The Funny 115 - The Third One

The Monkey's Paw Tale of Dan Foley - The Most Unhappy Birthday

Felt cute, might send Rodney a belated birthday card later

"Reading this Dan entry and hearing what people say about Worlds Apart; it seems the season's major sin was going full mid-2000s car crash reality TV, in a time when that type of show was becoming distasteful."

This is going to be the shortest chapter, by far, in the Dan Foley entry.

And that's because episode twelve barely features Dan at all. It's mostly just all about Rodney.

Rodney and, also, The Tickle Monster

This is also the episode where Rodney suddenly goes from this...


... to this.


So that's fun.

Oh yeah, and since I don't have a lot of Dan content in this chapter, I figured I'd supplement it by throwing in a bunch of different fan quotes about him instead. So here you go. Pick which one of these is your favorite.

At this point, after this many years of talking about him, it's clear that The Tale of Dan Foley has really just turned into one giant inkblot test. 

"I understand why Dan was annoyed/hurt by the edit, but it was pretty naive of him (especially since he always boosted his superfan status) to think Survivor didn’t do misleading edits, especially since that has pretty much existed since episode one. Dan is a cautionary tale of someone who’s too invested in the show, and that life should not revolve around a reality TV show. It’s not going to end well."

"In an interview after the season ended, Dan said he was no fan of Shirin denying Will the letter from home, and he viewed it as the equivalent of letting everyone else poison themselves for your own personal advantage. Dan then pointed out that, at one point during the game, he single-handedly prevented Mike from inadvertently poisoning the tribe. But had Dan used Shirin's logic, he should have just let them all poison themselves and collected the million dollar check. Dan congratulates himself for being a hero and not poisoning everyone. I honestly just can't even anymore with this dickhead."

"Here's the thing I noticed the most the last time I watched Worlds Apart. Dan's so animated when he talks, and he moves his head around so much in confessionals, that I bet it was hard to find two pictures of him back to back you could use in a writeup. I bet he just blurs more than most other Survivor players. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, I guess it's just sort of a Dan thing."

"I know Dan Foley in real life. I haven't spoken to him about it directly but, according to another friend of mine, who is much closer to Dan than I am, he was pretty disappointed overall with the experience. Not surprising, obviously. I mean, they dragged out the raw footage just to drive home the point that he's a liar. I think he really expected something different, as his reputation at home is much more likeable and goofy. He is super grateful for the friendships he made though."

"I remember, towards the end of the season, someone joked that Dan would be an inspirational figure for adopted people everywhere if he won Survivor. Which I thought was such a slap in the face to the one true original Survivor adoptee, Tina Wesson. Have we all forgotten about poor adopted Tina??"

"Good old Dan, he's still good for a laugh. I really think the issues stemming with Mike is that they all had a plan, Mike wasn't part of it, and he screwed it up for them by winning immunities. So they had to eat their own sooner than they wanted to. Even though I think Mike's game is somewhat overrated, and I don't think he was all peaches and cream, he did outplay them in every way, and he definitely earned his win. Jenn said it best at the final Tribal, in how the Special Six treated Mike towards the end. They were simply taking out their downfall on him."

"Here's my takeaway from Dan Foley. I always knew Dan was just trying to be funny. And he wound up failing so hard at it that it became funny in its own way. He became the comic punchline of the season, just not in the way he was expecting. To me, that's even MORE funny."

"Worlds Apart is such a rough season on your first go, but it gets better on every rewatch. I hope that someday, the fandom will appreciate it like they do Gabon. I don't get why people prefer Nicaragua to this. Nicaragua doesn't have half the character gems that Worlds Apart does, and its game isn't anywhere near as bonkers. Nicaragua is full of bad passive players. Worlds Apart and Gabon are full of bad aggressive players and crazy characters like Sugar and The Danimal. Easy to see which is more entertaining."

"Hey Mario, here are some anagrams you can make out of "Daniel Patrick Foley":
-"Fanatic Doper Likely"
-"Analytic Defile Pork"
-"Operatically Finked"
-"Adopt Fancier, Likely"
-"Adopt Lifelike Carny"
-"Adopt Fiance, Yell, Irk"
-"Adopt? Lie. Life Cranky."
-"Adopt? Cry like finale."
He really is the gift that keeps on giving, isn't he?"

