Funny 115 - version 2.0
Crystal wins the hell out of the game
Gabon - all season long

"Hi, my name is Crystal Cox. I am a 2004 Olympic gold
medalist, in the women's 4 x 400 meter relay."

"I am going to use my blazing speed... to win the
hell out of this
Oh, really?
Well let's just take a look at the story
of Crystal Cox, Olympic Gold Medalist, and world class elite athlete.
Did she wind up "winning the hell out of the game"?
Did she
dominate the game with her speed like it has never been dominated
before? No, I'm afraid not. In fact, quite the
Crystal Cox-- Olympic champion, ironic as it might be-- might
have pulled off the single most pathetic athletic performance in the
first twenty seasons of Survivor.
And yes that is even including Sandra.

"Hey, don't bring me into this shit. I didn't win no fuckin'
okay, sorry Sandra. Fair enough. No, you didn't win
Olympic gold medal. But Crystal did. She is one of
the most
elite athletes the world of Survivor has ever seen. She also
promised us she would win "the hell out of the game."
How did she manage to fail at this?
Ah yes... let us count the ways.

Episode 1: Crystal fails at running

Episode 1: Crystal fails at climbing. She even
loses to Gillian.

Episode 1: Crystal fails at digging

Episode 3: Crystal fails at waterslides

Episode 4: Crystal fails at paddling...

... and moving...

... and defending.


Episode 5: Despite being nine feet tall, Crystal fails at
whacking fruit out of the air

Episode 6: Crystal fails at strength and endurance

Episode 6: Crystal fails at knots

Episode 6: Crystal crashes into Ace with a set of puzzle
pieces because she fails to unclip

Episode 7: Crystal fails at being in position to catch

Episode 7: Crystal fails at balance

Episode 8: Not only does Crystal fail at holding a pole in
the air, she also fails at lasting more than one second

9: This one isn't really her fault, but it does mark nine
in a row. So she fails at statistical probability.

Episode 9: Crystal fails at fire

10: Aside from Bob (who was sent to Exile), Crystal is the
player to win nothing in the food auction. Yes, that's
Crystal fails at free food giveaways.

Episode 10: Crystal fails at balance again. Now
she's even starting to fail at originality.

Recap episode: Crystal fails at the look of seduction

Episode 12: My personal favorite. Crystal fails at

Episode 12: Surprisingly, this is the first time all season
that Crystal fails at puzzles

Episode 12: Crystal fails at proper ergonomic hugging

Episode 13: Crystal fails at staying on the course in a rope
now, finally, (finally!) we come to the coup de grace. The
ultimate "Crystal fails at Survivor" moment. After all the
we have seen so far, there is still one that is going to top
Ready for it?

Episode 13: Crystal fails at free throws. She
doesn't make a single one of her shots.
the free throw challenge, of course, she is frustrated.
Cox is frustrated that she has put in such a miserable physical
performance in Survivor: Gabon. We are now thirteen episodes
and she has pulled off arguably the single worst non-Sandra challenge
history in twenty seasons of Survivor.
She is frustrated. She is mad. And she is
embarrassed about it.
And what does she decide to do about this frustration?
Why she is going to do a slam dunk, of course!

Crystal takes her ball and she takes a running start towards her five
foot kiddie hoop

Air Crystal goes up...

... and...


That's right. Six foot tall Crystal Cox just missed
a dunk on a five foot hoop.
question, The Legend (?) of Crystal Cox was easily one of the most
highly requested entries on the Funny 115. Nearly every
person who wrote me with nominations asked me to consider it.
well, you know, instead of me summarizing the legend of Crystal, I'll
just let Kitty Pryde1 from Survivor Sucks summarize. After
she is the one who has been championing this entry for the
eight months. She can wrap this up a lot better than I can:
has one of the best Survivor storylines ever. The Olympic
who loses EVERY challenge (save for two), including rock, paper,
scissors, a food auction, and then slam dunking a ball when she's
taller than the hoop... I mean, seriously... a 6 foot tall Olympic
athlete failed to dunk on a 5 foot tall basket.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you Kitty.
And thank you Crystal.

"Hi, my name is Crystal Cox. I am a 2004 Olympic gold
medalist, in the women's 4 x 400 meter relay."

"And I did not
win the hell out of Survivor."
But wait, there's more! Want to see the spectacular
to the "Crystal fails at Survivor" storyline? Want to see how
this story arc resolves itself naturally? Well here you go.
Read it and weep.

Crystal fails at voting for the winner