Funny 115 - version 2.0
Colby vs. Reid
Heroes vs Villains - episode 13
"All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers."
~François Fénelon
of the things that has consistently cracked me up over the years about
Survivor (and something which happens a lot more often than you would
probably expect), is the fact that a lot of the "loved one visits" that
take place towards the end of each season really aren't all that
touching or all that emotional at all. In fact, if you get
down to it, a lot of the loved one visits over the years have
of been downright awkward.
I don't know why this seems to
happen so often on a show like Survivor. I don't know why the
"sweet, tender reunion with a loved one from home" can be so
to pull off. But for whatever reason, it happens.
whatever reason, an awkward unintentionally hilarious loved one visit
has happened countless times over the past twenty-two seasons of
Don't believe me? Well let's just take a look
back at some of the more... awkward... loved one visits in Survivor
history. Just about every single one of these cracked me up
the time, and still cracks me up today.
Remember these famously awkward Survivor loved one moments?

Pearl Islands: Christa's boyfriend can't make it, so the
producers substitute TV's Fred Savage

Thailand: Helen Glover threatens her own husband

Borneo: Greg Buis and his sister exchange incest tips

Africa: Big Tom's loved one is a cheeseburger

Fans vs Favorites: James' dad vows that Alexis will die

All-Stars: Rupert and his wife just do it right there in
front of everyone

Thailand: In a tragic miscalculation, Ghandia's loved one is
actually Big Ted

China: Amanda's mother is a zombie

Thailand: Instead of a touching emotional video, CC Heidik
sends a video where she deepthroats a corn dog

Tocantins: Coach and his assistant coach "sharpen" each other

Australia: Colby's mom sips her morning coffee, as she
watches her naked son take a shower

Pearl Islands: This guy
So yes, there you go. All of those awkward loved one visits
have been absolute comedy gold.
When they happen, they are truly one of the most hilarious
most underrated moments of every Survivor season.
But wait. Here is a new one. Here is an even better
Because if there is one
awkward loved one visit that is my new all-time favorite,
it is this one.
It is Colby Donaldson throwing a temper tantrum because of his brother.
the thirteenth episode of Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, and the loved
ones have come out to Samoa to help their Survivors win a reward
And sure enough, here we have the two stars of our entry.
We have Colby Donaldson and his beloved older brother, Reid.

The Donaldson brothers embrace in a warm and loving hug

Through teary eyes, Colby asks Reid to do his best to win
Looks pretty sweet, doesn't it? A nice loving family reunion?
Well it's not sweet.
Because about thirty seconds later, this happens.

"Survivors ready... go!"

Colby scoops up a bucket of water...

... and tries to throw it to Reid.

Reid misses almost all of it
F BOMB!!!!!

The first throw wasn't successful at all, so Colby comes back with
bucket number two. He walks up the beach stoically, as
Reid chants "Think about the prize! Think about the prize!"


Colby throws bucket number two... and instead of catching
it, Reid catches most of it with his face


Now the Colbster lays down the law: "Reid, I'm throwin' it

Oh goody, here comes throw number three. So how will this one
go? Survey says...?


Now Colby just finally snaps


And how goeth throw number four?

No dice

Now Colby starts to throw a little mini temper tantrum

All he can get out is an anguished "Reid........."

He turns around and stomps off down the beach

Jeff could not be more amused by this

"Colby... blaming
on his big brother!"

"He's been that way thirty four days, Reid."

Reid laughs

oh. Here comes more confrontation. Colby walks up
for throw
number five and demands,"Reid, tell me what you want."

"Just throw it high! Throw it high!"

So Colby throws it high. Reid misses again.

And yes. Another temper tantrum.

Reid laughs as Colby runs screaming and cursing back down the beach

"Little brother getting frustrated by his big brother."

Here comes the last throw. And yep... last miss.
Colby screams
on! REID!!!"

Jeff just continues to lose it
ha. I love this scene. I love how you have one of
the most
beloved and iconic players in Survivor history, I love how you have a
guy who once had babies and dogs and Hershey bars named after him, yet
the minute his brother shows up he regresses into being an eight year
old. This scene makes me laugh every single time I watch it.
swear to God, if there had been about four or five more throws in this
challenge, Colby probably would have walked over and slugged his very
own brother during the Survivor loved one visit. How awesome
would that have been? Either that or maybe Reid would have
him a wedgie.

Ironically enough, Colby made this exact same face after Reid used to
wedgie him
any case, Colby and Reid lost the reward challenge (duh). And
much as I wish it would have ended with a slap fight, in the end they
hugged and made up and were buddies again after the challenge was over.

Reid: "I love you, bro." Colby: "Fuck you."
Great scene.
One of the things I love the most about this scene is the
that Colby is standing their screaming his head off, and meanwhile Reid
is just standing there, laughing at him. Something tells me
Donaldson Family Game Night was not a pleasant experience for a young
Colby back in the 80's and 90's. I bet Family Game
Night usually ended with Reid winning and laughing, Colby
and yelling in his room, and mom anxiously awaiting bath time so she
could get a glimpse of what puberty was doing to everybody.

Jeez, why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer.
Don't you love the fact that Colby has had two loved one
in Survivor history, and both of them have wound up being weird and
His mom comes out, and she watches him shower, and then his
brother comes out, and they get in a screaming match.
mean, damn. What's going to happen if Colby ever has
a third
Survivor loved one visit? Is he going to get a video chat
session and start
sexting his grandma?

"Hi nana. A/S/L? What are you wearing?"
Here's a great observation from a friend of mine named
Gilchrist: "By the way, I don't know what it is about buckets
water that bring out Colby's dark side, but between his fight with Reid
and dumping the bucket on Jerri in Australia, Colby and buckets of
water do not get along." That's awesome. Thanks

Next time, just get him a football for Christmas