The Saturday Night Live
Funny 115
My favorite
SNL moments between 2000-2015
those of you who aren't familiar with me, Saturday Night Live is my all
time favorite TV show. Yeah, I know, I'm much more well known
writing about Survivor, but when you look at things in the big picture,
you can forget Survivor. Survivor is old news. SNL
is where
my true loyalty lies. In fact, I haven't missed an episode of
Saturday Night Live since about 1985, that's how dedicated I have
always been to this show.
Ever since I was a kid, I would tape my favorite SNL sketches
when they aired on TV, I would watch them over and over and memorize
them, and because of this I am now basically the Rain Man when it comes
to awesome old obscure SNL sketches. I never forget anything
it comes to Saturday Night Live.
countdown (The SNL Funny
115) is something I came up with in December of 2015. I
to write something nice about Saturday Night Live, mainly because
nobody on the internet ever does. It has got to be the most
show in the history of TV to be an actual part of. All SNL
do every week (and this has been going on for decades) is just
completely shit on
how bad the last episode was, and how the show isn't good anymore, and
how it hasn't been funny ever since (insert your childhood favorite
left the show. And that sort of bullshit hasn't changed
since the late 70's. Seriously, SNL fans are the worst. They
take for granted that the past five or ten years have produced some of
the greatest moments and performers in the history of Saturday
Night Live, and I just felt that it was time that somebody on the
internet actually acknowledged this.
My other motivation for writing this countdown is that
I wanted to
go back to my roots and start writing about SNL again, since this was
the first show I ever wrote about when I first became "an
writer" back in the early 90's. SNL is and always
will be
my favorite TV show, and I wanted to pay tribute to my
115 favorite things that have happened on the show since the
Why 115 moments? Well because I always make top 115 lists
instead of top 100 lists, that's just sort of my trademark.
any case, here are my 115 favorite things that happened on Saturday
Night Live between
the years 2000-2015. Note that I didn't say "best moments",
just said
"my favorites." If you are going to nitpick and email me that
these weren't the
best, or that they weren't the funniest, you are wasting your time.
I will try to explain in each
entry why I liked it so much and why I thought it was something worth
writing about. And you will notice that, as I am a comedy
myself, I tend to prefer "writers' sketches" a lot more than I
enjoy "performers' sketches." You
will definitely see that pattern develop as you go
along the countdown. There are some
entries that I included only because I wanted to highlight one specific
line in the sketch, and why I thought it was noteworthy.
I hope you enjoy my list. And I hope you all stop
talking so much shit about Saturday Night Live on the internet.
would be nice if we had an internet culture where we actually
appreciated a show like this instead of always just crapping on it.
The internet has way too much negativity as it is,
let's try to reverse that.
And now, it's time to Get in the Cage, and get on with the list!
by Mario
Lanza |
#1: I broke the entries up into six different groups so it
wasn't just one big wall of text
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