Funny 115 - version 2.0
China - episode 1
In the history of Survivor, I don't think there has ever been a better
first boot legacy than that of Steve "Chicken" Morris.

Let's take a look at the legacy of Chicken in China, shall we?

Its legacy is that it is tender and delicious
So here we go.
The epic tale of Chicken.
Or, as I like to call him, best first boot ever.


Episode 1- Chicken is quiet and pensive

Chicken is quiet and pensive

Chicken is quiet and pensive

Chicken is quiet and pensive

Chicken remains quiet and pensive

Chicken remains quiet and pensive

Chicken remains quiet and pensive

Chicken remains quiet and pensive

Fuck it. From this point on, let's just assume that Chicken
will always be quiet and pensive.
Ooh, but wait a minute. Now we come to the exciting part.

Fei Long! Wins immunity!

"Zhan Hu, I'm sorry. You've got a date with me at Tribal

"Hey guys, maybe we should vote out Chicken."

Chicken watches Tribal Council. Yes, you got it, quietly and

Uh oh. That's one vote for the Poultrinator.

That's two.

That's three.

"The first person voted out of Survivor China..."

And now we come to the moment that Chicken Morris will forever be
remembered for.
Or if you prefer it in gif form...
I don't have a whole lot more to say about the famous Chicken scene.
For obvious reasons, this is going to be one of the shortest
entries on the countdown. I mean, seriously, the guy
there and he screamed a minor curse word as loud as he could.
That was it. What else can you say about it?
But I would like to point out three things that make this entry a lot
funnier than you would think.

Everyone remembers the fact that Chicken screamed "DAYUM!"
he got voted out of the game. But the thing that I think a
lot of
people forgot about this scene is the reaction of the two people
sitting directly in front of him. And to me, that is the
funniest part of this entry.

Sherea nearly has a heart attack
Watch this scene in slo mo. Watch how Ashley and
Sherea nearly jump out of their seats.
time I watch this clip, all I can do is laugh at Sherea's reaction when
Chicken suddenly develops Tourette's Syndrome right behind her.

Tourette's kills 59,000 people per year
You might not know this unless you watch the Ellen show, but
Ellen Degeneres used this clip (Chicken's DAYUM!) for like a year after
it happened on Survivor. Every single time there was a lull
her show, or nothing was going on on stage, she would tell her producer
to play the Chicken clip. So it would just randomly pop
on on the screen behind her, and then she
would giggle
I have never seen a clip that made Ellen laugh more often than the
Chicken clip. It was her absolute favorite.
you might not find this all that impressive. I mean, a lot of
people enjoyed the Chicken scene. So what if it was Ellen?
What is the big deal about that?
Well what is amazing about Ellen using this as her go-to clip is the
fact that Ellen
Degeneres isn't really a Survivor fan.
I don't think I have heard her talk about Survivor
or about
any other Survivor player at any point over the past eight
And believe me, I know. My wife DVRs the Ellen Show
day, I have seen almost all of them.
To have a non Survivor fan randomly come across this
clip, and then start using it as her go-to comedy moment on a comedy TV
show? Well you know that that is when you have found a
special TV
moment. This is one of those scenes that can even
make a non
Survivor fan laugh. It is funny to anybody because it is just
sudden and so random.
This one doesn't really relate to the clip itself, but more
the back story behind the clip. Does anyone else find it
that a guy named Chicken got voted off because he was scared to step up
as the leader? I mean, come on, have some confidence dude.
You're just a little Chicken. Cheep cheep
And so there you have it. The legacy of Chicken.
The legend of the DAYUM.
The only first boot in Survivor history that will never be forgotten.*
P.S. There's a great parody of the Chicken
scene over at Youtube.
* Unless you are one of those weirdos who
builds shelters out of rocks.