Funny 115 - version 2.0
Jason Siska is a god
Fans vs Favorites - episode 10
There are some entries on the Funny 115 that are long and will take a
lot of writing and a lot of screencaps.
Then there are some (like this one) that will be very short.
you noticed that a lot of the entries so far are just some random quote
from an episode that made me laugh and I thought you should remember
it? Well this one is no different. Here is a great
quote from Survivor: Fans vs Favorites that is so obscure that I doubt
you even remember it.
Which is a shame, because it is just about the funniest quote in
Survivor history when you know all the context behind it.

Jason Siska - Survivor bitch
is the morning after the infamous "It's just a stick!" Tribal Council
in Fans vs Favorites. Which means that Jason was just
by Ozzy into digging up a stick with a smiley face on it and thinking
it was an actual hidden
immunity idol. By the way, don't worry, we will talk about
scene much much later on the Funny 115. There's no way I
bury "It's just a f****** stick!" down here in the 100's.
a top 20 funniest moment if ever there was one.
So anyway,
it is the morning after the fateful "stick" Tribal Council, and Jason
is explaining to us how humiliating it was last night and how silly he
felt when Ozzy tricked him.

"Ozzy fooled me. Uh, he did a good job. I felt kind
of silly, but, you
know, in the end that's not what matters. It's how
far you get in the
then comes the best part. It's a quickie. But if
you know
what is about to happen, this is truly one of the single best quotes in
Survivor history.

"And, uh, to go up against Ozzy in the first individual immunity
challenge and win let me know that, you know..."

"Ozzy's not the only
godlike competitor who can play this game."
Ha ha. That's right. Jason Siska just compared
himself to a god.
Which is awesome, considering he may have the single most humiliating
storyline in Survivor history.
you thought that Erik from Fans vs Favorites took a humiliating fall?
You thought John Carroll or Silas or James or Russell Hantz
suffered a humiliating fall? Just wait
until we get to the Fall of Jason Siska, sometime in the top 20.
He gets my vote for the single most embarrassing storyline in
Survivor history. And it's not even close.
It's even better when you know that, the episode before his
fall, he essentially referred to himself a Survivor god.

I love ironic Survivor editing by the way. :)
Here's a great quote from my friend Kevin: "The
Jason Siska ever got to God is the way he always asked "Oh my God what
the hell just happened????" after every Tribal Council."