Norm Macdonald
The Last Dangerous Castmember
are the biggies. Have you ever wondered why NBC doesn't ever rerun
Norm's Weekend Updates anymore? Well I'm guessing this collection of jokes is
why. These are the cancelling jokes. These are why Tina Fey referred to him as "the last dangerous castmember."
This page is affectionately subtitled, "Jesus Christ, Norm."

Native Americans in upstate New York are trying to block plans to build
a K-Mart on the site of a Mohican burial ground. In addition, they were
upset to learn that sales at this particular K-Mart will be announced,
"Attention K-Mart savages."12/9/95 - S21E8
The Oscar nominations were announced this week. And Tom
Hanks and Jodie Foster are in a heated competition in the Academy's
controversial new category: Best Retard. 2/18/95 - S20E13
In northern Florida, refuse from a paper mill has caused female fish to
develop male sex organs. Annnd, in a related story: Attorney General Janet
Reno.2/15/97 - S22E13
to a new survey by the Women's Vote Project, women would be more likely
to vote if they could send in ballots by mail, or if polls were open
longer. Also, more women would vote if you were permitted to bake your
vote. [almost no reaction to this joke at all. It's met with near-complete silence] They like to bake.10/18/97 - S23E3

One hundred and thirty years after the Civil War, the state of
Mississippi has finally voted to abolish slavery. Representatives said
they would have liked to have done it sooner, but they were delayed due
to some awfully big cotton crops.2/18/95 - S20E13
FBI Director Louis Freeh said this week that
Attorney General Janet Reno might have a conflict of interest in her
investigation of Democratic fundraising. Freeh also pointed out that
Reno might have a conflict of interest between her X and Y chromosomes.5/10/97 - S22E19
The WNBA officially expanded to ten teams this week, adding franchises
in Detroit and Washington, D. C. But before you get too excited about
the new additions to the league, remember: all of the players are still
women.11/15/97 - S23E6
Wisconsin, students at Menomonie High School are desperately fighting
efforts by the politically correct to change their team nickname, "The
Indians." Already, opponents of the name have rejected the students'
first compromise, "The Drunken Indians."2/22/97 - S22E14
Clinton was in Austin, Texas, last Monday, the day of the Million Man
March. The President said, in a speech, "I'm here to speak to you today
because right now, in Washington D.C., there's like a million black
guys."10/21/95 - S21E3

Twentieth Century Fox has announced that Macaulay Culkin will NOT be
hired to star in Home Alone 3. A studio spokesman said that it was nothing
personal, but with Culkin now sixteen years of age, the only way to keep him
in the film would be to make the character retarded.9/28/96 - S22E1
General Janet Reno has assembled a task force to determine whether
federal campaign finance laws were violated by Democrats, Republicans,
or both. Another task force will attempt to determine whether Attorney
General Reno is a man, a woman, or both.
11/16/96 - S22E6
PLO leader Yasser Arafat announced this
week that his wife is pregnant. The happy couple said they really don't
care if the child is a boy or girl, just as long as it hates Jews.12/10/94 - S20E8

U.S. Postal Service this week cancelled plans for a stamp commemorating
the bombing of Hiroshima. They will instead release a different stamp.
Here it is. Hopefully people will find it less offensive, that one.12/10/94 - S20E8
An independent study
released this week confirms that President Clinton has appointed more
minorities to high-level government posts than any other president. For
purposes of the study, women were counted as minorities. And Attorney
General Janet Reno was counted as a woman.10/26/96 - S22E4
week, a Cincinnati woman with ten personalities sued a man for sexual
assault. But the suit was thrown out when two of her personalities said
that she may have consented. You know folks, where I come from, "No No
No No No Yes Yes No No" means No!12/17/94 - S20E9
medical research shows that men and women have different food cravings.
Men preferring meat, and women preferring sweets. Scientists trace this
back to caveman days, when men had to go out and hunt for food, while
women sat on their fat asses eating chocolates.2/25/95 - S20E14
Fuhrman, who was expected to face disciplinary action by the LAPD, may
get off lightly. Under the terms of a controversial plea bargain, the
charges against him have been reduced to, quote, “one count of using
the word darkie.”9/30/95 - S21E1
In St.Louis, Missouri,
a father who lost joint custody of his two sons after undergoing a sex
change operation now plans to ask an appeals court to reconsider its
ruling that gave sole custody to the boys' mother. (pause) Hmmmm, I wonder
who's going to win this case? The mother of the two children? Or the
guy who had his penis twisted into a fake vagina?4/12/97- S22E17
twenty-three-year-old women in China this week have set a record,
living twelve days in a room with eight hundred and eighty eight deadly
snakes. They now hold a place-- a coveted place-- in the Guinness Book
of World Retards.11/18/95 - S21E6
And finally... in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a man allowed his eight-year old daughter to take the
wheel of his car, and an accident ensued, that damaged seven other cars
and injured six people. Which once again proves my theory: Women can't
drive.10/25/97 - S23E4
Okay, you made it. You're past the diciest part. Now we get to go to the home stretch.
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