"After Worlds Apart ended, Dan talked to Kass on the phone for four hours, just so Kass would be prepared for Shirin if they wound up playing together in Cambodia. Kass is going to tear Shirin apart now, and he claims it is all because of him. What a petty little bitch he is. My god."

"I like Dan. I like reading his interviews. Rather than just bag on him, people should try and understand what Dan is projecting. He just wants to be like Rupert the Hero from Pearl Islands (or even Blood vs Water). In his mind, he prioritizes a few things - love for his wife, love of his job, love of his family, his sense of humor. And he thinks that those should be what he is defined by, and not his negatives (being loud, being opinionated, and so on). Which is honestly what most people want."

"Dan is one of the biggest scumbags in Survivor history, but he's not even the worst Dan of them all. I mean, Dan Barry sabotaging the Space Shuttle Challenger is hard to beat, let's be honest."

I mean, at least I never took down the astronauts

Oh! And here's even MORE bonus content.

Right before I was about to post this chapter, a reader of mine pointed out a secret scene from Worlds Apart that they thought I should watch. The clip has since been removed by the overlords at CBS (it was still up when I originally posted this), but it's a minute and a half long, and here's the basic gist of it.

The Core Four right now is me, Carolyn, Rodney, and Will. We're a tight little family.

I'm apparently running an "Axis of Evil." Everyone considers us to be the four bad guys.

The important takeaway from this quote is that the players in the game never considered Dan to be any sort of a villain. And this is exactly what I keep saying as I am doing this writeup. The image that the viewers have of Dan Foley is NOT the same image that the players in the game ever had of Dan Foley. In fact, it's not even close!

I'm sure Tyler was surprised as all hell when Worlds Apart started airing on TV, and Tyler didn't get a massive villain edit for all the shit that he was trying to pull. And I'm sure he was doubly amazed that the fans came away from the show thinking that Dan was actually one of the bad guys, and not Tyler.

Anyway, I just wanted to point that out to you.

Tyler clearly lays out who the "Axis of Evil" is in the game, and Dan is clearly not a part of any Axis of Evil.

Let's continue...

I can probably beat any two other members of the Axis of Evil, so I'm not really worried about them.

And WHY can Tyler beat the other three members of the Axis of Evil?

Because I'm in charge of this Core Four Alliance. I've won a challenge already.

People tend to get along with me, and like me. I'm physical.

The minute Mike leaves, all eyes are going to be on me as the biggest threat in the game.

Now, obviously, this is simply Tyler's opinion. And, as always, keep in mind that HIS storyline is not necessarily the same as everyone ELSE'S storyline. Tyler has no idea what Rodney and Carolyn and Will are doing when he isn't around.

As always, it's smart to take "I can beat so-and-so in a final vote" opinions on this show with a huge grain of salt. Because the REAL lesson on Survivor is that no one player ever actually knows EVERYTHING. The players can only know what they know.

That being said...

Based on what Tyler is saying here, it appears that Rodney probably had far less power in this game than most fans watching at home seem to realize. In fact, the more you watch the episodes, the more you realize that the only person who ever claims that Rodney is a strong contender... is Rodney.

Tyler clearly dismisses Rodney as any sort of a threat to win in this confessional. He sticks Rodney down at the bottom with Will the Dead Fish.

Will Sims, ladies and gentlemen. Still working it.

I just thought it was helpful to point that out.

At THIS point in the game, Tyler was probably the biggest threat to win in Survivor: Worlds Apart. I'm guessing what he is saying here is probably accurate.

Oh, and now comes the most interesting part of the confessional.

"If and when Mike leaves this game, the two biggest threats to win will be myself and Dan."

Wait.... what?


Dan Foley??

This guy???

Unfortunately, Tyler never follows up on this little tidbit in his confessional.

He just throws out that Dan is the only other person he is worried about right now, other than Mike.

Although he does point out...

"Dan's got this unknown. This advantage. That makes him incredibly dangerous."

So anyway, that's Tyler's secret scene. The one that points out that Dan might have been a little more dangerous than any of us might have ever believed.

