The Faux 115
(every entry has been generated by ChatGPT)

This page is under construction (I eventually plan to have 115 of these.) Here are all the ones I have come up with so far:

Gina's "The Sky is Falling" - A Marquesan Melodrama

Candice Cody Gets Candied

Dave's Ostrich Dance - A Hilarious Feat of Flightlessness

Jonny Fairplay's Dead Grandma Lie - Survivor's Most Legendary Tall Tale

The Legendary "Stupid Stick" Incident - Survivor: Worlds Apart

Angelina's Epic Quest for Natalie's Jacket - The Drama Unfolds!

Sean Rector's Alphabet Strategy - A Tale of Chaos and ABCs

Erik Reichenbach and the Caramel Glasses

Courtney Marit and Genre Bear's Relationship

Shirin and Her Goat Army

Russell Hantz and Coach - See-Saw Shenanigans

Jerry Sims and his Dog Barbecue Sauce

When Bobby Jon Went Apeshit

Brandon and Mikayla - A Ticklish Temptation!

Johnny Nitro and the Fat Five

Rory Freeman and the Quest for the Little Crack

Bruce's Unforgettable 'Blockbuster' Moment

Ibrehem Can Get Loud Too - What the Fuck?!?

The Unforgettable Serenades of Albert's Coconut Band

Tina Says "Be the Wizard!"

Jenna Morasca and the Letter From Home - A Tale of Smiles

Fuck You, Brad Culpepper!

Big Tom and his Ham - A 'Meat' Cute

Colby Donaldson's Sweet Transformation - The Hershey Bar Chronicles

Ghandia's Misheard Quote

"J for Jenna."

Stephenie and her Filet Mignon Pizza

NaOnka and Kelly Purple - A "Leg"endary Tale

Boston Rob Roasts the Rotus

Shii Ann and the Bush - A Terrific Twosome!

Dave Ball's Famous Quote

Jeff Kent and the Unusual Heist of his Money

Bob Johnson Makes the News instead of Watching the News

Gervase's Cow Joke

The Immunity Will-dol

Kathy "Loses" a Finger

Vince and his Coconut Army - A "Nut"ty Battalion

Rudy's "He's not a queer" Comment

Christian - the New Comptroller of Slamtown

Jeff Probst's Reactions to Amazon

Shane and Courtney and the "Shitty" Apartment

Superpole 2000

Frank Garrison and the Famous Pie Quote

"I Have."

Roll it on Rupert's Toe - A "Toe"tally Crazy Challenge!

Chicken's Predictions

Dawn's Denture Removal

Missy and the Make-A-Wish Kid - Muddy Mayhem!

Dan Foley and the Bus Driver Quote

Kathy Pees on John - A Marquesan Memory

Ulong Refuses to Go Back to Immunity

Nick Brown - The Jester of Kucha

Leif in a Box

Survivor's Got Milk! - Kelly Milks Her Own Milk

54 total