'd love to work with him and give insight as to
what I would do in a situation to make the project as real as possible.
That's me in a nutshell; conservative yet liberal, gay but straight-acting, older but young at heart, honest yet
deceptive. Hopefully, I'd make an interesting enough player.
So don't be stooooopid, pick me--the old, chubby, funny, compasionate, competetive, honest/deceptive, gay guy.
Thanks in advance,
Mike Ruff
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