Tyler doesn't actually explain WHY Dan would be considered a threat. But if you'll allow me to make an educated guess here, I'm assuming it is because the Danimal was always having quiet, intimate moments with people.

You think I'm kidding about that, but go back and watch the season again. And watch it closer this time.

Dan is constantly sharing moments with people you wouldn't even think he'd be close to.

Hello, Shirin apology scene

Hello, Mama C. Thank you for sharing this adventure with me.

Hello, Hot Rod. You know that I love you.

I'm guessing the reason Tyler considered Dan to be a threat was because Dan was so sensitive.

And Dan often shared personal, intimate moments with people.

Even after all his buffoonery in the game, Dan somehow still had ties with everyone.


Even Sierra at times

And yes, potentially even still Mike

Dan still had options in this game. Dan could always swing back to the Blue Collars if he ever wanted to.

Tyler and the Axis of Evil couldn't do that.

The four Axis of Evil members were clearly just stuck on one path.

Tyler was aware of this

So anyway, that's probably why Tyler considered Dan the only other threat in this game, other than Tyler.

I'm guessing it was because Dan was so social, and because Dan made personal connections with people. And because Dan still had multiple options in this game. Options that the other players left in the game maybe didn't have.

Oh, and I know that fans tend not to consider this, but this was also a factor...

The way Tyler saw how it was going to play out, there were probably going to be three Blue Collars sitting there on the final jury

And last time I checked...

Dan wasn't part of the dreaded Axis of Evil

And more importantly...

Original tribes tend to vote for their own

Although... I have to be honest... Tyler does add one last thing at the end. And this last thing kind of diminishes the idea of Dan as a Survivor threat a little.

At the end of his confessional, Tyler goes on to point out that yeah, Dan might be the only other threat in the game once that Mike's gone. But Dan is also nowhere NEAR as big a threat as Tyler himself is. Which means I'm guessing the gap between number one (Tyler) and number two (Dan) threat was actually fairly big.

Tyler finishes the secret scene with this...

"My goal now is to build Dan up as this larger than life threat, just so people will target him and not target me."

Which sort of puts everything that Tyler just said into a much better perspective.

Yeah, Dan is a threat. Sure. But he's not really THAT big a threat.

"My goal now is to fool everyone into thinking he's as dangerous as me."

Thus backing up my theory that, towards the end, Dan was largely just Tyler's play toy

Anyway, I want to thank Twitter user PhakePhresh for pointing out that secret scene to me. It really does show where the alliances stood (in episode twelve) now that the game had turned into everyone against Mike.

And as for Dan himself? Where did HIS strategy stand at this point?

Well I believe Dan's plan was to get to the end against Will. And probably also get to the end against Rodney.

And (based on what Tyler is saying here) I believe that Dan probably would have beaten both of them.

Can you imagine a scenario where Winners at War would have featured Dan Foley?

Motherfucker. How did I lose to that guy?

Although here's the big curveball in all this.

The big variable here who no one ever seems to talk about is Sierra.

Who also wasn't part of the Axis of Evil

And who ALSO had the option to go back to the Blue Collars at any point, if she ever really wanted to.

Just like Dan

Unfortunately, no one ever seems to talk about where Sierra stood in the game at this point.

I have no way of knowing this for sure, but my gut tells me that Sierra was a MUCH bigger player than the edit ever showed. And that she was probably in a pretty good position towards the end of the game, same as Dan. I mean, anyone who wasn't part of the "Axis of Evil" was probably considered a fairly big jury threat. Oh, and other players from Worlds Apart have mentioned this to me over the years as well. They all say the edit REALLY buried Sierra in the edit department.

They all assumed she would be a much bigger TV character than she actually was.

Oh well, maybe one day they'll make me a Game Changer

But alas, Tyler never even mentioned Sierra in his confessional. So I have no idea where she stood.

Even to this day, there is very little info out there about where Sierra stood at this point in the game, or whether she was actually a threat to anyone.

And that's why Sierra will forever be...

Another true purple

Yay, says Kelly, I found a new friend!

And with thaaaaaat, let's get back to the episode.

So at the end of the last episode, Mike bluffed that he was going to play his immunity idol

But he never actually played it.

Ha! Joke's on you, Axis of Evil turds!

And by doing so, he spooked Tyler and Will into voting for Dan.

