The Tale of Na Onka and Fabio
Chapter 7
Here There Be Obstacles
the end of the second episode, the La Flors finally lose their first
immunity challenge.
And with that, they will now be heading to
their first Tribal Council.
Na Onka knows this is when evil has to be taken out of the game
However, as always, there's a catch.
It turns out that nobody else on the tribe sees the threat posed by Fabio and the leg.
much as she tries to warn them what happens when evil teams up with
evil, the La Flors are insistent on voting out Shannon tonight and his
abnormally large nipples.
Nobody else is interested in her plan of breaking up the evil.
Na Onka can't believe it. Are there no heroes left aside from herself?
this is going to become a pattern in Na Onka's never-ending quest for
goodness. Every time she thinks she has Fabio or that nasty
fucking leg backed into a corner, every time she thinks she has them
weakened and up against the ropes, one of her allies is going to throw
out some other name and that person will become the target instead.
This pointless little Shannon side mission will just be the first
of many.
But, like the trooper that she is, Nay quickly adapts.
And she puts on a good face for the camera, despite the pain you
know she must be feeling inside.
"I can't stand Jud," she explains quietly, "And he can't stand me."
"He doesn't have to go tonight because he's not a threat to anyone."
Meanwhile, somewhere off camera, Fabio laughs.

As he does his cruel impression of a short bus kid wearing a bike helmet
Not a threat, eh? They'll see.
To Chapter 8 ---->