Funny 115 - The Third One

The Worst Motto Ever
Philippines - finale
Okay, let's play hypotheticals here.
For the sake of argument, let's say there was a
Survivor player who did something that was really bad.
not going to name any names. In fact, I'm not going to say if
was even real at all. For purposes of this writeup,
just call this mystery guy "Bob Johnson."
Bob Johnson
Let's say that Bob did something that was really bad, and that it made
all the news headlines.
say that he was convicted in 2016, and he wound up going to
And let's say that it was such a horrible story that you are
supposed to joke about it at all, because there is nothing funny about
whatsoever and it was a terrible tragedy.
Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that all of these things are
If they were true, then wouldn't you find it just the slightest
bit ironic (in an "Oh my God!" sort of way) that this was one of
the last things Bob ever said on Survivor?
"One of my family mottos is, are you gonna watch the news
today or make the news?"
all I am going to say about it. You can go look up the
details on
your own if you want. If you are brave enough, go do your
All I will say is that I would not be surprised if this quote is
deleted from any future DVD copies.
Thanks to Adrian John Dias for the Mark the Chicken/Brad Culpepper
picture **