Just because they thought they'd have to split their votes between Shirin and somebody else.

Sorry Dan, guess you're expendable here

Child, looks like you just got Tyler'd.

Dan didn't go home tonight. Shirin did. But Dan still got two votes from people he thinks are his friends.

You know who I'd never vote for in this game? You. D-Foley's the man.

Also, these aren't the droids that you're looking for

These aren't the droids that I'm looking for

Move along

And as episode twelve starts up, here comes super sensitive Dan again, about to have a little pissy fit over those two votes he just got.

Because that's what happens when you THINK you're part of the majority alliance...

But you're not.

Episode twelve, fittingly, starts with an ominous thunder roll

And here comes angry Dan, raging up a storm, just like the thunderclouds.

Fittingly, the first person he blames for the votes is Sierra.

Sierra didn't vote for him, of course. She voted for Shirin.

And that's ANOTHER one of your faults. You make me think that you voted for me.

Oh great Utah god in the sky, not this shit again

But Dan eventually figures out who cast those two mystery votes for him.

He eventually figures out they came from Tyler and Will.

So he confronts Tyler in the dark

And he confronts Will in the dark

And eventually, after what I'm guessing was several hours of feeding the Danimal as many horse tranquilizers as they possibly can...

They eventually settle him down.

Here's Tyler explaining what happened

And here's Will explaining what happened.

Shirin is a witch. She cursed me. Shirin did this to you!

And... at the end of the night... Dan eventually calms down.

It's fine, Tyler. It's just that my feelings were hurt.

And remember what I said earlier? That if you start look for them, you'll notice that Dan is always shown having intimate little bonding moments with people?

Well here he is having a nice little moment with Will.

Again, Will is another player who I'm guessing he had an especially close bond with.

"Thank you for your honesty, Will. Seriously."

Again, it almost looks like Dan is the one consoling Will over this. It's backwards. It's an interesting moment.

Oh, and then Dan finishes up with this little comment.

Thus backing up my belief that I think Dan and Will were probably especially close.

As god is my witness, Will Sims, Shirin and her witchery will pay for this

And, of course, we end this scene with dueling confessionals.

You know which two players they are going to use.

They're going to pick the two who are most important to the story right now.

Here's a fun little Worlds Apart viewing tip, by the way. At any point in the game, Dan is almost ALWAYS one of the two people who is most important to the storyline. That's why he gets so many confessionals. It's because his storyline somehow intersects with everyone who is currently important. Watch for it the next time you rewatch the season.

Anyway, take it away, dueling confessionals.

Where do our relationships stand after the two surprise Dan votes tonight?

"The fact that I got two votes at Tribal gives me pause."

"Will and Tyler DID flinch."

So Dan is wary. And nervous. Exactly as he probably should be right now.

But at the end of the day, he knows that there's STILL a much bigger villain than Tyler in the game right now.

The real killer that O.J. is looking for

In fact, here's Sinead O'Connor tearing up a picture of the enemy right now

And that's why, even though Dan is a little bit wary of Tyler and Will now...

I don't know if tonight's vote changed much.

"Mike is still public enemy number one right now."

But Mike has an idol, and he never loses a challenge. So what can they do?

Also, I'm pretty sure that Mike shot Selena

So anyway, that's one confessional.

Contrasted by the editors, of course, with this other one.

"I voted for Dan once, and I'll do it again."

"I have to do whatever I can to survive!"

And here comes the quote that I started the previous chapter with.

The absolute perfect Dan Foley summary.

"I wouldn't call Dan extremely gullible, I'd just call him extremely loyal."

"And, you know, in this game, they're kinda one and the same."

And really, that's about it for the Dan Foley content in this episode.

Nearly everything else, for the next hour, is about Rodney's little birthday tantrum.

Heeeeeeeeeeere come the Ticccccckle Monsterrrrrrrr

Now, I already did a complete writeup on Rodney's birthday drama. Which is easily one of the funniest episodes of the season. So if you want all the details on that part of this episode, go read that entry.

In this writeup, we'll just explore if Dan had any part in it.

Not really. I was just laying there in the hammock, man.

You know what, Dan? Once again, you are WRONG.

You actually DID have something to do with it.

