Funny 115 - The Third One

Trish gets grossed out
Cagayan - episode 10
One of the most notorious challenges on Survivor over
the years has been the infamous... and feared... "gross food
challenge." This is the challenge where the players are
to eat something disgusting in order to win a reward. Or, if
stakes are really high, they are forced to eat something disgusting in
order to win immunity.
The gross food challenge has been a part
of Survivor since the very first season. In fact, it is very
possible that the show Fear Factor never would have existed had
Survivor not invented the gross food challenge and given Fear Factor
the entire blueprint for their show.
Butod from season one. Fucking nasty.
have been a lot of gross food moments on Survivor over the years.
I'm sure if you know your Survivor history you will remember
of the ones listed below. Also, my apologies in advance if
ate something right before you read this entry. Don't blame
blame the producers.
Tina eats an exploding black worm in Australia

A unicorn's butthole, which should never be consumed by anyone under
any circumstances, ever
Balut. 'Nuff said.
Yes, there have been a ton of disgusting, or just flat out
disturbing, gross food moments on Survivor over the years.
Like Linda drinking blood in Africa
Or the challenge where Jeff blends up raw seafood
and they have to drink it
Or Corinne, when she ate Sugar's dead father
But it wasn't until Cagayan that we got the single
most disgusting food moment of them all.
Although it will be tough to beat the challenge designed by
Make-A-Wish kid Brian Gold - "Eat Raw Chicken from Chipotle"
Okay, here is the gross food moment that probably tops them
Make sure you have your barf bag handy. This one is repulsive.
the tenth episode of Cagayan, and the players have learned that they
are about to participate in the famous Survivor food auction

of course, is the happiest to hear this, because she is skin and bones
and she is absolutely starving. Around camp, the other
have started to refer to her as "Malnutrisha."
Trish cackles with delight at the fact that she is finally
going to get some food in her belly
is Trish so happy about this? Well because as she explains to
later in a confessional, all she ever gets to eat is rice and, well,
she just wants something a little bit different for a change.
"All I wanted was something to eat, outside of rice."
Trish unhinges her jaw and prepares to consume mass
Okay, so flash forward, and it is time for the Cagayan food
Come on in, guys. And welcome to the Survivor
auction. Please make sure to make a big move.
Yay! We love bidding on food!
First up? Something innocent. How about
candy, popcorn, and soda.
Spencer reacts
Sold! To Malnutrisha!
Trish comes up and she enjoys her new purchase
Look at that, Kass. Candy. It's so yummy
and delicious. Do you have any candy, Kass?
does well with her first purchase, and so does everyone else.
There aren't any stingers in the first part of the auction.
Much to the dismay of Jan from Thailand, Jefra wins a
Kass wins a delicious steak sandwich

Tony and Spencer both react to that one
The best item of all is a delicious plate of barbecue ribs,
which is won by Woo.
"Do we fight for the ribs...?"
Probst even takes the time to make the scene extra creepy,
by talking dirty to Woo as he is enjoying it.
you like having that hot wet meat in your mouth?
Does it
thrust it way deep into the back of your throat? Can you feel
Do you want those ribs to tie you up and spank you and ask
you what you're playing for?
Just kidding. Go back to the bench and make some
big moves.
And now we come to the moment which will disgust you and
horrify you.
If you are a Millenial, consider this your trigger warning.
Okay who wants to bid on this covered pink item?
I bet it's yummy!
Trish takes the bait and she throws out a bid
Sold! To Malnutrisha for sixty dollars!
Trish comes up and she finds out what she bought.
Jeff reveals the item...
this is where we see the item that is even worse than all the gross
food challenge items. It is worse than the fafaru.
It is
worse than the balut.
It is even worse than that time in Borneo where they made
the players eat dog food
"Oh gross!!!!!!!!!!"
What is it?

"It's rice!!!!!!!"
Well I guess never mind then.
Thanks Trish.
I woulda rather had the unicorn butt
** Special
thanks to Jonas Ceulemans for the Memento/Brad Culpepper picture **