The Tale of Na Onka and Fabio

Chapter 12
Just Staying Alive

For the first time in this game, saint Na Onka is now in a position where she is unable to protect innocents from the forces of evil.  

And just like it would be for Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman, for a superhero like Na Onka Mixon, this is exceptionally hard.

She tries her best.  She puts on a brave face.

But she knows that Fabio is out there on his new tribe.  

Drawing in new allies like a tractor beam would pull in the Millenium Falcon.

And it hurts.

Nay easily could have gone home at this point in the game.  In fact, if things had worked out a little differently, she probably would have.  

This was definitely the point in the game where the people's champion was at her most vulnerable.

Luckily, her tribe decides to vote out Tyrone first, instead of her.  God be praised.

Then, out of nowhere, the leg is voted out of the other tribe after it attempts to kill Purple Kelly

Then we lose someone named Yve

Na Onka spends three full episodes sulking, and saddened.  But when she finds out the leg has been voted out of the game, she begins to perk up.  

Thank you Jesus

After all, maybe there ARE other heroes in the game aside from her.  

Maybe she isn't going to have to do this all by herself.

The heroic Na Angel is rallying now.  She's making new friends.  She's beginning to bounce back.

She even gets to go on a farm reward and milk her own milk.

 And oh, how exciting it is!

The greatest human being of the history of the earth has returned.

Just like that, she has snapped her hair, and whipped it around, and bounced back.

And with that, evil level boss Fabio better develop eyes in the back of his head.

Because the forces of goodness are now officially coming for him again.

Watch out Judddd.  I'm back.

To Chapter 13 ---->

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