Funny 115 - The Third One

Sometimes a Snake is just a Snake
San Juan Del Sur - episode 4
This is just going to be a quick little writeup because it
is my favorite type of Funny 115 entry, the editor's joke.
You know how I said in
my intro that the editors are the stars of Survivor these
days? Well consider this to be Exhibit A.
How many of you guys actually caught this?
It is episode four of San Juan Del Sur and this is the story
of Hunahpu's Drew Christy
Or, as you might know him, The Ladies Man
Drew's tribe just won that morning's duel, when Jon beat his
girlfriend Jaclyn in the ever popular game of "Flip shit up
into the air and into other stuff."
Jon wins the duel!
Jaclyn is going to immunity Exile Island!
The twist in San Juan Del Sur is that two people are
required to go to Exile Island. Jaclyn has to go, and then
somebody from Jon's tribe has to go there along with her.
Jeff explains this via a Shakespearean monologue
So who from Jon's tribe is going to accompany Miss Michigan
on her trek out into the great outdoors?
Which great white knight is going to be known for
his sense of chivalry?
You guessed it
The Ladies Man
Okay Jon, so you want the Ladies Man to go out there alone
with your girlfriend?
This is so coming up later in therapy
So Drew volunteers to accompany Jaclyn to Exile Island.
Although Jon has one last bit of advice for his beloved
Bye guys
Please don't bang my girlfriend
Okay, so we get to Exile Island, and this is where the great
editor's joke come in.
This is one of those quick little gags that if you blink, you might
miss it.
The intrepid travellers arrive on hashtag Exile Island
And Drew quickly realizes that Jaclyn is really really hot
He tells us, you know, it's kind of nice being stranded out
here with a pretty Miss Michigan.
Oh yeah
Ohhh yeah
Ohhhhhhhh yeah
And the editors throw in a shot of a
very phallic-looking snake that looks exactly like an erection.
Drew rising to attention
If you never noticed it before, there. Now I just
gave you something new to appreciate about San Juan Del Sur.
P.S. You'd think that there would only be one
instance of
The Ladies Man (tm) being caught blatantly checking out a girl's ass in
San Juan Del Sur, right? I mean, there's no way they caught
doing it twice in just four episodes.
Well you're wrong, okay? So shut up.
ha. Well here you go. Here is the great Drew
ass-staring encore. Again, this one is super quick, so you
to be watching for it.
It's the fourth Tribal Council, and Julie is standing up to
go cast her vote
is staring off into the nether world, perhaps thinking of philosophy.
Or poetry. Or third world global economics.
When... what's that? Is that Julie's ass???
Drew Christy, ladies and gentlemen. The Ladies Man.
Here it is slowed down so you can see Drew being distracted
by Julie's butt
P.P.S. Don't worry, we'll have a lot more of Drew
later. This one is just the warmup.
** Special
thanks to Will Holston for creating the Trish/Brad Culpepper picture at
the top of the page **