Just another page of light, silly Norm Macdonald jokes.
Last week in Cleveland, the rock group
Crosby, Stills & Nash was inducted into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of
Fame. And in addition, a special lifetime achievement award was presented
to David Crosby's liver. Congratulations David
Crosby's liver!5/10/97 - S22E19
week, Disney released a new CD, featuring a rapping Mickey Mouse. To
avoid controversy, the CD will not include the controversial hit
single, "Cat Killer."10/1/94 - S20E2
On Tom Snyder this week, actor Tony Danza said he thought the recent
open display of affection by lesbian couple Ellen DeGeneres and Anne
Heche in front of President Clinton was "extremely disrespectful." On
hearing the comment, President Clinton responded, "Someone should tell
Tony Danza to shut the hell up!"12/6/97 - S23E8
Topeka, Kansas, the fire department is now using a new weapon to fight
arson. A black labrador trained to sniff out chemicals used in setting
fires. Although it should be noted, if this dog is correct, the culprit
in every arson fire this month is, uh, some other dog's ass.10/26/96 - S22E4

John Wayne Bobbitt is
going to be an adult film star. He has been signed on to play himself
in the "John Wayne Bobbitt Story." The part of his severed penis will
be portrayed by Pauly Shore.10/1/94 - S20E2
week in the former Soviet Union, an American engineer for a San
Diego-based company was arrested, and charged with spying for the
United States. Russian authorities say he was caught attempting to
smuggle out their secret formula for alcoholism and despair.12/6/97 - S23E8
Our top story tonight, according to a new
CNN poll, Republican candidate Bob Dole now trails President Clinton by
fifteen points. A Dole campaign spokesman says that, despite these
numbers, it
is still possible for them to reach their ultimate goal -- To lose by
seven points.10/19/96 - S22E3
to expected cutbacks in funding for PBS's "The Frugal Gourmet," he has
announced he'll be changing his name to "The Cheap Bastard."5/6/95 - S20E19
In Springfield, Missouri, the local cable
company mistakenly aired five minutes of explicit sex scenes from the
Playboy Channel on the Cartoon Network, during an episode of The
Flintstones. Experts say that children who saw the broadcast called it "the greatest Flintstones episode ever!"1/18/97 - S22E11
top story tonight: Texaco Oil, reeling from the public outcry over
racist remarks made by some of its top executives at a tape recorded
meeting, today announced a dramatic change in company policy: No more
tape recorded meetings. 11/16/96 - S22E6
According to a survey, fifty-eight percent of men
would have sex with a woman they disliked. Although, while having sex,
they would really really like them and then, afterwards, not like them
2/18/95 - S20E13
teenagers are snorting or injecting Ritalin, a drug prescribed to treat
Attention Deficit Disorder in children. Drug abuse experts warn that
Ritalin can cause accelerated blood pressure, along with enhanced
mental alertness, a surge of energy, and an increased sense of self
confidence. And remember, kids, those are BAD things.3/18/95 - S20E15
Finally, after forty years in California, the Los Angeles Dodgers are up for
sale, and many New York fans are calling for the team to return to
Brooklyn. It's all part of a plan to mess with Bob Dole's mind.1/11/97 - S22E10
week, fighting along the Northern Iraqi border escalated. Twenty
thousand Turkish troops, backed by warplanes and helicopters, launched
a massive attack against a tribe of Kurdish rebels. In retaliation, the
Kurds fired back with their secret weapon - the tiny clump of dirt. 9/28/96 - S22E1
of toys, this year's survey of the ten most dangerous toys has been
released. Topping the list this year? Tyco's new "Throat Clogger Upper."11/22/97 - S23E7
finally, the Diamond Council of America advises that men spend two
months' salary on an engagement ring. While the American Housing
Company suggests that you spend twenty-five percent of your salary on
rent. Interestingly, the U.S. Crack Association recommends that you
spend all your salary... on crack.3/25/95 - S20E16
January, production will begin on the seventh season of MTV's The Real
World. The seven young people appearing in the series will represent
different backgrounds, ages, religions, and sexual orientations.
However, this year they will share one trait in common: I will hate
them.12/6/97 - S23E8
Next up, a collection that I didn't really know where to put. So we'll just call these Miscellaneous Norm Jokes.