You probably just don't remember it.




And the obligatory...

pew pew

If you don't remember how Dan was responsible for Rodney not getting his little Chucky the Cheese party, here you go.

It happens at the episode twelve reward challenge.

"Today's reward is you will feed your soul. Feed your belly. And change some lives in the process."

Also, winner gets a Tom Brady birthday cake

"Worth playing for?"

Annnnnnd say it with me....

"Hell yeah."

So Dan goes out there, and he competes in the Maypole challenge.

You know spring is here when you see the first Dan Foley ass shot

And at the end of the challenge, Dan volunteers to be the guy who launches all the balls with the catapult.

"Dan, don't jump at full strength! You'll send the balls to Marquesas!"

And Dan actually does really well.

At least, at first.

He quickly gets four of the five balls into their net

But he just can't get that middle one lined up just right.

Come on, Dan-o! Keep jumping!

Dan comes within inches of winning the challenge at one point...

Here is the last ball basically mocking poor Rodney

But at the end of the day, they lose.


And even though Dan does a great job, he does sort of choke at the end.

Oh fuck you, gravity. The audacity.

And anyway, that's how Dan is responsible for Rodney not getting his birthday reward.

We're... all... gonna hear about this now, aren't we?

Yes, says the wee Rodney. We are.

Oh, and once again...

It turns out you can't beat the team of Holloway and Christ

So that's that.

There won't be a pahty for the birthday boy today.

Birthdays and Rodney are like chicken pahm and tuna. They just don't go together.

Although I do have to point out that... once again... for one rare moment in his life...

Dan flew

And you know what happens next, of course.

The ENTIRE rest of the episode is Rodney complaining about not getting a birthday reward.

Here he is later, complaining to Tyler

Rodney complains about it so much, that Dan even sits down to give an annoyed confessional about the whole thing.

This is one of my favorite Dan confessionals of the season, by the way.

"I understand him being hurt."

"I understand him being upset."

"But even in MY opinion.... that was a bit much."

When even DAN says you are being over the top about something...


Um, that should probably tell you something.

This Rodney guy can be a real pain in the ass sometimes

Although I should point out that Dan DOES actually have a nice little moment with Rodney at one point.

Since we're now officially keeping track of those.

Here he is, laughing at Rodney's little temper tantrum

Then he stops laughing. And he shows a little more empathy over the whole thing.

"There's no cooling off," he explains to Tyler. "That's Rodney. That's who he is."

And then he calms the angry Rodney with...

A hug

I'm Temple Grandin, says Dan. And this is your squeeze box.

It doesn't work, of course.


But hey.

At least Dan tried.

And people think I'M over the top

Dan even sits down with Rodney, and he tries to provide him with a little grief counseling.

That doesn't work either


But again...

At least Dan tried.

Oh, and then Dan finishes with this perfect confessional.

"I really think Rodney is slipping off into the abyss."

And why is that good for you?

Because they'll just target him and not me at the next vote. So keep whining.

And with that, let's go to the episode twelve immunity challenge.

And... uh... let's just say that THIS type of challenge isn't exactly in Dan Foley's wheelhouse.

In fact, he even explains why to Jeff.

"I can just blame my own fat ass."

So let's just say he doesn't do all that well in the "you have to support all your weight" challenge.

Very quickly... in the words of a very wise man...

Smell ya later

So Dan basically just sits this one out, and he watches all the popular kids battle it out.

He implores Rodney to hang in there and beat Mike for immunity, as always...


But it doesn't really matter in the end.

Because this time Carolyn wins

And with that, we're headed to Tribal again.

With Mama C having immunity.

And scumbag Mike still holding onto a hidden immunity idol.

Ha ha! Suck on that, The Danimal!

That means that Dan is definitely going to be vulnerable at the vote tonight.

And this worries him.

"There's a lottttttttttt of talk in the game right now about my advantage."

"Unfortunately, that makes me an easy target."

Dan then goes on to predict exactly what is going to happen at the big vote tonight.

"One of three people is going home tonight. Me, Mike, or Tyler."

And again, this matches up perfectly with Tyler's secret scene confessional from earlier in this chapter.

Dan and Tyler are saying the exact same thing.

"If and when Mike leaves this game, the two biggest threats to win will be myself and Dan."

