Funny 115 - The Third One

#82. Of
Superfans and Math
Worlds Apart - episodes 8 and 13
This is the story of two Superfans. Who know everything there
is to know about the show.
Their names are Dan
And Shirin
They don't seem to like each other very much
day Dan is walking through the woods. And as he is
he realizes that Shirin's Survivor strategy might not be everything you
would expect it to be.
And this angers Dan.
You see, how dare a superfan not understand that, to win this game, you
always must be on the right side of the numbers.
How dare a superfan be irritating and annoying, and make it so that the
other players don't like you.
This angers Dan so much that, one day, he pulls Shirin
aside the lagoon.
And he helpfully points out all her Survivor flaws.
"I'm surprised at you, to be honest with you."
"I really am, actually."
"You're like me. You're a fan."
"Why is it that fans can't do basic math?"
takes his friendly advice with a smile on her face. Because
else is Worlds Apart if not a friendly, helpful, feel-good joy of a
"I think you just don't understand my game."
"Right. I don't." *laugh*
"You know, once again, another fan who can't do basic math."
"You're an easy mark."
"You did it to yourself."
Dan finishes up his friendliness with an extremely sensitive lesson
about how Euclidian math works.
Being the nice guy that he is, he knows this will help.
So now Dan has done his good deed for the day.
Fellow superfan Shirin now understands how numbers work.
She now knows that you need to have a basic understanding of math if
you want to win this game.
All is right in the world. This simple girl has
been taught.
And now Dan gets to prove just how much he knows about math.
It is the episode ten reward challenge, and Dan is about to
win a major advantage in the game

Dan wins a major advantage. It is something he
will get to use later.
Dan goes back to camp, and he reads about his big new advantage.
"Congratulations. You've bought yourself an extra
Fuckin' A
now has TWO votes at an upcoming Tribal Council instead of one.
And for a man who knows that two is nearly double that of
this is an incredibly big deal.
"A second vote? Do you have any idea what this
means to me?"
The other players in the game know this is a really big deal as well.
After all, Dan has just been handed one of the biggest advantages in
the first thirty seasons of Survivor.
This isn't just some simple tactical advantage.
For the first time in Survivor history, a player has been given an
actual math advantage.

No, it's actually a vote multiplier
"A second vote! It's like the Willy Wonka Golden
Ticket! Oh my god!"
Okay, so now Dan is going to get a chance to use his big new shiny math
"Vote multiplier."
It is episode thirteen, and Mike has won immunity for the infinitieth
time in a row.

Mike STILL doesn't have sex. And he STILL knows how to fuck
Dan can't believe it.
Because with Mike immune, that means the target has to be Carolyn
Dan is going to vote for Carolyn. And he is going
to bury her using his shiny new math advantage
He is also going to give you a view of his crotch here, like
he's Sharon Stone in fucking Basic Instinct
is going to take out Carolyn tonight. Meanwhile, the rest of
tribe is trying to flip the vote around and use it on Dan.
And here comes Happy Dance enthusiast Mike, as the one person who tries
to warn him what is about to go down.
"Your alliance is gunning for you."
"Unless I do something and change it."
of course, takes this information with the wisdom and thankfulness and
utmost good cheer that you would expect from any superfan.
Mike just gave me good advice. Thanks, Mike.
Actually, wait. No he doesn't.
I'm Mike. I'm a silverback gorilla. I
know so much more than you because I'm a big hairy douchebag.
Yeah, this isn't going to end well.
And then we go to Tribal Council.
Where Dan does exactly what he yelled at Shirin for doing.
He falls prey to the math.
"Tonight there will be seven votes cast instead of six."
"Two of them will be meaningless votes from Dan, because
he's going to vote for the person with the immunity idol."
And just like that...
Dan blows his own game.
"I love it! The Vote Multiplier!"
Because he fucked up the biggest math advantage
in the history of Survivor.
And then this is where we go back to the original scene.
"What is it with Survivor fans and math?"
Great storyline.
P.S. Oh yes, I believe there is another word for this
storyline as well.
"I'd call that karma."