The Tale of Na Onka and Fabio

Chapter 16
I Must Protect the Downtrodden

At the end of the eighth episode, Fabio is spared from Na Onka's sword of righteousness.  

When Alina is voted out instead

And still I survive!

But it's what happens AT Tribal Council that night that will forever change the way Na Onka sees herself this game.  

You see, there's this big bully on Libertad named Marty

And Marty likes to say mean things to a poor old lady named Jane.


And when Marty goes off on Jane at Tribal Council, and he makes her cry...

Na Onka sees this, and she knows she can't stand for it.

For if there's one thing that Miss Na Onka Mixon will NOT stand for, it's a bully.

Oh hell no

And so here goes our hero on yet another little righteous side quest.  

Now she is going to stick up for the defenseless Jane.  And help her get revenge against Marty.

Na Angel knows you must always stand up for the downtrodden

Na Onka goes to Jane, and she helps her hatch out a plan.

Wow, says Jane, I had no idea that two oranges packed that much nutrition

While Marty is off with the boys, doing evil bully things with Fabio and the rest of them.

Isn't being evil fun?  I love it, don't you?

Let's go shoot a bald eagle!

Nay pulls aside her heroic little group of prayer warriors.  And they make a pact that they will avenge Jane.

In Jesus's name, please protect us

Nay explains that the reign of Fabio and Marty must end.  A bully should never be allowed to stay.

Oh, and Fabio?  Well fuck him too.  We'll just take care of him next.

For now, I want Marty.

Jane is overjoyed.  She can't believe that a living angel she barely even knows would stand up for her like that.

Thank you Na Onka, says a clearly grateful Jane.  Your goodness is incredible.

To Chapter 17 ---->

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