So it's going to be Dan, Mike, or Tyler tonight. And everyone knows it.

And since Mike is still holding that hidden immunity idol...


It's probably going to be either Tyler or Dan.

And Dan is especially nervous about this... because...

"Tyler's a threat, but my name keeps getting written down."

"That worries me."

Carolyn also lays out what is going to happen tonight.

And again, she says the exact same thing that everyone else is saying.

"It's gonna be Dan or Tyler tonight."

And again, this is where we need to clarify EXACTLY how big of a threat Dan really was.

Was he a threat because he was good at Survivor? And because he had a good chance to get to the end, and actually win a Survivor jury vote? Or was he a threat because he was simply holding an advantage that no one else had?

This is a complicated question. 
We could probably spend hours debating this.

The first point I'd like to bring up, in Dan's defense, is that Dan was actually very...

"It's not so much that Dan's a threat, you really just want to get rid of the advantage."


Well then, there you go.

Thank you for being so blunt, Carolyn.

You're welcome. Now stop making fun of my facial expressions.

Or I'll cut you.

So anyway, Tyler is probably the biggest threat in the game right now. And then Dan's advantage is probably number two on the list. And then there's Mike. And then a bunch of other random stuff is probably in the middle there.

And then, much lower, there's Dan.

That is how I'm guessing it ACTUALLY played out.

Correct. And how come you never mention ME as a jury threat?

You did a whole section that no one ever talks about Sierra. But what about me?

I was even on the fucking Second Chances ballot. I was a fan favorite.

I mean, what the hell?

I don't know. I'm sorry.

I'll try to talk about you more in the future.

Tyler wasn't the only player out here, you know.

"One thing Dan was very clear about in his interviews was that Carolyn's edit hugely inflated her gameplay, and that she had no shot of winning. Carolyn, of course, disagreed with Dan's stance in her own interviews, and she claims she had a very good chance. Holy shit, reading Worlds Apart postgame interviews is a chore. It's like they never stopped fighting."

And with that, let's head off to Tyler's final Tribal Council.

It wasn't technically my last one, because I was actually a jury member later

Oh shut up.


So Tyler goes home.

As expected.

And Dan votes for the most horrible villain the world

As expected.

"You have no idea how much this breaks my heart."

Although none of the Mike votes actually count, because he simply plays his immunity idol.

Still doin' the Happy Dance

And with that, Dan has officially outlasted Tyler Fredrickson, the Mastermind.

Next time you see the train coming, T-Freddy, you best get off of the tracks

You plebe

Although Dan does add a very good speech at the end, about why he knows that he's probably next.

Despite everything you think about Dan as a Survivor player, he's actually not as clueless here as you would think.

"It's pretty clear I'm on the bottom of the six, Jeff."

He knows they're coming after him at the next vote, simply because he holds that advantage.

"The actual advantage I have is irrelevant."

"They all just know I HAVE an advantage."

"And that's enough."

And Dan's right.

Just having an advantage is enough.

And that's exactly why he goes home in the following (embarrassing) episode.

The audacity

"Hey Mario, one thing I'd like to bring up is that your writeup is missing maybe my favorite little foreshadowing scene in all of Survivor. In the first episode of Worlds Apart, Dan's juggling in front of Mike, and he uses it as a metaphor for how Survivor works. How you have to (in the words of Arrested Development) "keep those balls in the air." Mike's response? "Yeah, but what if I do this?", and he throws his hands in the middle of it, ruining Dan's juggling. I wasn't initially going to bring it up because I saw "dumb redneck throws a spanner in the works and fucks everything up for everyone" as a metaphor for the story of the season as a whole, and not specifically Dan's story. But reading the more recent parts of the writeup, it's clear it also applies particularly to Dan's storyline. I mean, in terms of the season's "jugglers" I'd put Tyler, Rodney, and Caroline in front of Dan, but Dan's the one whose game gets most screwed by Mike's actions. Anyway, just wanted to bring that up because it's one of my favorite Survivor scenes and I never see anyone talk about it."

He's right. I barely even mentioned this as being a foreshadowing moment. Great point.

Continue on to The Monkey's Paw Tale of Dan Foley - Last Dan Standing

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