Funny 115 - version 2.0
Don't touch Shane's shoulder
Exile Island - finale
This is just a quickie little visual entry, but it
cracks me up every single time I watch it. And I love that it
cracks me up, because it is one of those forgotten little moments that
I don't think very many Survivor fans remember. Unless you
one of those obsessive Survivor fans who remembers every little detail
about every little player in every little season, I can almost bet
money that you aren't going to remember this one.
By the
way, remember how on the original Funny 115 I had a bunch of
entries I called "Mario's hidden gems"? Well if I was doing
hidden gems on Version 2.0, this would probably be the top
hidden gem on the list. I feel that strongly about it
Like I said before, this scene will crack you up. Guaranteed.
It is just perfect.
It is especially perfect because of the
two characters who are involved.

Oil (left) and water (right)
Okay, so here we go. One of the shortest entries on the Funny
115, but one of the funniest.
This one was destined to be in the top 25 the moment I saw it.
it comes to famous feuds in Survivor history, you know how a lot of
times they wind up with the two people actually becoming allies?
And then in some instances how the two people
will make up
and even actually become friends?
Remember Bobby Jon and Jamie in Guatemala?

Remember how they went from this...

... to this?
have been a lot of instances in Survivor history where two people
started off awkwardly with one another, but then later become buddies.

Remember how Rudy only hated 99.9999% of all queers by the end
of Borneo?

Remember how Colby eventually accepted the flaws of his younger brother

Remember the touching hug between Penner and Probst at the end of Cook

Remember how Russell and Sandra eventually got married?
Yes, there have been a lot of "we started out weird, but we later
became friends" stories in the history of Survivor.
This, however, is not one of them.
know what I loved about the Shane/Courtney feud so much? You
know why I say it was probably the greatest feud in Survivor history*?
* aside from Ghandia v. grinding
What I loved about it is that there was no fucking
resolution whatsoever!
if you go back and watch Exile Island, you will notice that at no point
did Shane and Courtney ever actually make up. At no point
Exile Island did they even actually come close
to making up. I would be willing to bet money
that Shane
hated her just as much at the reunion show as he did on day
It was the perfect example of a Seinfeld relationship.
There was no hugging, no learning.
Want to see why I say there was no resolution between the two of them
here you go. This is the very last scene of Survivor: Exile
Island. Swear to God. The very. Last.
This is the last interaction we ever see between Shane and Courtney.
It sums up their relationship quite perfectly.

It is the Survivor: Exile Island finale, and the jury is sitting there,
ready to pick the winner

As fate would have it, Courtney happens to be sitting right behind Shane

This is not good for Shane

reason it is not good for Shane is because every single time Courtney
has to come down to do something (like talk, or cast a vote)...

... she braces herself by grabbing onto his shoulder
Well since Courtney is annoying, and since Shane is crazy, you can kind
of guess where we are going with this.

Shane doesn't like it

Would you knock that shit off?!?
like I said, what happens next is the VERY LAST SCENE of Exile
Island. It has got to be the funniest little interaction
any two Survivor jurors ever. This is the very last time we
see Shane and Courtney interact in Survivor.

"Okay jury. It is time to vote."

It's votin' time.

Courtney gets up to vote. And sure enough... just like

She braces on his shoulder

Yeah okay. That's juuuuuuuust about enough of that.


Yeah, try that again Courtney. Try it again, see what happens

Courtney goes up to vote

And when she comes back to her seat, guess what happens

How does Shane handle this like a mature and responsible adult?

Well he just slides over a little bit

And then he keeps sliding

And then he keeps sliding, all the way into Terry's lap
And then here's the best part of the whole exchange...

Just to spite him, Courtney reaches out and touches him anyway

Which, of course, leads to...
Crazy Eyes!
so anyway. You know how you never hear about Courtney Marit
days? You know how you never heard a thing about her after
Survivor: Exile Island. Well the reason you never heard a
about her because Courtney's dead. Shane killed her about 75
seconds after the crazy eyes picture.

Here is the entire little Shane/Courtney exchange in gif format
so there you go. One of my favorite little visual moments on
countdown, and one of the entries that I would definitely consider a
"hidden gem" if I was still categorizing those. May you never
watch Exile Island again and not look forward to it.
I love that the Shane and Courtney storyline concluded with the two of
them both acting like five year olds.

Is cranky; needs a nap
* Special
thanks to readers Hisham and Jean-Damien for sending
me the
two photoshop pictures (the Sandra/Russell one and
the Probst/Penner hug). Thank you for making those
specifically for this entry!